The moment the spell fell, Liu Tianqian waved his hand.

A flag fell under the feet, and four flags flew in all directions!

He waved his sleeve again, and what flew out were four bronze mirrors and a whisk!

I can't see where the rest of the banners, the bronze mirrors, and the whisks are going.

But I feel that there is a special aura covering this lifeless Liuyang Taoist Temple.

Obviously, this is the formation that Liu Tianqian just mentioned.

Liu Tianqian fell from the courtyard and returned to Lao Huang's back,

Old Huang mooed, as if greeting me.

I nodded, only to realize that the current Lao Huang is much more energetic than before.

The scalpers of the Taoist priests must also follow the Taoist priests to play the greatest role.

"Mr. Li, I will tell you later that I want to ask you for help. You have three Mr. Yin and Yang, and you will definitely be able to help me accomplish it."

Liu Tianqian said in a deep voice.

I immediately cupped my fists and said, "Yin Yang will definitely fulfill the promise." Liao Cheng's eyes clearly showed some doubts.

But he didn't ask any more questions.

Liu Tianqian squinted his eyes and was looking in the direction of the back, and Liao Cheng and I were also looking up.

After about half a cup of tea, a thick smoke appeared in the sky.

As the thick smoke became more and more intense, what rose up was raging flames!

The fire was burning, and the nostrils began to smell burnt.

Not long after, Jiang Pan and Liu Chixin also came out.

Jiang Pan's eyes are still flushed now, but there is obviously a lot of comfort in his eyes.

Liu Chixin clasped his fists and bowed to Liu Tianqian, and said in a deep voice, "To the Second Elder, Jia Sheng's body has been burned, and I also put Jia Gongming's body into the back view."

"Well, let's go a little farther away. After watching the fire go out and the place completely razed to the ground, we will leave." Liu Tianqian replied calmly.

Liu Chixin nodded cautiously.

I understood what Liu Tianqian meant, and I was about to walk towards the windward direction.

After Liao Cheng said to wait a moment, he entered the Taoist temple again, and pulled out the horse and carriage.

We just left from the gate of the Taoist temple.

There are many dead bodies in the Taoist Temple of the Six Suns, with heavy grievances, and the bodies of people who have stolen their lives. This place must be completely destroyed before they can leave in peace.

After walking about 300 meters, we reached the upper wind at the foot of the mountain.

Several people looked at the Six Suns Taoist Temple in front of them.

The turbulent fire burst into the sky, even though it was so far away, there were still waves of heat rushing head-on.

Jiang Pan sighed softly, and murmured: "The centuries-old Taoist temple was destroyed once. Daoist Jin Yang, County Magistrate Longlin, so many lives...we didn't protect them."

The complexity of Jiang Pan also made me feel sad.

Liu Tianqian and Liu Chixin were very calm and did not say a word, while Liao Cheng was always thoughtful.

I persuaded Jiang Pan in a low voice, and his mood calmed down a lot.

I just said to Liu Tianqian: "Second Elder, this fire will take a long time to extinguish. You asked me to help you. Tell me what it is."

Liu Tianqian lowered his head, as if he was in deep thought.

After a while, he said: "Seventy miles away from here, there is a barren mountain with fierce and deep resentment."

"Originally, I went out to look for the Great Elder, but the barren mountain was so fierce that the surrounding people were in dire straits. So I explored the mountain, intending to exterminate the evil corpses and spirits within."

"But I never thought that the corpse in the mountain was a living corpse, entrenched in an old grave. It was hard for me to know where the grave was. He was no match for me, so he ran away quickly."

"I asked the local villagers and learned that since the barren mountain was haunted by ghosts, people in the surrounding villages and towns have disappeared from time to time. It is obvious that all of them have entered the mountain."

After a short pause, Liu Tianqian continued: "Mr. Yinyang can set the acupoints and divide the money, help me find the place where the tomb is, and just get rid of the green corpse."

My eyelids suddenly jumped up.

I just asked not long ago, the difference between Sheqing and Qingshi, Liu Tiangan said it was the difference between him and Liu Chixin...

That is to say, the green corpse has not long since turned into evil, and the green corpse has reached the most vicious stage?

Just talking about the word "Che" makes people feel cold when they hear it.

Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng were also listening carefully.

Liao Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "Elder Liu, are you sure it's a living corpse who took Qingsha?" Liu Tianqian nodded.

Liu Chixin's eyelids twitched wildly, and there was a look of surprise in his eyes.

Liao Cheng frowned and lowered his head, as if thinking.

I nodded and said, "When I get to that mountain, I can find out the holes."

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Pan said in a deep voice: "The living corpse is not a simple barren mountain that can be bred. It must be a mountain with excellent geomantic omen, but it has gradually been abandoned in recent years. The reason for the abandonment is simple. A large corpse came out."

"However, there is no record in the classics of Tianyuan Physiognomy. She Qingsha can reach this step... Is Elder Liu's information wrong?"

Jiang Pan is very serious.

My heart is also congealed.

With Jiang Pan's composure, he generally wouldn't say the wrong thing.

However, what makes me puzzled is that in the travel notes of those gentlemen who are geologists, there is no record of taking Qingsha, but there are many green corpses.

And the ferocity of those green corpses is different from what I know.

Could it be that the successors of geology and geology in the past did not use this title to divide them?But unified called the green corpse?

Liu Tianqian thought for a moment, and he replied: "I don't have any ventilation, so I can only see the strange rocks on the mountain, almost no vegetation, and the whole mountain is cold and empty, so I think it is a barren mountain."

Jiang Pan nodded and said, "In that case, let's go and see."

Then, Jiang Pan looked at me and Liao Cheng again, and said: "Brother Yinyang, Brother Liao, after going with Elder Liu, I will go to the Xianglu, and I will pay homage to the teacher last, how about it?"

I nodded, I agreed to help Liu Tianqian, so I naturally have no objection.

Jiang Pan put the matter of worshiping Guo Tianyu to the end, but it made me sigh.

But I don't want to ask too many other questions, which is good for me.

Liao Cheng paused for a long while before he frowned and said, "Brother Jiang, that feathered corpse..."

He didn't finish this sentence, so he paused.

I immediately understood that Liao Cheng had some clues about the Ascension Corpse. When I first arrived in Honghe, the discussion was to clarify these clues as soon as possible so that we could find the Ascension Corpse.

It's just that Jiang Pan and I talked alone. I have the parchment, and I can directly find the location of a feathered corpse.

Only Jiang Pan and I know about this matter, and Liao Cheng doesn't know about it for the time being.

While I was thinking, Liao Cheng and Liu Tianqian clasped fists again, and continued with Jiang Pan: "It happens that Elder Liu is here, we can also take this opportunity to ask the elder for help." He wanted to borrow the tricks of Taoist priests of the Liu family!

Jiang Pan looked up at me.

My mind was thinking very fast.

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