Zhou Jingyi had his hands behind his back, his eyes were so captivating and bewitching that no one could see his emotions.

Liao Cheng was sweating slightly on his forehead, and his eyelids were twitching wildly.

Jiang Pan's expression was extremely vigilant, he held his hands obliquely in front of his chest, and there were several copper coins between his fingers.

I stared at Zhou Jingyi intently.

Just at that moment, my eyes turned red.

I even felt a stream of blood rushing towards the top of my head.

Five or six years ago, I just found out that the resentment about his relationship with my mother has not dissipated with the passage of time.

Especially after Jiang Pan's analysis, it is very likely that Zhou Jingyi deliberately plotted against my mother.

This resentment is even heavier!

If it wasn't for his reasons, my mother would not have died, and I am not born with a yin.

My father won't save me, and Wu Xianchang won't target my mother because of this, so my father won't die either!

Luo Yinpo will not be implicated...

In addition, he also plotted against me and made Dun Kong lose his soul for three full years!

The old and new hatred made the murderous intent in my heart more intense, and my eyes became more red!

"Zhou... Jing... Yi!" I squeezed out these three words from my teeth.

Zhou Jingyi had a gratified smile on his face, and said, "I thought my son would be cornered, find Tang Jiugong, and finally lose his mind."

"As a father, I never thought that you would bring such a big change!"

"I'm not surprised that you found Mr. Tianyuan, after all, Jiang Yihong sent his son to learn art."

"It's just that you were able to find my little junior brother, which really surprised and pleasantly surprised my father."

"Lingzheng and two gods, one master and two masters, each holds half of the yin and yang arts, and this matter has always made Wei father feel bad."

With his hands behind his back, Zhou Jingyi looked even more satisfied.

It sounded harsh to me.

I pulled out the golden ruler at my waist, raised my head slightly, and stared at Zhou Jingyi with murderous intent!

I said word by word: "I only have one father, and he is a corpse-hunter, Liu Shuigui!"

"For father?"

"Zhou Jingyi, you old thief, you have no right to say those two words!"

Zhou Jingyi frowned, shook his head, and said, "Yin Yang, a mere corpse hunter, a lowly low class."

"As your adoptive father, he is already a blessing from the previous life, and his life is not enough to bear your life, so he died early."

"Yin Yang, you call your father an old thief, which is really unfilial."

"However, since you were a child, you grew up in a low class and didn't understand etiquette. I don't blame you for being a father. In the future, I will teach you well to make up for what I owe you."

I was stunned, Zhou Jingyi's words were not only harsh, but also made me feel sick.

He even said that my father is lowly, even said that my father can't bear my life!

And he also said that I'm not filial and I don't understand etiquette? !

I held the golden ruler tightly, my knuckles turned white, and the anger in my chest was rising more and more...

There is nothing good to say about people like Zhou Jingyi!

I raised my legs and stepped forward, wanting to fight Zhou Jingyi directly!

Seeing my movement, Zhu Xun in the distance also stepped forward, intending to pinch Zhou Jingyi back and forth with me.

Liao Cheng suddenly made a blocking movement.

He looked extremely vigilant, and said in a deep voice: "Brother Yinyang, calm down, my senior brother is not so easy to deal with."

"He's provoking you on purpose." Liao Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly, and his tone was more cautious.

My pupils constricted and my face froze.

Wasn't Zhou Jingyi chased here?

Could it be that he has any preparations? !

Zhou Jingyi in the middle of the mountain road, his gaze became much deeper.

He raised his head slightly, looked down at Liao Cheng as if condescending, and said, "Junior brother, it seems that your ears are still very useful, and I am very envious of you."

Liao Cheng strengthened his hand a bit and blocked me from the back.

He looked around like a torch.

Liao Cheng said in a solemn tone: "Brother, if you have any means, you can use it directly. Today we four, you must stay."

Zhou Jingyi laughed and said again: "Really?"

The next moment, Zhou Jingyi raised his hand, and he clapped his palm vigorously!

The crisp applause resounded endlessly in the mountains and forests.

From the direction of the top of the mountain, there was a clear clanging sound, which seemed to be the collision of gold and iron.

Zhu Xun's complexion changed in the distance.

He turned around abruptly, looking back in surprise.

I, Liao Cheng, and Jiang Pan also looked over.

Walking down the mountain road was a man carrying a pole.

The man was thin, wearing sweatshirts, dirty, with a cloth cap wrapped around his head.

From too far away, I could only see what looked like a stove on one end of his shoulder pole, with some black iron rods inserted in the stove, and several bamboo stools on the other end.

And there was a cloth bag wrapped around his body, which was full, and there were all kinds of knives and scissors stuck in it.

As for his face, I couldn't see clearly.

"The hair-shaved pick has hot hair. I don't know whether it's Yin Yang, your executioner, or the shaved pick is the fiercest." Zhou Jingyi's voice was a bit interesting.

The shaved picker stopped on a distant mountain road. He put down the pole, but pulled out a few iron bars from the stove.

One end of the iron rod was burning bright red.

He leaned back slightly, and with a sudden force, an iron rod was thrown towards Zhu Xie!

My complexion suddenly changed, and I shouted in a low voice: "Zhu Xun! Be careful!"

Zhu Xun was obviously prepared, he shouted angrily: "Sir, don't worry, wait until I behead the barber's head, and then deal with this rude old thief!"

Amidst the whistling sound, the red-hot iron rod was about to be thrown in front of Zhu Xie.

Zhu Xie raised the beheading knife in his hand, he turned the back of the knife and swung it fiercely.

There was a crisp clang, and a large group of sparks shot out from the knife body!

Zhu Xun took big strides and rushed towards the barber!

The barber swished twice, and threw down two red-hot iron rods.

Zhu Xie pulled it away twice, and he was about to get close to the barber.

The barber suddenly wiped his chest, two thin knives entered his hands, and he also met Zhu Xie head-on.

Zhu Xun's moves opened and closed, but the barber was extremely flexible.

It just so happens that every time he hits, he can escape Zhu Xie's knife!

But Zhu Xun failed to dodge, and the moment he approached him, a bloody gash was about to burst out from his body!

Obviously, now Zhu Xun is at a disadvantage!

Zhou Jingyi raised his hand again, and he slapped it twice!

In the dense jungle on both sides of the mountain road, there were rustling sounds.

My eyelids twitched wildly.

Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng looked to the left and right sides in surprise.

Several people drilled out from the two sides.

What they were wearing made my face change even more.

There are two people wearing colorful clothes, which are the costumes of the hags of the He family!

The costumes of the rest are even more different.

One person was carrying a square bamboo basket, with his hands hanging by his sides, and there seemed to be steel wires between his fingers, shining brightly in the sun.

One of them carried a beheading knife on his back!

There is also a bronze gong hanging around his waist, holding a gong in his hand, cloth strips wrapped around his legs, wearing a pair of white cloth shoes, he is a watchman!

One is carrying a huge bamboo basket. His clothes are similar to the Ma Kuan I saw back then. This is a mortician!

Not only them, but two people, I actually know each other.

A short man like a dwarf, but with strong limbs, a square face, and a malicious expression. He carried a thick dragon bar on his back.

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