The same is true for paper figurines.

Liao Cheng's words took me by surprise.

I said complicatedly: "Originally, I wanted Dunkong to be an ordinary person, but he was born with a lot of troubles, and he is not much better than me. He wants to learn his skills."

"Brother Liao is willing to teach, Yin Yang can't ask for it!"

The yin and yang art of geography can't be passed on to family members.

Even if Jiang Pan didn't learn Tianyuan Physiognomy, and didn't become the person who should be tribulated, he couldn't be the successor of Di Xianglu.

Naturally, Dunkong couldn't do it either.

Yin and Yang techniques can be encountered but not sought after. Liao Cheng feels that there is a destiny to escape from the sky, so he will definitely not talk nonsense!

How much a Mr. Yin Yang desires for a predestined disciple can be seen from my master.

Liao Cheng's face was even more happy, he laughed again, and said: "Tang Zhen, it's very good to come, and it's your son, Brother Yinyang, and he wants to learn my Yinyang technique, so I took out the old book at the bottom of the box , and at the same time.”

"Let's go, take Dunkong out." Liao Cheng actually looked a little high-spirited.

He went straight to the hall again.

He Zhi walked out with Dunkong in his arms, and the paper figurine Xu and I followed.

Sitting down in the main room, Liao Cheng first took out the transparent bottle containing the river shrimp last night, and opened the cork.

He put the jade money on the mouth of the bottle again.

The jade coin and the mouth of the bottle were sealed tightly!

There is only a small hole in the center of the jade coin.

The three of us sat at the table, but Liao Cheng looked at Dunkong in He Zhi's arms, and he said cautiously: "Sister-in-law, I want to take the blood from the middle finger, the tip of the tongue, and the blood from Yintang."

During the speech, a slender silver needle appeared in Liao Cheng's hand.

It is said to be slender, but the silver needle is much thicker than a normal needle, and the back of the needle is hollow.In He Zhi's eyes, there was a trace of unbearableness.

She softly whispered a few words in Dunkong's ear, signaling him not to move.

She wrapped her hands around Dunkong's body, leaving only her right hand outside.

A bit of struggle suddenly appeared on Dunkong's immature face.

I frowned, also unable to bear it.

The paper figurine Xu closed his eyes and chose not to look at it.

Liao Cheng quickly pulled up Dunkong's right hand, and the needle in his hand quickly plunged into Dunkong's finger.

Dunkong's face was tense, and the struggle on his face turned into pain.

But he didn't cry, he just struggled harder.

He Zhi pursed his lips, tears streaming from the corners of his eyes.

Soon, Liao Cheng drew out the silver needle, and the needle was full of bright red blood.

Immediately afterwards, Liao Cheng put the needle into the transparent bottle that was sealed with only jade money left.

A drop of blood fell out of the tilted needle.

The blood droplets fell into the bottle and spread rapidly.

The liquid was slightly reddish.

Liao Chengzai observed carefully, as if waiting for something to change.

After a while, he shook his head and murmured: "Blood on the tip of the tongue, come here." Turning around, he pinched Dun Kong's mouth, and used the silver needle to take the blood from the tip of the tongue.

This time, Dunkong still didn't shed tears, but there was more pain on his face.

Looking at Liao Cheng's eyes, there was a rare fear!

After the blood on the tip of the tongue, there was another blood from Yintang.

After the three drops of blood were taken, Liao Cheng's liquid in the transparent bottle became redder.

Liao Cheng looked at the bottle carefully.

He Zhi let go of Dunkong distressedly, but Dunkong struggled on top of her, obviously wanting to get off.

This made He Zhi even more uncomfortable.

I pay more attention to Liao Cheng and the bottle.

What made my pupils constrict was that those few river prawns started to move, swimming in one direction.

Liao Cheng murmured: "North, the soul is in the north. When we find it, these river shrimps will hit the crystal wall..." The next moment, Liao Cheng's voice stopped abruptly.

Because the pliers of those river prawns were already tapping the crystal wall gently.

Liao Cheng's face suddenly changed.

His gaze was fixed on my face!

"Brother Yinyang, the soul of Dunkong is actually..."

I was equally astonished.

The soul is actually in Li's house? !

That means, that person entered Li's house!

He actually arranged a treasure to escape the empty soul under my nose? !

Liao Cheng's voice stopped abruptly, he stood up, passed me with the transparent bottle, and walked behind me.

He Zhi coaxed Dunkong carefully, but Dunkong was still crying.

The red spots on his forehead are very obvious, and there are white marks on his face that were pinched by Liao Cheng just now.

I immediately turned around and looked at Liao Cheng.

To the north behind me is the wall of the main room.

This made me even more shocked and stunned.

If I didn't find it in other places in the house, it would still make sense.

But it turned out to be in the main room...

I clenched my fists tightly, and my breathing became several times faster.

Liao Cheng walked to the front of the grand master's chair.

He frowned suddenly, and turned to look over again.

I noticed the river prawns in that bottle, the direction changed.

From north to south, the pliers gently tapped the crystal wall.

Liao Cheng's eyes became more dignified.

"Brother Yinyang, you stay here alone, don't move, and the rest of you, go out." Not only the expression, Liao Cheng's words are also extremely cautious.

The paper figurine Xu immediately left the main room, and He Zhi walked out of the room holding Dunkong in his arms.

Liao Cheng took the bottle and walked up to me.

The river prawns continued to hit the crystal wall, but their strength gradually became weaker. After a while, the river prawns turned over and all of them died...

The bloody water in the bottle instantly turned gray, and the originally abundant vitality became completely dead.

My pupils constricted, my eyelids were beating wildly, and my heart was beating wildly.

Liao Cheng looked at me with deeper eyes, and he squinted slightly to look at my face.

"Brother Yinyang, the soul that escapes from space is on your body." When he said this, Liao Cheng also had uncontrollable surprise in his eyes.

I was even more astonished.

But Liao Cheng has done so much, it is impossible for him to make a mistake...

The next moment, Liao Cheng turned his head to look outside the main room, and said in a deep voice: "Sister-in-law, after the past two months, after Brother Yin Yang went out, is there nothing wrong with escaping?"

He Zhi froze for a moment, after she hesitated, she nodded cautiously.

"Then on weekdays, as long as brother Yinyang is not around, how about the body of Dunkong?"

He Zhi lowered her head in thought, she bit her lower lip slightly, and murmured: "It seems... It's normal for Yin and Yang to go out, or to escape for a few days..."

My eyelids twitched wildly, but my heart sank more and more.

Because I also think back, indeed, every time something happens in Dunkong, I will be in Tang Town.

It seems that when I leave, He Zhi will tell me that I'm fine.

At that time, I was very grateful for this. If I was here, I could take better care of Dunkong.

But I didn't expect... Is this because of my weirdness? !

Then where is the weirdness in me? !

I immediately took everything out.

Including objects of geology and geology, the golden ruler I got, the gossip tiger head mirror, parchment, and all other things.

"Brother Liao, look, what's wrong..."

My voice was hoarse and trembling a lot.

Because I really can't think of it, which object has gone wrong...

Liao Cheng twisted a rolled up paper stick and spread it out.

Those are three talismans stacked together.

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