"In addition, Jia Sheng killed Mr. Tianyuan, Guo Tianyu, who was the teacher of another friend of mine. I hope that the two priests can hand over this corpse to us, so that we can call my friend..." However, Liao Cheng also Not finished.

Liu Tianqian glanced over coldly, and scolded in an old voice: "Noisy!"

Liao Cheng's face froze, and his voice stopped abruptly!

I was also stunned, because I never expected that Liu Tianqian would be so impatient with Liao Cheng...

At first I thought, he might say a few euphemistic words?

But after thinking about it, this is the stubbornness of Taoist priests of the Liu family...

Except for those who are close friends, I am afraid that even the same family will not have the slightest sympathy.

What's more, as I said before, Liao Cheng has thoughts about the method of stealing life...

The next moment, Liao Cheng's complexion was blue and red, and he clenched his hands tightly, his knuckles turned white a lot.

Liu Chixin ignored Liao Cheng, and clasped fists with Liu Tiangan again, saying, "Second Elder, what should we do?"

"Use An Wujing to suppress the talisman to lock the evil spirits, draw a curse to suppress the gods to fix the corpse, and then set fire to it."

As Liu Tianqian said, he turned his head and looked around.

A sigh flashed across the old face, and he said again: "Many people have died. After their lives were stolen, their souls were put into blood clothes again. There is no possibility of salvation. The souls of those who have not been eaten have also dispersed. , is about to melt away."

"This Taoist view cannot be kept."

"You are watching the talisman drawing from the back, and I will go to the front to watch and set up the formation. After the talisman drawing is over, you set a fire." Liu Chixin's expression suddenly became several times more serious.

Hearing these words, I was also extremely depressed, and my heart was too heavy...

None of these six suns Taoist temples can be left... all of them must be burned?

Liao Cheng, who was at the side, looked even more uncertain.

He suddenly said: "Brother Yinyang, let's go out first, at least let Brother Jiang take a look, this Jia Sheng is already dead." After speaking, Liao Cheng turned around and hurried towards the front view position.

Liu Tiangan and I nodded.

I look grateful.

Of course, Liao Cheng couldn't see this scene.

I walked out following Liao Cheng, and came across the corpses that had been swept across the ground, and the last dozen or so people who hadn't eaten their birthday rice but fell to the ground and died.

Black fluff has begun to grow on those people's bodies, and each of them looks extremely fierce...

Long Lin and all the people he brought, as well as the Taoist priests of Liuyang Taoist Temple including Liao Cheng, none of them can escape from death...

Soon, we arrived at the front view.

At the entrance of the main hall, Jiang Pan was pacing back and forth.

Liao Cheng didn't say hello to Jiang Pan, instead he directly bypassed Jiang Pan and entered the hall.

The next moment, Liao Cheng was startled and angry, and said: "Brother Jiang, did you kill him?!"

I followed closely behind and saw Jia Gongming at a glance.

But now, Jia Gongming is dead, his body is tied to a chair, but his head is separated.

The ground was full of blood, his head rolled to the ground, and there seemed to be a few runes on it.

Jiang Pan looked serious, he frowned and said, "Brother Liao, what do you mean by that?"

"It's that old Taoist priest..." Liao Cheng's face became even more ugly. He clenched his fists tightly and waved his hands fiercely.

Jiang Pan nodded, and said, "Two priests came here just now. They beheaded Jia Gongming and stopped the evil spirit that was about to emanate from his body. They also told me that it was Yin Yang who summoned him Order them to come."

"I heard the movement behind, but the old Taoist priest didn't let me go to see it, now you come out, the back..."

Jiang Pan asked these words very quickly.

It's just that Liao Cheng didn't answer, he kept staring at Jia Sheng's body, and walked forward quickly to feel for it.

I paid attention to Liao Cheng's movements, but he became more and more irritable, and also more and more disappointed...

I breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Jiang Pan: "Brother Jiang, Jia Sheng is dead. His body is in the background. It is true that he killed Mr. Guo..." I briefly talked about the process, and Jia Sheng died before his death. , the ones I see.

Including Liu Tianqian's plan to burn the Six Suns Taoist Temple, I also talked about it.

Jiang Pan's eyes were red, and he turned around and walked in the direction of the back view.

My complexion was complicated, as was my mood, and I didn't keep up.

Jia Sheng is dead, and Guo Tianyu's vengeance will be avenged, but this is not Jiang Pan's revenge, and Jiang Pan will always have a grudge in his heart.

But at least, this corresponds to the ninety-two line of the hexagram calculated by the master.

In this way, it's time for us to set off to pay homage to Master...

A quarter of an hour later, Liao Cheng took a few steps back in disappointment, and his voice was even worse: "I knew it, no... This Jia Gongming is missing a lot, and it's all in Jia Sheng's place..." The next moment, Liao Cheng suddenly Turning around suddenly, he looked at me deeply.

This scene was so sudden that I didn't react.

However, I have long been on guard against Liao Cheng, and my face did not show my feet...

"Brother Liao, there's no chance, we can't get it." I said complicatedly with a sigh of relief.

Obviously, Liao Cheng was stunned for a moment, and a hint of doubt flashed inadvertently in his eyes.

I caught it, but at this moment, it disappeared.

"I didn't expect that the old friend you invited turned out to be a Taoist priest from the Liu family. If I knew in advance..."

Liao Cheng shook his head, his complexion became more complicated, and he said: "It's not very useful to know in advance, these bull noses are too stubborn."

I breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that Liao Cheng no longer doubts me.

However, if I expected it to be correct, if I answered something else just now, it would definitely arouse Liao Cheng's doubts...

When I said that I couldn't get it, I naturally alluded to the method of stealing life.

This faintly puts me and Liao Cheng on the same line.

"Forget it, I lost my life. Perhaps this method will always be difficult to enter the hall. The right way is to transform into a good corpse." Liao Cheng said again.

He motioned me to go outside the Taoist Temple of the Six Suns.

I was stunned for a moment.

Liao Cheng figured it out so quickly?

After thinking about it, it is not difficult to understand.

After all, it is Mr. Yin Yang, after all, the method of stealing life is destroyed in front of his eyes, and it is about to be a foregone conclusion, and it is still the Taoist priests of the Liu family who guard him.

It is impossible for Liao Cheng to have any more calculations, and it is impossible to be an enemy of the Taoist priests of the Liu family.

After a while, we came to the outside of Liuyang Taoist Temple.

At this time, there were only two of us outside the Taoist temple.

After waiting for about half an hour.

Liu Tiangan rode out on Lao Huang.

When he arrived at the gate of the Taoist temple, he didn't talk to us, but suddenly stepped on Lao Huang's back, jumped up, and reached the roof above the gate of the Taoist temple.

The sky was slightly brighter, with a touch of fish belly white, Liu Tianqian raised his hand, but he was holding five flags in his hand.

He shouted in a deep voice: "Houtu, Mingtang, Qianmo, Youtang!"

"Liu Tianqian, the official Taoist priest of the Liu family, declared to the ghost gods of the five roads that the evil spirits would not disperse, and would startle the mansion of the gods. He would respect the tolerance of virtue and make the souls of the dead peaceful! Sifang bronze mirror town house, a dust whisk as eyes, and five-color banners Banners, the yellow and white banners of the palace surname, the green and white banners of the Shang surname, the green and green banners of the Jiao surname, the green and red banners of the Zheng surname, and the green and black banners of the feather sound, set up the willow seat of the original sound yuan, entrusted with Tianyuan at the top, and entrusted with the realm of the earth at the bottom, there is nowhere for ghosts and monsters to hide!"

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