"But in fact, he has been tricked for three years. I went out this time, besides helping Brother Jiang, I just wanted to find someone to rescue Dukong." The face of the paper figurine Xu changed drastically!

Obviously, my words made him unable to react for a while.

I immediately looked at Liao Cheng again, and asked: "Brother Liao, did you see anything?" Liao Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "I haven't seen anything specifically, but I have a way." Then, Liao Cheng took out something.

It was also a transparent bottle.

It was filled with shiny water, and there were a few extremely small river prawns in it.

"The town is hard to find, I don't know where it will be hidden, but the soul is easy to find. When Dunkong wakes up, I will ask for a drop of blood from the tip of his tongue, a drop of blood from the middle finger, and another drop of blood from the forehead, and I will be able to find him. The part of the soul that was sucked away."

"If you find the soul, you will naturally find the town." Liao Cheng's tone was more determined!

My eyelids twitched wildly, and I nodded immediately, but I couldn't suppress the joy.

Find the soul first, then at least Dunkong can come back normally.

If you deal with that person later, you will have no distractions and no worries!

He Zhi obviously didn't understand too much, she bit her lower lip and asked me, meaning can you save Dunkong? !

I nodded again, and hummed heavily.

He Zhi wept with joy at that time.

Liao Cheng sighed softly, and said: "Brother Yinyang, sister-in-law, you two are a little calmer. When I first touched the door of Dunkong Xin, I found that his bones are very good. Even if his soul is lost, he can stay on his own." The soul is also stronger than ordinary people."

"This child is born different, and he is a rare good seedling."

"A man is born with a destiny. It is true that he has this catastrophe, but once this catastrophe passes, there will be future blessings!"

He Zhi and I looked at each other.

Although I am happy that Liao Cheng praised Dunkong, but I am still worried.

After all, Dunkong has not recovered yet.

He Zhi's expression was as complicated as mine, with sadness mixed with joy.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became dull.

The paper figurine Xu broke the dullness, he said: "Yin Yang, Mr. Liao, you need to rest even after traveling and traveling, don't you want to wake up in the daytime, you should go to sleep first." I nodded to Liao Cheng.

He Zhi got up immediately, and she said softly, "Mr. Liao, I'll take you to the guest room."

She made a gesture of please.

Liao Cheng got up and clasped his fists, then followed He Zhi.

Only me and Xu, the paper figurine, were left in the main room.

The paper figurine looked at me with complicated eyes, but he shook his head and sighed.

At a glance, I could see the reason why the paper figurine made such an expression.

He didn't mean to say it.

"Uncle Xu, I didn't tell you that I didn't want you to worry about it together. After all, we can't solve this problem. Yin and Yang have no other meaning. You treat Yin and Yang as if you were your son, and you treat Dunkong as your grandson. "

The paper figurine Xu frowned, but he still remained silent.

I was silent for a moment, and then said: "Brother Liao came with me this time, not only to help escape, but also about the parchment. I discussed with Brother Liao and Brother Jiang. We are going to the place where the parchment is. , Uncle Xu, you also want to go together."

Paper figurine Xu's pupils constricted a little.

He paused for a long time, then shook his head and said, "Uncle Xu is already very old. After all, apart from the thought of sticking paper, watching Dun Kong's birth is indeed like seeing a grandson. Yin Yang, you are more filial than my son." .”

"Although Uncle Xu is weak, his heart is not that fragile. You and He Zhi have been suppressed for three years, and you are still okay. You have become a husband, and you are much calmer."

"He Zhi, girl, hasn't laughed a few times in the past three years."

After finishing speaking, the paper figurine Xu sighed, "Go to sleep, Yin Yang."

I was stunned for a while, the paper figurine Xu had already turned around and went to the yard, he walked to the door of He Zhi and me and sat down, obviously guarding there.

He Zhi returned to the main room now, and she told me softly that Liao Cheng had already settled down.

I reached out and took He Zhi's hand, holding her palm tightly.

The corners of He Zhi's mouth moved reluctantly, as if he wanted to laugh, but he still didn't.

"Dunkong will be fine, there must be good luck, right?"

"It must be fine." I took He Zhi into my arms, stroked her head with my hand, and kissed her forehead lightly.

It's just that I didn't say it.

I will never let anyone who hurts Dunkong or her hurt!

After that, He Zhi and I entered another guest room to rest.

A night without words, and a night without dreams.

Time passed quickly, and it was just dawn, and we both woke up almost at the same time.

After the two of us got out of bed, we hurried into the yard again.

At a glance, I saw Liao Cheng coming out of his room.

Liao Cheng saw us and said hello before he walked towards the door of the room where Dunkong was.

The paper figurine Xu was still guarding the door, motionless.

When Liao Cheng arrived at the door, Xu Cai, the paper figurine, stood up. He hadn't slept all night, and his eyes were obviously bloodshot.

Following closely, Liao Cheng has already opened the door and entered the room.

The paper figurine Xu followed, and He Zhi and I were the last ones.

Liao Cheng stopped by the wooden table in the house, but he didn't move forward.

There was a bit of surprise in his eyes, He Zhi and I were pleasantly surprised, and the paper figurine Xu was obviously relieved.

Because Dunkong has already woken up!

He was sitting on the head of the bed, Xu Fu's travel notes were placed on his lap, his immature face was full of seriousness, and he was still gently drawing something on the paper with one hand.

The next moment, Dunkong seemed to realize that someone had entered the room.

He raised his head, and called me immaturely: "Daddy." Either he was weak, or he was lost all the time, and he escaped without saying a word.

Apart from calling daddy, even mother seldom yells, and hardly greets second uncle and paper figurine Xu.

Liao Cheng just walked a few steps forward and arrived beside Dunkong.

Dunkong acted as if he hadn't seen him, he still looked down at Xu Fu's travel notes.

Liao Cheng picked up something from beside Dunkong.

It was the jade coin that he pasted on Dunkong's forehead last night.

He Zhi walked to the bed and hugged Dunkong.

She whispered a few words to Dunkong, and then Dunkong called his mother childishly, then Grandpa Xu, and finally he looked at Liao Cheng.

However, he saw Liao Cheng's actions strangely.

The head moved slowly from side to side twice, with some amplitude.

It's like looking at Liao Cheng left and right.

"Thank you." Dun Kong pouted, and he whispered to Liao Cheng.

I was stunned, and He Zhi was also stunned.

Does Dunkong know what happened last night? !

This is the first time I have heard him thank someone!

Liao Cheng laughed, his eyes lit up a lot, and he murmured: "Brother Yinyang, your son is really a good seedling. It seems that he can stay awake during the process of returning to his soul. I have a destiny with him."

"I have an unfeeling request, can you bear the pain and part with him, and after he is cured, learn the yin and yang art of Lingzheng and Ershen with me?!"

"Although our lineage is not as comprehensive as geology and geology, there is no magic trick!"

A look of surprise suddenly appeared in He Zhi's eyes.

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