The silver needle rustled down!

The bloody garment made a popping sound and trembled rapidly.

The next moment, there was a muffled sound, Liu Chixin didn't continue to deal with Jia Sheng, but landed directly in front of me and Liao Cheng!

"Gai Wen, the sky is round and the earth is round, and there are nine chapters of laws and regulations. I will kill them now, and get rid of all disasters!"

"Chop to get rid of the calamity of heaven! When you meet the road ghosts in the sky, kill the vermilion devils and leave your home forever!" Liu Chixin twitched his hands from his waist, and a row of mahogany swords flew out!

Those mahogany swords were shot at the "people" who had their lives stolen and bumped into us in front of us!

The next moment, Liu Chixin slammed his arms to the sides, and the stern spell resounded throughout the courtyard again.

"Secondly cut off the calamities of the land, the land and households will bring good luck, men and women will return to justice, and when they are cut off, they will perish!"

The pitch-black Maotao sword swung out from Liu Chixin's arms and shot at the people on the left and right!

Immediately afterwards, he jumped up towards the rear, passing directly over the heads of Liao Cheng and me!

"Three cuts to get rid of ghosts, all monsters hide far away, cut off all evil things, and family members will be safe and healthy. I am pardoned by the Jade Emperor's law!"

This time it was copper light that flickered past.

The peach trees, peaches, and copper swords that cut the mulberry curse flew by, and all the "people" who came to attack me and Liao Cheng fell to the ground in unison.

Liao Cheng and I turned around quickly.

Just in time, Liu Chixin landed on the ground again, without pausing, he stomped heavily on the ground and rushed towards Jia Sheng!

It all happened so fast.

The silver needles were about to fall off, and Liu Chixin had already rushed to the bloody clothes.

All his movements are done in one go, not only fast, but also accurate and ruthless!

Liu Chixin raised his arms, and in his palms, he was still holding a sword, a copper sword as long as a forearm!

This blow, there is no spell.

That speed and strength, but it seems to be a must kill!

The bloody clothes fell faintly, but the bloody palm prints on it all became extremely dark.

"Run away?!" Liao Cheng looked shocked and angry.

I also looked horrified.

Because under the bloody clothes, there is indeed no figure of Jia Sheng...

Liu Chixin stabbed down with his sword, and the bloody clothes were pierced directly before falling to the ground.

He raised his head abruptly, sweeping left and right with a stern expression.

"Ghost, you can't escape!" Liu Chixin's tone was extremely severe!

However, it was obvious that Liu Chixin didn't find Jia Sheng's figure for a moment...

Although everything was fast just now, it was indeed too chaotic. I am afraid that when Jia Sheng blocked the needle with his bloody clothes, he had already started to flee.

I frowned and looked around the courtyard.

Liao Cheng suddenly looked at the only people left behind, and he shouted: "Master Dao, over there!" I looked over quickly.

Really, there was still one person kneeling in the crowd, and he was obviously Jia Sheng.

Jia Sheng's arm was crookedly covered with silver needles.

Obviously, the blood coat did not completely block the needle.

Jia Sheng's hand was also taking out the bloody rice in the cloth bag at his waist. He was still chewing, and the creaking sound made people have goose bumps all over their bodies.

The rice was brought to his mouth, his throat rolled, he swallowed the blood rice before, and stuffed this handful into his mouth again.

Liu Chixin's face was cold, and his eyes were filled with terror.

He tilted his sword, this time he didn't rush, but walked towards Jia Sheng at a steady pace.

Jia Sheng was still kneeling there, but he suddenly took something from his waist.

What made my eyelids twitch wildly was that it was also a bone longevity bowl.

The pale skull is surrounded by a gold border, but the bone bowl is much smaller than Jia Gongming's before.

It looks like a baby's skull? !

Jia Sheng held two white objects between his fingers, which looked like chopsticks.

He knocked on the bone bowl very naturally.

There was a soft clang, and I suddenly felt dizzy...

Shaking his head vigorously, he barely regained consciousness for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, there was another clang...

This is just the beginning.

The rest of the dozen or so people who hadn't been dumped in front of them almost simultaneously took out a pair of pale chopsticks and tapped them on the bowl.

The crisp tinkling sounds are connected together, making people's fainting and dull consciousness more and more heavy...

Liao Cheng suddenly trembled, and he covered his ears with his hands.

The moment I came to my senses, I also growled in a low voice: "Master Chixin! Don't listen!" Liu Chixin's feet were also a little vain, and he covered his ears with his hands.

At this moment, Na Jia Sheng suddenly jumped up from the spot.

His speed was so fast that he almost became an afterimage!

He was still holding a handful of pale bone spurs in his hand, and stabbed towards Liu Chixin's heart!

Only then did I know why Jia Gongming said that we couldn't deal with Jia Sheng...

His weird method directly affects the soul of the person, making it difficult for people to move, and even directly lose consciousness on the spot.

In fact, if it wasn't for Liu Chixin's timely appearance, or the one just now, I'm afraid Liao Cheng and I would have died here.

We can't wait for Jia Sheng to knock on the bone birthday bowl and affect our minds.

In an instant, Jia Sheng rushed to the door in front of Liu Chixin, and the bone spur swished and pierced down hard!

Liu Chixin only had time to dodge to the right, but the bone spur pierced his right shoulder.

There was a muffled grunt, but no scream.

Liu Chixin slapped hard, and Jia Sheng flew out backwards in response.

I really want to go up and help, but Liao Cheng and I are both dizzy, and we can barely control our bodies, how can we catch up...

Even in the past, I am afraid it will be a burden.

Liu Chixin covered his shoulders, he breathed heavily, and half-kneeled on the ground with a bang.

The knocking sound continued, and the movements of the dozen or so people were very mechanical and did not stop.

Jia Sheng hit a wall, and after he landed, he thrust the bone spur into the cloth bag.

When it was pulled out again, there was a lot of blood on the bone spur.

These blood rice are much more moist!

Because the bone spur pierced through Liu Chixin's shoulder, it was covered with Liu Chixin's blood!

The next moment, Jia Sheng's actions gave me a chill in my heart.

I bit the tip of my tongue hard, and the severe pain woke me up for a moment.

I didn't bother to cover my ears, I raised my hand suddenly, and threw it flying with a golden ruler!

At the same time, Jia Sheng sent the bone spur to the front door at an angle, wanting to lick the bloody rice on it!

He muttered in his mouth, but I couldn't make out what he read.

Amidst the whistling sound, Tongqiao's golden ruler slammed directly into Jia Sheng's face.

Jia Sheng raised his head suddenly, his eyes widened, and he quickly dodged to the side.

With a bang, Tongqiao smashed the golden ruler on the wall, making a big dent.

After Jia Sheng dodged, he licked half of the bloody rice on the bone spur in one bite.

His eyes lit up, and his whole face was full of intoxication.

He gave me the feeling that his waist is a little taller, and his appearance looks a little younger.

"Niubi, your life is very good." Immediately afterwards, Jia Sheng gave me a cold glance, licked the corner of his mouth, and said, "Little friend, don't worry, you won't be able to leave."

The knocking sound continued.

What shocked me even more was that Liu Chixin was obviously depressed a lot, and the flesh and blood on his face seemed to be sunken.

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