Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 641 Mr. Big, Yuan Huashao

"But... is it a coincidence?" Liu Tianqian spread out his hands, the palms of which were trembling slightly.

The sweat on his forehead was several times more than before, and there were even beads of sweat the size of beans.

"It shouldn't be... or something else happened?" Liu Tianqian's voice was a little more disturbed and bewildered.

What he said made my expression freeze.

"Second Elder, is there any problem over there?"

As soon as I said this, my face also changed...

A moment ago, I paid too much attention to Liu Tianniu's situation.

It was only at this moment that I realized, Kaiyang!

When the old watchman besieged He Gui Po, He Gui Po summoned a large number of ghost women.

I also got clues about Luo Yinpo's heir.

Grandma He told me that Luo Yinpo's son was in Kaiyang and had sought her help.

There is also a river in the provincial capital of Kaiyang, which is the water diverted by the Hanging River, but Grandma He didn't tell me too much about it at the time.

Now that I recall it more and more clearly, Grandma He also said back then that there is a very powerful Mr. Yin Yang in Kaiyang, who makes the whole Kaiyang smooth, and the people treat him like a god, and his reputation is not even below that of Jiang Yihong!

She also suggested to me that if I had the opportunity, I would visit Mr. Na Da, maybe it would be beneficial.

I thought of a possibility.

But I don't think it's possible...

Liu Tianqian spoke at the same time, his voice became hoarse, and said, "There is a gentleman in Kaiyang who has a very high reputation. If I remember correctly, the gentleman's name is Yuan Huashao."

"According to what I heard, Kaiyang Province was plagued by many disasters and illnesses in the early years, and the people were in dire straits. After Mr. Da went, the weather went smoothly! The people live and work in peace and contentment!"

"His yin and yang skills are extremely high, and his medical skills are outstanding..."

"It's just that he has a habit..."

"Back then, the Great Elder wanted to find Mr. Great first, but he gave up because of this habit." I didn't interrupt Liu Tianqian.

And the medical skills that Liu Tianqian mentioned also made my heart tremble.

If it wasn't for Liao Cheng's presence, I would also have the idea of ​​going to see that gentleman.

Liu Tianqian paused for a moment, then continued: "He fortune-telling and healing for ordinary people, and he usually takes the same thing, or a basket of eggs, half a piece of bacon, one or two yuan."

"But he takes a lot of gold and silver for the wealthy businessman, and he takes half of his net worth at every turn."

"If it is calculated for people in the Yin and Yang world, he will ask people to do three things, and it also depends on whether that person is a predestined person."

Liu Tianqian sighed softly, and said again: "The three things are too much for the Great Elder, and for the Qiang people of the Liu family, so Mr. Jiang doesn't have so many demands."

"Since the Great Elder has carried out Mr. Jiang's last hexagram, wishing to be in Sifang, he should not go to that Mr. Jiang again."

"Maybe, something else happened in Kaiyang, or maybe the Great Elder happened to be there?" Liu Tianqian looked at me again, full of uncertainty and doubt.

What he thought was actually the same as what I guessed just now, but I also found it impossible.

Liu Tianniu will not go against my master's hexagram.

In this way, there must be other things that made him go to Kaiyang.

"The specific matters, I'm afraid the Second Elder will find out after meeting the First Elder." I clasped my fists together and didn't make any further guesses.

Liu Tianqian nodded and hummed, his expression was obviously a bit disappointed.

After a while, Liu Tianqian said again, "Hua Yan may go to you, or she may go to the Great Elder. If she finds you, I hope you will take her in or notify the Taoist priests of the Liu Family."

The moment the voice fell, Liu Tianniu waved his hand towards me.

There was a light snort, and what fell into my hand was another summoning order from the Liu family.

"Let's go, Chi Xin." Liu Tianqian shouted.

Lao Huang raised his head and let out another moo.

It gave me another look very humanely, and the ox tail swiped several times before leaving in the other direction.

I carefully put the summoning order next to my body, bowed and saluted Liu Tianqian.

When I looked up, he and Liu Chixin had disappeared from sight.

I looked around and stepped on the hexagrams on the ground with my feet. Then I got into the carriage and drove towards the direction where Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng left just now.

About 200 meters away, I saw the two of them sitting and resting against a big rock.

When I approached, Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng also got up and walked towards me.

After stopping the car, I let out a foul breath and said, "Second Elder and Chi Xin Taoist Priest have left."

Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng got into the car one after another.

Liao Chengxian said: "In this case, we have nothing else to do, let's go to Tang Town immediately." Jiang Pan nodded directly.

My hand holding the rein suddenly tightened a lot, and my palm was also sweating.

Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath and whipped the whip hard.

The horse neighed and galloped forward.

After leaving the forest area and reaching the flat road, the carriage finally stabilized.

Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng, who were sitting next to the car door, looked pale from the bumps.

But the two of them held back and said nothing.

My mood will recover a little, and the speed will slow down.

It's been more than a month since I came out, and it didn't take a day or two to return to Tang Town. Such a hasty journey would not be of great use.

The speed slowed down a bit, and while I was driving, I took out the map to identify our current location and orientation.

After that, it was all on the road.

When we arrive in the town, we will also buy some dry food and drink water, take a rest before continuing our journey.

In the blink of an eye, more than half a month has passed.

During this period of time, I couldn't calm down and look at the method of Tongqiao and the golden ruler.

Liao Cheng asked me more details about Dunkong's body, and I told them all.

He finally told me that if those things are still there, he can cure Dunkong.

This was a boost to my heart.

Especially since Zhu Xun was in Xianglu, there were still so many people in Tang Town, it was impossible to take the box away.

When we were three days away from Tang Town, we passed a place called Bazhou.

Because the way back to Tang Town is another, more shortcut way, I didn't go back the same way.

I have never been to Bazhou before.

Liao Cheng asked me if I remembered that there was a village under Bazhou that he told us about a female gentleman.

I just remembered.

Liao Cheng also said that the female gentleman was called Ji Niang, and her burial place was special, and she might have the possibility of becoming a fairy.

Nodding my head, I said I remember.

Liao Chengcai continued: "Actually, Ji Niang has a Mr. Yin, who was separated from the Mr. Yin and Yang who had zero righteousness, two gods and one lineage. Back then, Mr. Yin still had some yang calculations, but was taken back by the patriarch, leaving only some superficial ones. inherited."

"It's a pity that this trip was rushed, otherwise I would also like to meet him, and see what kind of geomantic treasure land that Ji Niang found."

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