Liao Cheng suddenly raised his arm, bent his fingers, and grabbed Tang Jiugong's neck fiercely!

Tang Jiugong turned pale with shock and raised his hand to stop him.

Liao Cheng grabbed his wrist and pushed it up diagonally!

Tang Jiugong screamed, and his entire arm was dislocated...

The next moment, Liao Cheng's other hand grabbed Tang Jiugong's neck and pushed back!

Tang Jiugong fell backwards, and the back of his head hit the bronze bell hard!

With a muffled bang, Tang Jiugong rolled his eyes.

Obviously unable to bear the strength, he tilted his head and passed out immediately...

Liao Cheng withdrew his hands, he shook them contemptuously, and said coldly: "Mr. Yin Yang, who doesn't do good things, must be harmful to people. He is so old that he doesn't have the protection of fate."

"It's a disgrace to Mr. Yin Yang!" My eyelids twitched wildly, but another throbbing suddenly rose in my heart.

I couldn't help but look back at the yard.

Zhu Xun looked at the courtyard with the same vigilance, and said in a deep voice, "Mr. Li, no one came here just now."

However, my tone did not relax.

Obviously Liao Cheng was right, the last three ringings of the bell by Tang Jiugong just now were notifications.

If Zhou Jingyi hadn't come, would he have escaped? !

Then turned to look inside the hall.Jiang Pan stared at the unconscious Tang Jiugong, and said in a deep voice, "Brother Liao, if you hadn't broken this matter with Yin Yang before, so that he would not be affected."

"I'm afraid Yin Yang will be planted here today." Liao Cheng did not answer Jiang Pan.

He looked serious, lowered his head slightly, his ears seemed to be listening to something, and his index finger tapped on the middle finger.

The next moment, Liao Cheng narrowed his eyes suddenly, and said in a stern tone: "He has been here before and left again."

"Don't let him escape."


Liao Cheng raised his head suddenly, strode out of the hall, and chased towards the west side!

I didn't have time to think about how Liao Cheng calculated it.

Pull up your legs and follow Liao Cheng directly to chase forward!

Jiang Pan followed closely behind!

Zhu Xun's speed was even faster, he was about to surpass Liao Cheng in almost three or two steps.

"Mr. Liao, tell me where you are, and I'll go after him." Zhu Xun's tone was chilling.

"To the northwest, he will definitely flee from there. Don't fight him. Once you do, you will definitely not be able to beat him. Just keep him trapped!" Liao Cheng spoke faster.

Zhu Xun stomped his feet violently, and he jumped up to the eaves of the main hall.

With a crashing sound, he broke through a large piece of roof tiles and quickly disappeared from our sight...

Naturally, the three of us did not stop, headed by Liao Cheng, we chased towards the northwest.

It's just that there are many houses in the dojo, so the speed has slowed down a lot for a while.

While chasing, my chest was tight and painful, and my head was tingling, and I was even a little bit in a trance.

What puzzled me was that Tang Jiugong said so much just now, but I wasn't affected much.

Why am I feeling so uncomfortable right now? !

It was even more difficult to breathe, as if the inside of my head was suddenly blasted hard by a needle.

I snorted and suddenly lost control of my body.

I staggered under my feet, and I directly hit the ground in front of me...

"Yin Yang!" Jiang Pan beside him turned pale with shock.

With a low snort, he turned sideways to stop me.

But how can he stop it?

I bumped into Jiang Pan directly, and both of them rushed diagonally forward under weightlessness!

Jiang Pan used me as a mat, and the two of us rolled out to count meters!

There were many wounds on his head and face on the ground.

Liao Cheng suddenly stopped, and he immediately came to help us.

I just felt pale, and it was more difficult to breathe, and my eyes were uncontrollably widened!

I bite the bullet and bite the tip of my tongue hard.

The voice was panting, and he said intermittently: "Brother Liao...Brother Jiang...leave me alone...go after..."

The tip of the tongue hurt sharply, but he didn't feel awake, and the feeling of fainting was stronger.

Even, I seem to hear someone calling my name...

It's like calling out my soul.

The chest is more sucking, and it seems to be pulling me...

I gasped heavily, and tremblingly tore off the clothes on my chest.

Take out those three talismans!

Liao Cheng frowned, and he stared at me firmly.

He suddenly raised his head, looked towards the center of the sun, and said in surprise: "When the Great Yin is over..."

Immediately afterwards, Liao Cheng lowered his head abruptly, with a serious look on his face, he said: "He is summoning souls! Brother Yinyang, give me the amulet!"

Raising his hand, Liao Cheng took the Sanyang Fu!

I was panting heavily, the feeling of being pricked in the head still existed, but the feeling of being sucked out of my soul disappeared...

Staring at the talisman in Liao Cheng's hand, I want to take it back again, there are some three souls escaping from the sky!

But when I raised my hand, I froze again.

Obviously, it was Zhou Jingyi who made a move just now, which made me feel so miserable, and even lost my soul...

Recalling what Liao Cheng said, this method is called summoning the soul!

Take away my soul alive? !

If I hold a talisman, I will have problems again...

"Brother Yinyang, believe me, Dunkong will still be my disciple in the future." Liao Cheng gave me an affirmative look.

Then, he asked in a deep voice: "Brother Jiang, you follow behind, and I will catch up first. After a long time, I am afraid that Zhu Xun will die in Zhou Jingyi's hands." Chase in the northwest direction.

In a moment, Liao Cheng disappeared from the sight of Jiang Pan and me.

Jiang Pan helped me up from the ground. He squinted his eyes slightly, looked at the sun above, and said in a low voice, "Wait a while, and go after the big cloud."

There is no Sanyang combination, but I am not soul-absorbed, the dull pain in my head is still there, and there is still a faint voice calling my name in my ears.

I resisted my heavy breathing, took out the gossip tiger lens, and pressed it directly on top of my head.

A stabbing pain came from the top of his head.

I snorted, and my face turned pale a lot.

But the voice disappeared...

"Yin" Jiang Pan frowned, and said, "The gossip tiger head mirror hurts your yin-born body..."

"Zhou Jingyi's method is special. Setting the compass may damage the pointer, and the body can be healed after a little injury. I can't be held back by him in this way. He must want to run away!" I said in a low voice.

Taking a step, I chased towards the northwest direction.

This time there were no other surprises.

Soon Jiang Pan and I ran out of the Jiugong Dojo.

Following a road, it happened to be on the ridge behind the Nine Palace Dojo!

But after the ridge, there is the road up the mountain, only a figure can be seen at the end of the line of sight, it seems to be Liao Cheng!

Jiang Pan and I kept chasing after each other.

With this breath, I don't know how long I have been running, the figure in front is much closer, it is indeed Liao Cheng!

He stood still in place.

Jiang Pan and I immediately went to Liao Cheng's side.

At a glance, I saw that on the road farther away, Zhu Xun held a knife horizontally, blocking the way with a fierce look!

And between Zhu Xun and Liao Cheng, there is a man standing...

He is about 50 years old, wearing a Tang suit made of brocade, even with gold threads on the Tang suit, so luxurious.

The thick and spiral brows were twisted into a ball.

The left eye looks like four white eyes, which is very strange, it is a shrimp eye!

In the other eye, half of the black pupil is hidden in the upper eyelid, giving people a sense of deep scheming.

This is definitely a crab eye!

The bridge of the nose looks like a hanging gall, the upper lip is arched, the lower lip is round and full, and a pair of tiger ears.

He has a Chinese character face, even in middle age, he has a handsome temperament.

Especially those eyes are even more breathtaking.

This person is Zhou Jingyi!

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