Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 649 The wind flashed his tongue

I let my second uncle grab my neckline without struggling.

The paper figurine Xu frowned, but remained silent.

The second uncle was about to scold me again, so I turned my head to look at Bai Shuangqin, and then at Liu Pingjiang who was running on the right side of the yard.

"Second Uncle, this time the opponent is Mr. Yin Yang. He has vicious methods and schemes against me invisibly, and the relationship with me is equally complicated."

"Brother Liao wants to take back the yin and yang technique from him. I want him to let go of Dunkong. It will be very difficult for us to let him live."

"This time we meet, we must fight to the death. He is much older than me, Brother Jiang, Brother Liao, and has more experience."

I spoke word by word.The second uncle's hands froze quite a bit, he lowered his voice and said, "Are you afraid of a hammer? Laozi Liu Guishou has never been coaxed..."

"Pingjiang is still young, so Auntie and him need you to take care of them. Also, after we leave Tang Town, the town will rely on you and Uncle Xu. If you leave, Tang Town will be defenseless. I can't trust the Gou family." I solemnly answer.

"Old Liu, what Yin Yang said is correct, so let's leave it at that." The paper figurine Xu opened his mouth, stopping what the second uncle had to say.

The second uncle's face was cloudy and uncertain.

His eyes also looked at Liu Pingjiang unnaturally.

Finally, he let go of his hand, turned around without saying a word, walked to the corner of the yard, and hugged Liu Pingjiang.

Liu Pingjiang was about to struggle, but the second uncle tapped his finger on his head, and immediately Liu Pingjiang burst into tears.

The second uncle glared at Liu Pingjiang again, and cursed, "Don't cry!"

Liu Pingjiang was so frightened that he pursed his lips all of a sudden, and didn't dare to cry at all.

Bai Shuangqin's eyes hurt, and she glared at her second uncle.

The paper figurine Xu patted me on the shoulder and said, "Be careful in everything and don't be rash."

My mood calmed down a little, and I said in a low voice: "Don't worry, Uncle Xu, I have a reason why I can't fail, and I will definitely come back safely."

The paper man hummed, and told me that he will go with me to the place where the parchments are after he waits for me to come back.

I nodded, and looked at He Zhi again.

After giving He Zhi a firm look, I turned and left the yard and walked towards the town.

I first went to find Tang Song and asked him to prepare two drivers for me.

Tang Song arranged manpower for me and told me one thing.

Many years ago, He Zhi gave him a portrait. The man's name was Huang Qi.

Ask him to check around to see if anyone has seen the person in the portrait.

He inquired about some news that someone had seen Huang Qi in Bazhou.

I was startled immediately.

Before Huang Qi was taken away by Ma Kuan, He Zhi and I searched for him, but failed to find him.

Since then, I have too many things, and I can't find them at all.

In the vast world, if you want to find Huang Qi, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Liu Tianniu was nowhere to be found, and the Liu family wanted all their staff to come out, but they couldn't find him for two or three years.

But I didn't expect that He Zhi would give this order to Tang Song.

What makes me even more sad is that Huang Qi is still alive...

I told Tang Song to find out as much relevant information as possible, and if possible, make a little contact with Huang Qi.

After I finish the matter at hand, I will go to Bazhou.

Tang Song nodded again and again, telling me to rest assured that he would do it immediately.

I left Tang Song's place and went to my second uncle's yard, and brought out the horses and carts of the Qiang people.

Finally, I went to Dixianglu to pick up Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng.

After Yi Ying was fully prepared, he left Tang Town and headed straight for Hongyuan County.

According to the information that Tang Song inquired at the beginning, the clue of the talisman paper came from a dojo in the forty miles outside Hongyuan County.

We have to go through Hongyuan County, and then go to the ashram.

On the way, I asked Liao Cheng if Zhou Jingyi was called Mr. Jiugong in the world of Yin and Yang.

Liao Cheng's complexion changed slightly, and he told me in a low voice, Zhou Jingyi is not called Mr. Jiugong, he is one of two gods, Mr. One of two.

Zhou Jingyi should inherit the name of Mr. Lingtang, and he is Mr. Lingzheng.

After a pause, Liao Cheng said solemnly: "Mister's name cannot be changed at will, otherwise, he will definitely be cast aside by the patriarch.

I nodded, but I was thinking in my heart, is Mr. Jiugong another Mr. Yin and Yang?

If Zhou Jingyi has helpers, we have to be more cautious.

I told Liao Cheng and Jiang Pan my guess.

After the two of them pondered, they asked me about the details of the Jiugong Dojo. After I told everything I knew, they also said to be careful.

It is better to believe in what is there than to believe in what is not, and we should take more precautions, so we are always prepared!

When it was getting dark, we arrived at Hongyuan County.

After spending most of the night in Hongyuan County, at five o'clock the next day, we were rested and energetic, and set off from Hongyuan County to Jiugong Dojo.

The horses of the Qiang people are very fast, and they arrived in one and a half hours after a journey of forty miles.

Under a huge mountain range stands an archway, on which is written the Nine Palace Dojo, four neatly gilded characters.

Behind the archway is a small path leading to the mountain road behind.

"The door is at the mountain pass, in the dojo mountain? This is a ridged dragon." Jiang Pan got out of the carriage, squinted his eyes and glanced at the mountains behind, and said.

What Jiang Pan said, I can naturally see clearly.

Ridgesaurus and Ridgesaurus are almost identical.

In Yinshu Fengshui, the branches and ridges are opposite each other, Zhilong Mountain is a hill, and the dragon veins are flat, and the top of the mountain is the place for gathering Qi.

Longlong Mountain is an alpine dragon vein, and the Longlong we see at this moment is one of them.

According to the Zhaijing, Longlong belongs to Yin, its air is like floating, and it is the most deterrent to the wind.

It is beautiful to be upright and ups and downs, meandering and running, weak and thin, and ugly and steep is evil!

Long dragons form their dens in the foothills...

I looked at Feng Shui at a glance, then looked at Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng, and said, "It seems that the ashram is on the mountainside, and it will take some time to enter the mountain."

Liao Cheng looked more vigilant, and said in a low voice: "In the mountains, troubles are not small."

"This dojo is newly built, and it's probably a deliberate disclosure of information to attract you. I'm afraid there will be a lot of things on the way."

I was silent, what Liao Cheng said made sense.

However, I have no other choice.

I said in a low voice, "Even if this mountain is a mountain of knives, I have to go up."

Liao Cheng nodded and said: "That's natural, not to mention that Dunkong will be my apprentice in the future, the yin and yang skills of the zero and positive gods will also return to the sect, and the inheritance cannot be broken."

Jiang Pan told the two townspeople of Tang Town who were driving the car to wait for us nearby.

As for Zhu Xun, he was close to my side, and he reassured me that although these years had passed, his knife had never rusted, and he would behead anyone who hurt me.

I calmed down for a while, made a gesture of invitation, and walked directly towards the archway.

When I got close to the archway, I saw that there were characters engraved on the pillars on both sides.

"The one on the left is the geographer's son, and the one on the right is the two gods of Lingzheng and Tianren." Liao Cheng and Jiang Pan also saw these two vertical characters, and Liao Cheng's face turned red, and his expression was extremely unnatural.

Jiang Pan frowned and said, "His words are too big."

"If the wind is too strong, your tongue will flicker.

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