Jiang Pan has always been easy-going and has rarely been so direct in his emotions.

The previous geologist was his father.

Even now, many people know of my existence and know that geology has changed.

But after all, the speed of news circulation is not so fast.

Most of the yin and yang circles are still recognized by Jiang Yihong, a geography geographer!

Zhou Jingyi directly asked the geographer to be his junior...

This is too arrogant!

It's not just Jiang Pan who doesn't like it.

I also think he is very mean, which is even more ridiculous!

Liao Cheng's face flushed even more, and the hands that were hanging by his sides were clenched unnaturally.

Jiang Pan obviously noticed this detail, shook his head and said to Liao Cheng: "Brother Liao, I'm not talking about Mr. Yin and Yang, the two gods of zero and positive, but only about Zhou Jingyi. Don't worry too much."

Liao Cheng showed bitterness on his face, and said: "My senior brother is indeed too arrogant, no wonder he is still unknown all these years."

After saying that, Liao Cheng glanced at the pillar again, and he made another gesture of invitation, and took the lead to go up the mountain road.

The four of us walked towards the depths of the mountain.

After walking a long distance, the redness on Liao Cheng's face finally dissipated and his complexion returned to normal.

Along the way, I kept paying attention to the overall mountain situation.

This ridge mountain can be regarded as upright and ups and downs, meandering and running, and the overall Fengshui is excellent.

It's just that the mountain is too tall, and it took quite a while before we came to the mountainside.

There is a large flat land here, and the deepest part of the flat land is a ridge, and this is where the ridges form holes!

A dojo is located in the middle of the ground!

The vermilion courtyard wall encloses a square courtyard.

Through the highest part of the courtyard wall, one can vaguely see the buildings inside, which are not very tall.

In the middle of the courtyard wall is a dark red door with a plaque on the eaves.

The official script on the plaque, the four characters of Jiugong Daochang!

My heart hangs a lot, and my eye sockets are slightly red.

Originally, I walked in the front and was going to knock on the door.

Liao Cheng blocked me and walked faster!

He arrived at the door first, and I, Jiang Pan, and Zhu Xun followed behind.

Liao Cheng raised his hand and knocked on the door heavily, the dull sound of thump thump reverberated throughout the mountainside.

The echoes are endless!

After about half a cup of tea, the door of the dojo was opened.

I kept my expression tense, with my hands on my waist, ready to strike at any time.

But what appeared at the door was a thin old man.

He was wearing a Tang suit and a round cap on his head, with thin cheeks and sharp eyes.

I was sure at a glance that this person was not Zhou Jingyi.

Zhou Jingyi's eyes and facial features, I have long been familiar with him, coupled with Liao Cheng's outline, I am sure I can recognize him the moment I look at him.

Could it be that this person is Mr. Jiugong? !

I locked my eyes on the old man's face.

With a calm expression, the old man swept past me, Jiang Pan, and Liao Cheng.

With a faint smile on his face, he clasped his fists in both hands and saluted, saying: "The Nine Palaces Dojo is located deep in the mountains. I didn't expect that three gentlemen and an executioner would come to visit me in one day. It's really splendid."

My pupils constricted a bit.

The three of us never said where we came from, but he could tell at a glance that we are Mr. Yin Yang?

"My lord, Tang Jiugong, this should be Mr. Geography, Li Yinyang, right?"

Tang Jiugong looked at me cautiously, and sighed: "Sir, you are young and promising, it is a blessing for the world of Yin and Yang."

"I don't know about you two..." Tang Jiugong asked Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng again.

Jiang Pan pondered for a moment, then replied: "Tian Yuan, Jiang Pan."

Liao Cheng looked deeply at Tang Jiugong, and said: "Mr. Jiugong, this ashram is very quiet. Nuoda is a dojo. It seems that you are the only one who is quiet."

Tang Jiugong was taken aback for a moment, and he said with a smile, "Sir, not only does he have a pair of discerning eyes, but his sense of hearing is also admirable."

"And you are Mr. He Fang? Walking with Tianyuan Dixiang, you are also an expert!"

Obviously, Tang Jiugong did not answer Liao Cheng directly.

Liao Cheng replied indifferently: "It's not worth mentioning, but we don't have to go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing. It seems that Mr. Jiugong has already achieved the purpose of our visit."

Tang Jiugong's eyes lit up, and he made a gesture of invitation, motioning for us to enter the courtyard for a detailed discussion.

My eyelids twitched a little.

Because of Liao Cheng's words, unconsciously, he began to have some initiative in the words.

Besides, what surprised me was, did Tang Jiugong really count on us coming?

Think a little more, I'm afraid it's not the case.

When I asked him about the three talismans, he should have known that I would come sooner or later!

When he saw Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng just now, he didn't seem too flustered.

But in fact, he never thought of this!

He is Zhou Jingyi's helper, and he will definitely be ready to deal with me.

Now that there are more Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng, that is their unknown variable!

Even if they were prepared, they did not dare to act casually.

On the contrary, we have the advantage!

While thinking, the four of us entered the dojo.

I looked around impassively.

Zhou Jingyi, is he hiding somewhere to spy on us?

Or maybe he doesn't know we're here yet, so he needs Tang Jiugong to notify?

The dojo is very wide, and the ground is covered with gravel.

The main hall at the back is only three or four meters high. Although it is not tall, it is extremely spacious.

There is a square table in the center of the hall.

Tang Jiugong motioned us to sit down, then smiled and said he was going to make tea.

Liao Cheng raised his hand to block Tang Jiugong, motioning for him to sit down, there is no need to make tea, we are not thirsty.

Tang Jiugong's body froze, but he didn't say much, and sat down with a smile.

I can see some details.

Was Liao Cheng afraid that Tang Jiugong would inform Zhou Jingyi? !

All of us were seated, and Zhu Xun stood at the door.

Obviously, he realized what Liao Cheng meant, and he was guarding the gate.

The next moment, Liao Cheng gently tapped the table with his index finger.

He looked at Tang Jiugong sharply.

Tang Jiugong smiled again, but his eyes fell on me.

The emotion in his eyes became more serious in an instant.

"It seems that Mr. Liao is more impatient than Mr. Li."

"If I counted well, you are here for those three talisman papers?!"

My pupils suddenly constricted a bit.

Liao Cheng looked at Tang Jiugong with more focused eyes.

Tang Jiugong let out a long breath and said, "Mr. Li has come to the right place, because these three talismans are not simple, and the only one who can know their functions, except for the person who drew them, is probably me."

Liao Cheng was obviously surprised, and said, "Oh? Mr. Jiugong still knows the function?"

Tang Jiugong helped the short beard that supported his chin, nodded, and said cautiously: "It's natural, if you don't know, wouldn't you let the three return without success?"

"These three pieces are a very special kind of talisman, named Sanyang talisman! It is the soul life, and the man who draws the talisman is also a man of tyrannical ability."

My pupils constrict even more.

Even Liao Cheng's surprise turned into constricted pupils and uncontrollable contemplation.

Tang Jiugong's face suddenly filled with a somewhat mysterious smile.

He suddenly said again: "I also know that over the years, Mr. Li has not only inquired about the origin of these three talismans, but also has a problem."

"Mr. Li has a son who is born with a hidden disease, which cannot be cured if he lost his soul. For several years, Mr. Li has traveled to the residences of all the gentlemen in Tang Town, just to cure the hidden disease of his son! Right?!"

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