Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 627 A Taoist sits on a longhorn, its tail frightens the whip

Apparently, the blood shed just now was mixed with Shoumi.

Coupled with the spell that Jia Sheng chanted, he stole some of Liu Chixin's lifespan!

Liu Chixin was suddenly so weak

Feeling dizzy from time to time

I don't have the golden ruler to open my senses, and I feel a lot colder in my body.

Only then did I notice that Liao Cheng was no longer by my side.

He moved a few steps towards the front hall.

Although the speed is very slow and difficult, it is obvious that he is going to go

"Brother Liao!" I snorted and raised my hands to cover my ears at the same time.

Now I realize that the effect of covering my ears is almost gone.

The voice seemed to rise from the head.

Liao Cheng still covered his ears, he said hoarsely: "Brother Yinyang, the helper you found is really powerful, but this Jia Sheng is too evil, we retreat one after another, and then find a way!"

With that said, Liao Cheng moved a few more steps, and was already approaching the door of Houguan.

Naturally, I didn't follow Liao Cheng to escape, but bit the bullet and bit the tip of my tongue, forcing myself to wake up and walk towards Liu Chixin.

I found not only Liu Chixin, but also the even more powerful Second Elder Liu Tiangan!

He didn't show up now, was he waiting for an opportunity?

Obviously, that opportunity has not yet come!

During this period, Jia Sheng licked all the remaining rice on the bone spur, and he became more energetic.

Liu Chixin looked even more sluggish, with both hands hanging down, not even covering his shoulders, panting weakly.

I am getting closer and closer to Liu Chixin.

But Jia Sheng said again coldly: "I said, no one can leave." The moment he finished speaking, the range of movements of those people's tapping became larger in an instant.

The sound was as if the bowl was about to be broken!

No, indeed some bowls shattered.

Along with the crackling sound, the fainting in the head suddenly turned into a stabbing pain!

I grunted and fell to my knees with a bang.

Liao Cheng was also not much better, he knelt down at the door of Houguan

The sound of chaotic footsteps continued, and I could only see those people getting up and walking around in a daze.

I was panting heavily, trying to get up, but I wanted to return to my thoughts, but I couldn't control my body, I could only hear my ears buzzing.

When I finally woke up, I was no longer where I was just now.

Instead, they stood side by side, kneeling beside Liu Chixin.

And I actually held a heavy copper bowl in both hands.

The copper bowl seems to have suction, I feel like my hand is broken and bleeding

Liao Cheng was kneeling next to my shoulder, holding a bowl in both hands, staring at the bowl with dull eyes.

Jia Sheng stood in front of Liu Chixin, he lifted Jia Sheng's chin with the bone spur, his eyes were full of greed and satisfaction.

Behind him stood a dozen numb and bumped people.

There are more than a dozen broken bowls on the ground, and the rice is scattered all over the ground

"There are still some regrets."

"There's such a big commotion, I think there's still one of you who has already run away."

"But there is one more Taoist priest, but it's a pleasant surprise. Mr. Yin and Yang are almost two, no matter how many there are, I'm afraid I won't be as hard as you." Jia Sheng murmured.

I really wanted to put down the copper bowl in my hand, but I couldn't let go.

Although his head is awake now, it is as if he was fascinated by the yellow leather back then, unable to control his body.

And what Jia Sheng said, I'm afraid we won't die, so what's the matter?

The next moment, Jia Sheng pinned the bone spur to his waist, and took out the bone longevity bowl that seemed to be made of a baby's skull.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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He stuffed the bone longevity bowl into Liu Chixin's hand, and Liu Chixin's back straightened immediately.

Immediately afterwards, Jia Sheng took down a small cloth pouch, poured out some clean rice, and put it in the Gushou bowl.

Obviously, the rice was different from the usual ones. Jia Sheng was very careful, and stopped after pouring only a third of it.

Then, Jia Sheng licked the corner of his mouth and said, "Speaking of which, is this the fate that Mr. Yin and Yang said?"

"Master's copper bowl, senior brother's copper bowl, and my Gushou bowl are all used at once."

"I thought it would be impossible to use so many guys at the same time in the future, and I even thought that it would be very difficult to meet a fat man like Shou."

"You are a little weaker, but you are already good."

"At the end of the day, that fat man broke my copper bowl and let you go, is that life?" My heart sank and I became more depressed.

Because Jia Sheng mentioned Guo Tianyu again

The next moment, Jia Sheng pulled out the bone spur from his waist again, and he cut directly towards Liu Chixin's wrist.

He is about to start stealing life!

Just then.

Suddenly, a cow mooed from the rear entrance!

The sound of kicking hoofs became clearer.

Jia Sheng's complexion suddenly changed.

He raised his hand, and grabbed the bone birthday bowl in Liu Chixin's hand!

Obviously, this scene scared Jia Sheng.

What froze my heart was Jia Sheng's actions.

He was frightened, but he didn't run away. He asked for the bowl first, because of the importance of longevity bowls for people who stole their birthdays? !

I think I've guessed something, but I'm not sure.

The most important thing is that I can't move now, so I can only be passive

Jia Sheng took it, but he didn't take down the Gushou bowl.

Because Liu Chixin suddenly raised his head.

He pursed his mouth, and a lot of blood overflowed.

Jia Sheng looked terrified and said angrily, "Impossible!"

I was also shocked!

Because we couldn't move, we were caught in the magic of life-stealing, we could only watch.

Liu Chixin, can she move? !

Wasn't he pretending just now? !

The sound of kicking hoofs became more and more clear, and at the same time, a dull scolding sound echoed in the back view!

"The curse says: A Taoist sits on a tianniu, its tail frightens the whip!"

"Body breaking! Soul breaking! Shocking God!"

This is a spell I've never heard of.

In front of Jia Sheng, his eyes were wide open, and a crack appeared on his forehead.

Under the overflow of blood, his eyes suddenly became slack, as if his mind had been shaken away

Obviously, this is Liu Tianqian's method!

Liu Chixin pulled back forcefully, and the bone longevity bowl came out of Jia Sheng's hand.

The next moment, Liu Chixin suddenly bumped into me!

I was knocked down by him, and I also knocked down Liao Cheng

The moment we fell, a huge and heavy figure rushed over from Liu Chixin's previous position!

With a muffled bang, Jia Sheng flew away, and he slammed into the wall again.

But during this period, the cloth bag on his body was torn, and the bloody rice was scattered all over the floor.

Lao Huang stopped in place, and let out another moo!

On Lao Huang's back, sat the thin and thin Liu Tiangan.

Liu Tianqian clamped his legs, jumped up suddenly, and landed on Lao Huang's back.

His voice was old, but at the moment there was an awe-inspiring righteousness.

"Awaken the nine heavens from above, and tell the earth from below. Cut the grass today, and the disaster will be gone."

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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