Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 632 Arranging dragons on the water, accumulating more than ten thousand warehouses

My eyelids kept twitching wildly, and I turned around suddenly.

But there was no one behind me, let alone anything else.

I stared at the back for a long time, and my breathing became heavy.

After finding out the compass, I let it stabilize in the palm of my hand, and found that the pointer pointed to the normal land.

This means that this place is fine...

Then why do I have palpitations and angina?

Spreading out his palms again, he looked down at his fingertips.

There were indeed cracks on the five fingers, and some blood was even spilled out.

I remembered one thing.

If something happened to the heir, the heir would form a wave of resentment and linger behind his father.

This is an omen, and it is also a punishment of fate.

Ten fingers connected to heart...

All I've been thinking about lately is escaping...

Could it be that this is a reminder from my fate that Dunkong's body is still deteriorating? !

At this time, I was flustered, tired and sleepy, and my head was still aching.

This feeling is particularly mentally tormenting.

"Brother Yinyang?" Liao Cheng's voice came, with some inquiries.

I just saw him sit up.

Obviously, it was my movement that woke him up.

Jiang Pan slept relatively peacefully.

"You don't look very pretty, what happened?" Liao Cheng frowned slightly and asked.

I originally wanted to find an excuse and prevaricate casually.

But this kind of worry really made me unable to hold back my mind.

Hesitating again and again, I stood up and made a gesture of please.

Obviously, Liao Cheng saw what I meant.

He tiptoed to follow me away.

Soon, we walked to a position a little farther away, and it happened that this place was downwind again, and our conversation would not disturb others.

"Brother Liao, how deep is the yin and yang technique of the two gods of zero and positive for the understanding of the soul?" I asked in a deep voice.

Liao Cheng was surprised, but he didn't hesitate. After thinking for a while, he replied: "The two characters of yin and yang look at zero and positive, and you must know the disease when you sit in the right direction. Recognize the mountain brain. Arrange dragons on the water and store them in more than ten thousand warehouses."

"The yin and yang technique of the zero and positive two gods is the essence of the two and five, which is the human soul and yangshou. Brother yin and yang asked me how deep it is, but I can't answer it."

"You can tell me about the difficulties you encounter, and I will see if I can help you."

"Brother Jiang and I are brothers and sisters. We have lived and died together this time. I will spare no effort."

I really don't understand what Liao Cheng said.

But his feng shui technique is aimed at the soul, which makes me unable to hold back my inner words.

And at this time, Liao Cheng and I still have a relationship.

That is the parchment on my body, and the feathered corpse!

As long as the help escapes first, benefits, and Jiang Pan's relationship, Liao Cheng should not hide his secrets.

When I was thinking, I opened my mouth and said: "I have a son named Dunkong. He has hidden diseases since he was born. The fontanel is not closed, lost his soul, dull, sometimes normal."

"But for a long time, his body has been extremely weak. If there is no solution, his life span may not be long."

"This time, I immediately came out to look for Brother Jiang. Apart from what he said in his letter, my son's soul of escape is also something that I urgently want Brother Liao and Brother Jiang to help."

"The main soul of Xinmen, but it doesn't close?" Liao Cheng frowned. He stretched out one hand, gently pressed the thumb on the middle finger, and sometimes jumped to the ring finger and index finger.

Liao Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly, and he said word by word: "The fontanelle controls the soul in the bone, even if the fontanelle is damaged, it will close. Children dare not fall on their foreheads. One of the common knowledge is that it is easy to die."

"Once the fontanel is not closed, that person must be dead!"

"Brother Yinyang, it seems that you have offended quite a few people, right?!" What Liao Cheng said earlier already shocked me.

But his last sentence made my complexion change even more!

Because, what he meant was obvious.

The lost soul who escaped from the sky, and the fontanelle is not closed, is not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster!

My breathing became more rapid, and I was thinking quickly.

I have indeed offended many people, such as Ma Kuan, the mortician, Mr. One Finger Yang Zhushu, Qiu Tianyuan from the Qiang nationality, etc...

But those people either have no ability to plot against me, or they are not near Tang Town...

When I was about to speak, my face changed again.

This change of color made me even more terrified, with goose bumps all over my body, and my hairs were standing on end!

Because, I thought of someone!

"Brother Yinyang's expression, and your words, it all shows that you didn't think it was a man-made disaster before, but now, you should have thought of someone who might be?" Liao Cheng put away his hands and put his back on his back.

He looked at me with a complex expression and his brows were furrowed.

"But I don't know how he got it, and I don't know if it was him. Since the day Dunkong was born, or me, or my wife, he has always been with him. My wife is a ghost from the He family. Not weak." I said hoarsely.

After thinking deeply, Liao Cheng continued: "According to what you said, the loss of souls is getting more and more serious with age, and there is no related person who has been around the vicinity of Di Xianglu. Then I judge that the person set up a talisman, or someone It’s a soul-absorbing town, I don’t know where he is stored, anyway, brother Yinyang, your son will go there often.”

"He probably hasn't acted cruelly yet. If he did, taking away the treasure would at least damage your soul, or at worst he would take away all of your soul, leaving only an empty skin."

"Zhenwu... Talisman?" I lowered my head in thought, but my complexion suddenly paled a lot.

"It's Zhenwu... The first time Dunkong lost his soul was after he went to the Dixianglu. There can be no danger in the Dixianglu, but there are three boxes of gold, silver and jewelry in it. What else is there in those things? I don't know, an enemy sent me, I..."

Liao Cheng's complexion changed immediately, he frowned and said: "Brother Yinyang, you dare to put what your enemy gave you in the Xianglu?!" The sweat on my forehead grew rapidly.

It is difficult for me to tell Liao Cheng that that man is my biological father and the one who implicated my mother in death.

If I throw those belongings indiscriminately.

If people in Tang Town or other places pick it up, they will be implicated in cause and effect and harm others.

He can only stay in the Xianglu temporarily, and when the time comes to find that person, return him, and take revenge.

At that time, I really thought that he was just here as a gift. I never expected that there would be something in his box to absorb the soul...

There are not so many coincidences in the world, there is only one problem at present, and that is the only possibility!

She pursed her lips tightly, sweat dripping down her forehead.

In the end, I could only say hoarsely: "I have to go back as soon as possible, and settle the matter with the second elder, and we will set off."

Liao Cheng hummed in a deep voice, and said: "As long as the thing is still there, I can release the soul it took away."

"If I'm not wrong, there will be a lot of it left behind every time I lose my soul. It's also thanks to the heir of Mr. Yin Yang, otherwise the ordinary child would have died long ago."

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