My complexion changed, and at the same time, I was thinking rapidly in my heart.

What is Tang Jiugong planning? !

Confidentially straight up when we meet? !

Isn't he afraid of my suspicion? !

The next moment, Tang Jiugong said again: "Mr. Tang not only knows these three talismans, but also knows the reason why Mr. Li's heir lost his soul, and he can cure him!"

At this moment, Tang Jiugong's eyes became extremely deep!

He looked at me, as if capturing my emotions.

There was a little sweat on my forehead, and my pupils constricted!

Because I can't figure out what Tang Jiugong wants to do.

Tang Jiugong's eyes suddenly showed pity.

He continued: "It seems that Mr. Li is very confused? Can't quite understand what I said? Or is the amount of information I said too much for Mr. Li to accept for a while?!"

The thoughts in my head are faster. Tang Jiugong said that there must be a big problem!

I began to infer that if I hadn't known the function of Sanyang Fufu long ago, I would have been caught off guard by his questioning!

In my thoughts, I quickly made a judgment and simply followed suit.

I intentionally showed surprise and nervousness, and asked hoarsely: "Mr. Jiugong is so clever, how could he know about the child's disease?"

"Then how to solve it?!"

Tang Jiugong smiled faintly, and he said: "Tang knows, there must be a reason for Tang, but Mr. Li doesn't know, it's just because the three-yang combination is extremely rare, and it has never appeared a few times in the world."

"Mr. Li, if what Tang said is correct, your child will lose his soul every once in a while and look like a fool."

"The body is getting worse and weaker?!" While speaking, Tang Jiugong suddenly stood up, and he walked towards the other side of the hall.

In that direction, hung a huge bronze bell!

He is walking towards the bronze bell.

His words not only made my complexion change again, even Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng's pupils constricted.

Obviously, neither Jiang Pan nor Liao Cheng knew what kind of medicine was sold in Tang Jiugong's gourd.

I still do what I can, and replied yes with a stunned expression.

Tang Jiugong stood in front of the bronze bell. He turned his head and said meaningfully: "Mr. Li, haven't you thought of it?" question?!"

Obviously, Tang Jiugong's eyes became sharper!

His tone was more severe, and he said in a deep voice: "This three-yang talisman is used for absorbing and suppressing souls!" Soul, can't it suck a child away?!"

"Is this child's hidden disease, or is it a hidden disease? That's Mr. Li, you are not good at learning, and you will make your son lose his soul!"

"Mr. Li, have you awakened?!" Tang Jiugong's stern voice echoed in the hall!

He grabbed a gong hanging beside the bronze bell, and struck it hard!

The dull bell was even more deafening, and my ears were full of buzzing!

There was even a trace of shock in his expression!

Immediately, my complexion was extremely pale, and my breathing became more rough.

i think i thought of something...

But for a moment, I still didn't think too clearly!

Tang Jiugong looked at me with even more astonishment.

He said again in a deep voice: "Mr. Li, your child has never been sick, but you made him lose his soul. You clearly know who the person who gave you the talisman is, don't you feel guilty or regretful?!"

Tang Jiugong's thin face turned red!

The moment his voice fell, he swung the gong violently again, and smashed it hard at the copper bell!

The sound of the bell made my ears tingle even more.

Tang Jiugong looked at me straight again, but his forehead was covered with sweat.

I gradually opened my eyes wide, as if enlightened.

Immediately understand the role of Tang Jiugong here!

His clock is for shocking people!

What he said to me, Liao Cheng had already told me once.

When Liao Cheng said it that day, blood came to my heart.

I even felt that the soul was being guided and almost came out of my body!

If it wasn't for Liao Cheng who broke me and prevented my mind from being damaged.

I'm afraid I've been sucked into the Sanyang Conjoint Talisman!

Tang Jiugong directly pointed out two things now, just to shake my mind!

He cooperated with ringing the bell just now, and even more so, he wanted to be shocked. He wanted my soul to be sucked away by the talisman after I hurt my mind!

Thinking about this clearly, I looked at Tang Jiugong's eyes again, and I was no longer as dazed as I was just now.

I stared at him firmly, and suddenly said: "Mr. Jiugong, are you wondering why I am still standing upright and not falling down?!"

"Is there something that didn't happen as you thought?!"

Tang Jiugong's expression was even more shocked, and his complexion was also a little pale.

The hands holding the gongs and clubs seemed at a loss!

"You..." He opened his mouth, but no words came out.

I closed my eyes, and when I opened them again, the look at Tang Jiugong was already full of murderous intent!

My eyes were extremely cold, and I said word by word: "But I am very puzzled, I have no grievances or enmities with you."

"Why did you help Zhou Jingyi wait for me here?!"

"What you said, you want me to lose my soul and be sucked away by the Sanyang Fufu, right?!"

"What good will it do you to deal with me together with him?!" My words did not give Tang Jiugong a chance to refute at all.

While questioning, I stepped forward several times!

Liao Cheng and Jiang Pan got up at the same time, and they moved forward left and right, almost blocking the way for Tang Jiugong to escape!

Tang Jiugong looked even more shocked.

He was puzzled, and said in amazement: " would you know!?"

Immediately afterwards, he slammed the gong again, knocking on the bronze bell three times!

The continuous ringing of bells echoed endlessly in the hall...

Liao Cheng suddenly said: "Mr. Tang, you are reporting the letter. However, things have not happened as you planned. If you report the letter to someone, that person will be disappointed. He may not come to rescue you."

The sweat on Tang Jiugong's forehead became the size of a bean!

He looked even more suspicious, and said in a hoarse voice: "How long has it been since Li Yinyang found me here? He found out the reason in just two months? This is impossible! Even if you are variables...even if you are Mr. Tianyuan See through this talisman!"

Tang Jiugong suddenly raised his hand and pointed at Jiang Pan's face!

The next moment, his face became paler and his body trembled.

When the gaze moved to Liao Cheng again, his face was almost as golden as paper.

"It's you! You didn't reveal your identity from the beginning..."

"You know that the three yangs are combined...could it are the two gods of zero and positive...another Mr. Yin and Yang?!"

Liao Cheng's complexion turned extremely cold in an instant!

He leaned down suddenly and rushed towards Tang Jiugong!

He is extremely fast!

At the Six Suns Taoist Temple, I had seen Liao Cheng's methods.

He even wanted to fight Jia Sheng at the beginning, but Jia Sheng's ability was too strong and he controlled too many people.

As a result, Liao Cheng was completely suppressed and beaten, but it was Liu Tianqian and Liu Chixin who saved the situation!

But Liao Cheng is definitely not weak!

In an instant, he rushed in front of Tang Jiugong!

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