"Reading?" I was surprised.

Zhu Xun explained: "It's the handbook that Master Dunkong took away last time."

It dawned on me.

There is a problem with Dunkonghun, there is a talisman in Xu Fu's Travel Notes that can help him, it is normal for him to look at it instinctively.

It is impossible for a child in his early three years to understand the content of Xu Fu's travel notes.

And hearing the news that he was in better health finally calmed me down even more.

"Let's go, Brother Liao." I took a deep breath and said to Liao Cheng.

When we left Dixianglu, Liao Cheng and I also paid attention to Jiang Pan.

Jiang Pan's mood was obviously much calmer, he just kept kneeling, he lowered his head and didn't know what he was muttering.

I thought in my heart that at least some of the problems with Dun Kong should be initially resolved.

Let Jiang Pan and Shizun stay for a while longer, we will arrange the funeral and let Shizun go to the ground in peace.

As a result, as soon as we came out of the house, I saw a child standing at the end of the road on the other side.

There is mist on the road, and the moonlight has become much hazy.

The child also seemed to be unable to see clearly.

I frowned.

Suddenly, I heard a crisp voice: "Daddy?" My face immediately changed in shock.

"Brother Yinyang, why don't you leave?" Liao Cheng's voice caught his ears, dispelling the crisp childish voice.

A breeze hit my face, and the coolness made me shiver.

I just realized that Liao Cheng had already walked three or four meters away. There was indeed mist in the farther place, but there was no one...

"Brother Liao, didn't you see it?" I said very unnaturally.

"See what?" Liao Cheng was surprised.

I was stunned, and walked to Liao Cheng's side.

Liao Cheng and I are both Mr. Yin and Yang. Logically, what I can see, he can't see.

Could it be that it was just a hallucination?Or am I too depressed?

"It seems that I saw Dunkong." My voice was hoarse, but I still said it.

Liao Cheng frowned, he was thoughtful.

"Go and have a look first, I have to see Dunkong itself to know the current situation." Liao Cheng said again.

I didn't delay the pause any longer, and walked in the direction of Li's house.

In about a quarter of an hour, we arrived outside Li's house.

I reached out and knocked on the door, and the door was quickly opened from the inside.

It was the paper figurine Xu who opened the door.

When he saw me, he froze for a moment, his eyes suddenly filled with surprise.

"Yin Yang?! You're back?!" Immediately afterwards, the paper figurine Xu's eyes fell on Liao Cheng.

I immediately introduced Liao Cheng's identity to the paper figurine Xu, and to put it simply, I brought Jiang Pan, the son of the master, back.

The paper figurine nodded. He looked at Liao Cheng with respect, and called Mr. Liao.

Liao Cheng returned the salute with a kind face, and said, Uncle Xu, don't be too polite, Yin and Yang and I are life and death friends, so you are naturally the elder.

The paper man froze for a moment, but there was a lot of smile in his eyes.

Liao Cheng's respect for the paper figurine Xu changed my mood towards him a little bit.

The paper figurine allowed us to enter the room, and at a glance I saw that the main room was empty, and He Zhi should have gone to bed early.

I signaled Liao Cheng to sit down in the main room first, then walked towards He Zhi and I's room.

As soon as he reached the door, the door was also pushed open, revealing He Zhi's slightly pale face.

She looked extremely haggard, and her hair was a bit disheveled.

I just met her eyes.

He Zhi stared at me blankly, tears filled her eyes immediately.

With a creak, she pushed open the door, walked towards me staggeringly, and threw herself directly into my arms.

I could see right away that something was wrong...

I calmed down, kept my breathing steady, and whispered that it was all right.

Just hugging He Zhi like that, I walked slowly to the front of the room.

At a glance, I saw the empty space at the head of the bed.

He stood quietly on the edge of the bed, his eyes were staring straight ahead, but there was nothing in his eyes.

As for his hand, he was holding a simple thread-bound book.

Dunkong's reaction was as if he had lost his soul!

"It's...it's been almost two months...nothing happened again...something happened all of a sudden, but luckily you're back, Yin Yang...otherwise I would..."

Apparently, this time when something happened in the air, He Zhi was almost at the critical point.

I was also depressed and uncomfortable, looking at Dunkong's lifeless appearance, it was as if I had been stabbed in the heart by a needle.

"What happened just now?" I pressed He Zhi's shoulder and asked in a low voice.

He Zhi's expression finally calmed down a little, she nodded vigorously, and asked me uneasily what to do.

I frown.

The loss of soul in Dunkong is obviously much more serious than before.

Previously, he was only lost in sleep, but now he is lost in standing...

Soon, the paper figurines Xu and Liao Cheng hurried to the door.

The paper figurine Xu Xin said in shock: "What's going on?!" Except for He Zhi and me, the matter of fleeing and losing his soul has been kept secret, and no one else knows.

Now that the paper figurine Xu saw it, he couldn't hide it.

The next moment, the paper figurine Xu seemed to see something, and murmured: "Did you lose your soul?!" His brows were tightly furrowed, and his eyes were full of unnaturalness and vigilance.

During this period, Liao Cheng had already walked to the side of the bed, and he pressed down on Dunkong's fontanelle with one hand!

He Zhi panicked, and she was about to walk forward.

"Mr. Liao is brother Jiang's friend and also my friend, he can save Dunkong." I didn't let He Zhi go forward.

The paper figurine Xu looked even more nervous.

Liao Cheng muttered in a low voice, as if he was reciting some spell.

He took something out of his pocket with his left hand.

It was a coin as white as jade.

What looks like a copper coin is actually a jade coin.

Liao Cheng quickly pasted the jade money on the top of Dunkong's head.

Then, he took a few steps back slowly, no longer standing beside Dunkong.

The house seems to have become warmer. Is this not the temperature, but the warmth?

It seems that anger has become extraordinarily abundant? !

Dunkong's originally lifeless eyes seemed to regain consciousness.

He sat down blankly and lay flat on the bed with his eyes closed.

Liao Cheng let out a heavy breath, and then said: "Recall the lost soul again, after dawn, you will naturally wake up."

Immediately afterwards, Liao Cheng made a gesture of invitation, and said in a deep voice: "Brother Yinyang, let's talk in detail outside."

He Zhi wanted to go to the bed.

Liao Cheng immediately said again: "No one should disturb him, all leave the room." At this point, He Zhi and the paper figurine Xu and I could only go to the main room.

After entering the room, sitting around the wooden table, Xu Cai, the paper figurine, said in a deep voice, "Some time ago, something happened in the town, and there were two more corpses for no reason. I still don't know why."

"Someone calculated it and hurt Dunkong?!" Obviously, the paper figurine didn't think too deeply about it.

He Zhi bit her lip slightly, she looked at me.

I was silent for a moment, and then said in a complicated way: "Uncle Xu, it's a long story. Dunkong was born weak. We always thought it was a hidden disease. I'm afraid you didn't say it because of worry."

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