Now it seems that Liao Cheng can afford it and let it go. I also want his help to see if there is a chance for Dunkong to treat him. If he has been on guard against Liao Cheng, it is naturally impossible for him to help.

With my thoughts settled, I nodded.

Jiang Pancai said in a deep voice: "Yin Yang has a little secret, but this matter is very important, so I didn't mention it before."

"He has a parchment on his body, which records the location of a feathered corpse. Brother Liao, it's too difficult to find the clues. It's better to follow the Yin-Yang map to find them. What do you think?"

Liao Cheng's pupils constricted, and there was a lot of light in his eyes. He said solemnly: "Brother Yinyang, do you really mean what you say?!"

Liu Tianqian and Liu Chixin were also looking at us and listening to us.

I noticed that both of their brows were furrowed.

Liu Chixin's crossed forehead lines and Liu Tianqian's horizontal lines are as deep as a knife carving.

I took a deep breath, and answered Liao Cheng first, saying it was true, and also explained that it was the parchment scroll I got at the same time as I got the eight house whip.

Liao Cheng's face was full of joy, and he murmured: "Very good, very good! Feathering a good corpse, the gathering of zero and positive gods, the essence of the spirit of two or five."

When Liao Cheng's voice fell, Liu Chixin said: "Mr. Li, Chixin and I can't help you with this matter. Although the Great Elder will not return to the Qiang people, we must find him as soon as possible. Now the Qiang people just let him go." It is not a long-term solution for a junior in Sanyuan to be in charge, we have to listen to the appointment of the Great Elder."

Obviously, Liao Cheng had a look of regret and disappointment on his face.

However, this didn't make me feel anything.

Going to Tang Town was not a matter of three or two days. The Liu family is in such civil turmoil that they really cannot stay with me for long.

I cupped my fists and said that the Second Elder doesn't need to worry about it, we can solve it by ourselves.

Liu Tianqian nodded, but I always felt that he and Liu Chixin seemed to have something to say?

After this period of time was consumed, the fire at the Taoist temple had grown from the largest to the smallest.

The original Six Suns Taoist Temple is now in ruins.

Liu Tianqian asked Liu Chixin to check it out, and Liu Chixin immediately headed towards the ruins of the ashram.

Not long after, Liu Chixin returned, and he and Liu Tianqian reported that all the corpses were probably turned into charcoal, and there would be no more problems left.

Liu Tianqian nodded in relief.

After that, we left the scope of the Taoism of the Six Suns.

Liu Tianqian rode Lao Huang forward, and I had no choice but to get on the carriage.

In the end, Liu Chixin drove the carriage and followed Liu Tianqian.

This carriage is not as stable as that of the Qiang people, and it is not as fast as Lao Huang's.

I looked at the back of Lao Huang obliquely in front of me, and I couldn't help but sighed again in my heart.

Liao Cheng had a look of hesitation on his face, he asked: "Brother Yinyang, can I have a look at this sheepskin scroll first?" I thought for a while, then took out the sheepskin scroll.

Through this period of contact, I can roughly judge that Liao Cheng is a greedy person, but he is still a Mr. Yin and Yang in essence.

The hexagram given to Jiang Pan by the master, the three people walking together in the ninth and third line, very likely, refers to me, Liao Cheng, and Jiang Pan.

Jiang Pan also said that as long as this line does not match the hexagram, the subsequent hexagrams will form chaotic hexagrams.

The first line must be fulfilled, and the second line must also be fulfilled, so that the hexagrams can go on the right track, and if the hexagrams are on the right track, the destiny will be changed.

It doesn't mean that if you don't even care about the first and second lines, then sooner or later, this hexagram will be fulfilled elsewhere.

I want this third Jiusan Yao Ying Gua.

Then there can be no differences between me, Jiang Pan, and Liao Cheng!

The opportunity for the previous disagreement came from the method of stealing life!

It is impossible for Liao Cheng to obtain the evil method.

And after this matter is over, if we stay safe until the three of us disperse peacefully, will Master's hexagram be messed up?

Can Jiang Pan's fate be changed? !

I thought very fast, and the parchment was also handed over to Liao Cheng.

Liao Chengfeng looked down like a treasure, and after looking at it for a long time, Liao Chengcai murmured: "On the parchment, there is no conclusive news about the emergence of a corpse, brother Yinyang, is it reliable or not?"

I calmed down and replied: "An extremely important elder beside me mentioned that his master had obtained such a piece of parchment back then, and gathered people to search for it, but there was no news at last. I also made an agreement with him about the blueprint, I am successful in Yin Yang, and I will go to this place after I leave the Dixianglu."

"Furthermore, to tell you the truth, Brother Liao, I want to change my life. After studying many classics, the last chance is also directed at the Ascension Corpse."

"Fortunately, I met Brother Liao. If it weren't for this, I would have taken the corpse pill directly if I found this corpse alone."

Liao Cheng looked cautious, he nodded and said: "After looking at it this way, it is indeed fate. Geographical geology is a single lineage, Mr. Life is hard, naturally there are other ways to change fate. When I meet my lineage of zero positive and two gods, it is also true. Our chance!"

After saying that, Liao Cheng handed the parchment to me, and said: "Brother Yinyang, put it away, and we will study it more when we go."

I put away the parchment, and my heart became a little more stable.

During this trip, what we ate and drank was dry food and water bags.

In the dead of night, the carriage barely stopped.

Liu Tianqian's voice came from outside: "There are still at least [-] miles left. I worked hard last night and can't do anything tonight. I will camp here for the night." Liu Chixin opened the door of the carriage, and the three of us got out of the carriage one after another.

The night was just right, the sky was full of stars.

This place is also empty, the grass is clean, and there are lush trees to lean against.

Liu Chixin lit a bonfire, and sat cross-legged with Liu Tiangan to rest his spirit.

Both Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng couldn't hide their exhaustion. They lay on the ground, using the futon of the carriage as a pillow, and fell asleep.

I sat by the campfire with a dead grass between my fingers, burning in the fire.

The sleepiness is heavy, but the thoughts in my heart are even heavier.

But thinking about returning to Tang Town after helping Liu Chixin, this also made me feel like returning home.

In a daze, when I was about to close my eyes, I felt a sudden pain in my heart...

The pain made me grunt, and my hand almost fell into the campfire.

The flames scorched the skin a bit, and I pulled my hand away quickly.

However, the colic was accompanied by a strong palpitation.

I retracted my hand and came back, only to find that my fingers showed signs of cracks.

In addition, there is a faint sense of staring behind me, which makes me feel that there is a resentment lingering in my back...

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