Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 642 Young Master Still Reading

Obviously, Liao Cheng's words were a little bit sad.

He really wanted to see Mr. Na Yin.

However, Jiang Pan shook his head and said, "Rest in peace sir, don't bother us, we will also sleep in the cow's sleep one day."

Liao Cheng nodded and said no more.

The closer I got to Tang Town, the more I wanted to go back sooner.

Two days later, we arrived in Hongyuan County.

There was no rest after that, and the journey continued overnight.

In the middle of the night, he finally returned to outside Tang Town.

There is no moon in the quiet night sky, and the stars are mottled.

As soon as we entered the town, we suddenly heard a vigilant voice: "Stop! Who is this?!"

The torches were lit, and many people crowded out from both sides of the town gate.

They were all militiamen in Tang Town, and some of them were armed with guns.

At this time, Liao Cheng was driving the car, and someone aimed his gun at Liao Cheng.

I said in a deep voice, "Everyone put down their guns." While speaking, I poked my head out of the car door.

Everyone in Tang Town knew me, and the militiamen suddenly showed excitement and nervousness.

"Mr. Li is back!"

Immediately, everyone put away their guns.

I frowned slightly. Although I had told Tang Song to take precautions before leaving, it was not to the point where anyone who came in would raise a gun.

"Did anything happen in the town?" I asked in a low voice.

The leader of the militiamen whispered: "About ten days ago, something strange happened in the town, and two corpses were thrown into the water source. Although they were discovered, Mr. Xu, the paper figurine, also helped to detoxify them, but it still made people feel angry. panic."

"The mayor ordered that strict precautions be taken, and people in this town can come in and out." My pupils constricted a little.

Without further words, Liao Cheng and I changed places, and immediately drove towards Dixianglu.

When I got outside the Dixiang Lu, the Dixiang Lu was still exactly the same as when I left.

Originally, I wanted to go back to see Dunkong, but now the three boxes are important, the soul that Dunkong lost is probably there.

After getting out of the car one after another, I went directly to push the door.

As soon as the door opened, he saw a person standing behind him.

That person was obviously Zhu Xun, with a vigilant expression and a beheading knife in his hand.

My eyelids twitched wildly. Zhu Xun's presence really shocked me.

But I quickly realized that this is normal, after all, Tang Zhen had a problem before.

"Sir, you're back?!" Zhu Xie's vigilance turned into surprise.

I nodded and immediately stepped into the courtyard.

Zhu Xun also found Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng behind me. He had good eyesight and did not stop them.

At a glance, I saw three wooden boxes beside the courtyard gate and at the foot of the courtyard wall.

Immediately, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, I pointed to the wooden box and said, "Brother Liao, here it is." Liao Cheng glanced at the wooden box first, he nodded, but his eyes quickly fell on Jiang Pan.

Only then did I realize that Jiang Pan was not following us.

He was walking towards the mourning hall with trembling steps.

There was no sound of sobbing, but he had already burst into tears in silence.

I was silent, did not speak again, and did not let Liao Cheng continue to look at the wooden box.

In fact, on the way back, I was anxious, but Jiang Pan became more reticent the closer he got to Tang Town.

There was a muffled sound.

Jiang Pan stood upright and knelt at the front of the mourning hall.

The silent sobbing turned into a choked cry.

Jiang Pannuo was a person older, and soon cried like a child, his eyes were red, and his face was full of sorrow and pain.

"16 years, Dad, 16 years!"

"Son, I'm back." With a bang, Jiang Pan knocked his head heavily.

"My son got married many years ago and had a daughter. He always said that he would bring it back to show you, but he never had the chance."

"Now that you have passed away, you will never be able to see him again. You are not filial!" Bang, Jiang Pan kowtowed again.

"Now, my son inherits the name of Tianyuan, and I will definitely fulfill your entrustment, become the person who should be robbed by Tianyuan, and pass on Tianyuan's physiognomy!" Bang!Jiang Pan kowtowed for the third time!

"Brother Jiang..." Liao Cheng's pupils constricted, and he was about to step forward to stop him.

Because of these three strokes, Jiang Pan's forehead was flushed, even bloodshot.

Zhu Xun was even more silent. He stared blankly at Jiang Pan for a long time, then turned his head to look at me, his lips twitched, but he didn't ask anything.

"Let Brother Jiang stay with Master for a while, he needs to be quiet." The first time I saw Jiang Pan, Jiang Pan knew that Master was dead without me saying anything.

He knelt down and worshiped the sky, saying that he was not filial to his son Jiang Pan, and respectfully sent his late father to heaven.

Afterwards, I brought Gua to Jiang Pan, and he knelt down in the Red River, seemingly calm.

But I didn't know until now that all Jiang Pan's emotions were suppressed in his chest, and they were only revealed at this moment.

Liao Cheng's eyes were complicated, and he let out a long sigh.

He walked to the front of the mourning hall, and bowed deeply, as a salute to my master.

I signaled Zhu Xun to help carry the three wooden boxes into the main room.

I carried it with Zhu Xun, and Liao Cheng also came to help.

After the three wooden boxes were put into the main room, Liao Cheng opened the first one.

This box contains jewelry.

Liao Cheng immediately took them out one by one, and he looked at each one very carefully, and finally put them on the ground.

Soon the wooden box was empty, and Liao Cheng got nothing.

Then came the second box, which contained silver. The number of silver pieces was not as large as that of jewelry, but it was larger.

As a result, I searched for a box, but still didn't find it.

Liao Cheng's complexion has begun to become unnatural.

He frowned and opened the last box of large yellow croakers.

After taking out all the large yellow croakers, Liao Cheng saw sweat on his forehead.

He murmured: "It's not right... Could it be that it was taken away?!" My face immediately changed.

I can understand Liao Cheng's words, he means that the treasure in the wooden box is gone!

Reminiscent of the corpse that appeared in Tang Town more than ten days ago, my face turned livid immediately, I turned my head suddenly, I stared at Zhu Xun and said: "In the past few days, who else has entered the Dixianglu?!"

Apparently, Zhu Xun was taken aback by my expression, he said uneasy: "Except... except that Madam will bring Master Dunkong over, no... no one has come here, let alone touched these wooden boxes..."

The veins in my temples twitched wildly, and my breathing became heavier.

Forcibly calm down my emotions, but I can't calm down no matter what.

"Brother Liao, come with me to the house, let's go and see Dunkong." At this moment, my heart is also in a state of extreme confusion.

What made me clench my fist even more was, if the town object was taken away, would the part of the soul lost by Dun Kong also be taken away? !

So what to do? !

"Brother Yinyang, don't panic. The town is here, and it's just my judgment and your guess. Ask first if the child is okay."

"If the soul in the town is taken away, or used for other purposes, something will happen to Dunkong." Liao Cheng said in a deep voice, and he reached out and pressed my keyboard.

Only then did I calm down a bit, and immediately asked Zhu Xun Dunkong how he was doing recently.

In fact, Zhu Xun didn't know the details of Dunkong's illness, they all only knew that Dunkong was weak.

Zhu Xun obviously had a lot of doubts.

He calmed down, and then said: "The young master's body seems to be much stronger than before. During your absence, sir, he has a ruddy complexion and is in good spirits. He even often plays around in the local Xianglu, by the way... He also reads."

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