"The Taoist holds a bow and arrow, shoot three times and cut three times!" Liu Tianqian raised his arms suddenly, and with a whoosh sound, three crossbow arrows shot out from his arms!

"One arrow shoots disasters from heaven, two arrows shoots disasters from the earth, three arrows shoots ghost disasters, shoots down the vicious ghosts, and leaves home forever!"

In an instant, all three crossbow arrows pierced Jia Sheng's chest!

Jia Sheng let out a miserable scream.

His whole face was ferocious and ferocious, just like an evil ghost!

But the strange thing is that with such an injury, he didn't bleed

The screams didn't stop.

His whole face seemed to be agitated. In a daze, I felt that Jia Sheng's face changed dozens of times in an instant.

Like dozens of people, dozens of expressions!

The feeling of being suppressed and unable to move disappeared in an instant.

My body regained control, I opened my mouth suddenly, panting heavily, and the copper bowl in my hand was thrown to the ground with a bang.

The same is true for Liao Cheng, he was panting harder than me, and his whole body seemed to collapse, sitting on the ground.

But it didn't stop there.

I have seen Liu Tianniu use this trick.

That's only half of it!

In the next moment, Liu Tianqian stepped on Lao Huang's back again, and he jumped up out of thin air.

The sound of incantations echoed in the back view again.

"Slashing away the calamity of heaven, all the monsters will be damaged, the stars will come to protect them, and the sun and the moon will show their three lights!"

"Second chops off the ground, E has already sat in the middle, the corpses are all dispersed, and the monsters always perish!"

"Three cuts to get rid of ghosts, ghosts and ghosts are all hidden, dead souls surpass the fairy world, and the cave is always auspicious!"

Liu Tianqian danced his hands quickly, and the dazzling copper light flickered continuously. He slashed three bronze swords with one strike, nine swords in total, and flew towards Jia Sheng!

Liao Cheng looked shocked, and shouted loudly: "Master Dao! Be merciful! This Jia Sheng can't die!"

There was another fierce roar.

That Jia Sheng suddenly stood up from the ground.

He stood upright, and even weirder scenes happened.

Originally, I just watched in a daze, his face seemed to have changed into dozens of different faces, with different expressions.

Now, I feel that his face has a bit of Guo Tianyu's feeling? !

In addition, Jia Sheng's face turned green quickly!

His breathing is also rapidly weakening!

He raised his right arm and broke the arrows in his chest!

But, that's all he can do

The nine bronze swords arrived in front of Jia Sheng in an instant.

Three spears pierced his head.

The remaining six handles pierced his left and right lute bones respectively!

With a bang, he hit the wall again, and the bronze swords on his shoulders sank into it, as if to nail him to death.

He remained motionless, and the blueness on his face had completely dissipated.

Those changing expressions also stop

His eyes were wide open, his cheeks were ashen, and his eyes were filled with dead silence.

My heart really jumped into my throat.

Liao Cheng's eyes widened, and his eyes were full of annoyance and pity.

But immediately after, he bent down to pick up the copper longevity bowl on the ground.

At this moment, Liu Chixin who was beside us suddenly raised a bronze sword and slashed towards Liao Cheng!

There was a crackling sound, and the copper bowl fell apart.

Including the copper bowl in front of me, and the bone longevity bowl in Liu Chixin's hand, they were all quickly chopped into pieces by Liu Chixin.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Liao Cheng was dumbfounded.

He was stunned, and said: "You, Daoist!" Liu Chixin glanced at Liao Cheng coldly, and said, "What are you? Don't destroy the longevity bowls, keep them and let them hurt people's lives?!" I didn't Go to see Liao Cheng, because I don't want Liao Cheng to feel that this matter has something to do with me.

I took a step and hurried towards that Jia Sheng.

Liu Tiangan was faster than me and had already arrived in front of Jia Sheng.

I stared at Jia Sheng's face, he had already passed away from anger, and he couldn't die anymore.

Up close, he looks the same as before.

But what I don't understand is the changes in those dozens of faces, especially Guo Tianyu

What's more, what's even more frightening is that Jia Sheng was not dead just now, but he turned into a living evil spirit!

It was still when Liu Tianqian shot three bronze arrows at him!

That is clearly a living corpse evil spirit, what a monstrous resentment and yin energy it must have, it can be transformed under the magic weapon of a Taoist priest!

Just like the horse drought at that time, it directly melted the gossip tiger head mirror

"Mr. Li, do you know why I have to hide all the time?"

"Even I want to make Chi Xin miss on purpose." Liu Tianqian's old voice rang beside his ears.

I shook my head, and said in a low voice: "I don't know Yin and Yang, please ask the second elder to clarify."

"It is recorded in the classics of the Liu family that the method of life-stealing is vicious, not only because of the life-stealing, but also because of the person who stole the life-span. He has carried dozens or even hundreds of lives."

"What he ate was not only his life, but also resentment, fierceness, and evil spirit, which were all suppressed by his more fierce temperament."

"There is a backlash to stealing life, at least according to the records of the Liu family, if that person steals someone with a higher lifespan than him, he will be killed instead."

"Besides, if the life-stealing person dies, it will also cause a catastrophe and loss of life." Beads of sweat appeared on my forehead.

I didn't dare to interrupt Liu Tianqian's words, the more I listened, the more frightened I became.

Liu Tianqian paused for a moment before continuing: "All the grievances, fierceness, and evil spirits he ate will all burst out, using his corpse as a carrier, turning into a murderous corpse, murdering and hurting people everywhere. They died of stealing Longevity, it is necessary to suck people's yangshou, and they die of bleeding, so they must be thirsty for blood."

"This kind of corpse will become more and more fierce. When it reaches a certain level, it will become Sheqingsha. I'm afraid that all the elders of our Liu family will not be enough." After speaking, Liu Tianqian stroked his short beard on his chin.

After digesting for a while, I took a deep breath and said, "Che Qing Sha, is it the green corpse?"

"The green corpse is also a green corpse, but it's not exactly the same. You can see it as the difference between Chi Xin and me." Liu Tianqian replied calmly.

My eyelids twitched wildly, and the feeling of fear became stronger and stronger

Liu Chixin came behind Liu Tiangan, and Liao Cheng did the same.

But now Liao Cheng's expression is not natural at all.

He stared at Jia Sheng's body, wondering what he was thinking in his eyes.

"Second Elder, this corpse cannot be disposed of hastily. Although his soul has been cut off, every inch of flesh and blood on this body is full of resentment, which will be crushed." Liu Chixin said in a deep voice.

I don't think Liu Chixin said that because I told them not to let the life-stealing method go out.

But Jia Sheng's corpse is too dangerous!

Just at this time, Liao Cheng bowed his fists and said: "What this Chixin Daoist said is very true. Liao Cheng is a Mr. Yin and Yang who is proficient in the two gods of zero and positive, and he is a good friend with Brother Yin and Yang."

"Brother Yinyang and I have a safe solution, which can not only eliminate the hidden danger of this corpse, but also dissipate those grievances."

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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All works on this site are reprinted works, and all chapters are uploaded by netizens. The reposting to this site is just to promote this book for more readers to appreciate.


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