"Time flies. I always feel it's a pity that I left you a little bit of life back then. It's like the rice in the bowl was not cleaned and wasted."

"However, your life is really good. Not only have you survived until now, but it even makes me feel like that fat man.

The old man licked the corner of his mouth, then stared at Liao Cheng and murmured: "Two, no, you three Mr. Yin and Yang, you have prepared a big gift for me."

Liao Cheng's face was cold, and without saying a word, he gradually approached the old man in the crowd.

My heart is very cold!

Especially when Jia Sheng licked the corner of his mouth and said that Guo Tianyu was that fat man, he felt even more chilly.

Holding the golden ruler tightly, I said coldly, "Save a little bit of my life?"

"I see, Taoist Master Liu Tianniu was by my side at that time, you dare not show your feet?!"

Jia Sheng laughed suddenly. He picked up another bowl and poured it into the cloth bag on his waist.

With a crashing sound, rice mixed with blood and water went into the bowl.

I just noticed that what he was wearing was a bloody robe!

No, that's not a bloody garment, it's a white cloth, but there are so many palm prints on it that it becomes a bloody garment.

Jia Sheng took another step back and picked up a bowl.

The one in front of that bowl is Jin Yang!

However, there was a hint of disgust and contempt in Jia Sheng's eyes.

"The longevity here has been eaten a bit. It seems that my senior brother made it. I don't like other people eating leftovers."

Jia Sheng raised his hand, and the bowl of bloody rice poured directly on top of Jin Yang's head.

Jin Yang opened his eyes wide, and his whole face became extremely ferocious.

But at the next moment, Jin Yang fell straight on the ground.

I found out the details.

On Jia Sheng's bloody coat, there was a blood-red palm print on his shoulder.

Jin Yang's breathing became extremely weak, and he looked at the night sky blankly, only breathing out, not breathing in.

At this stall, Liao Cheng walked in front of the crowd.

I didn't stop him, he must have his own reasons.

I also know that Jia Sheng must have more vicious methods, otherwise he would not be like this, defenseless.

Seeing that Liao Cheng was about to enter the crowd.

Suddenly, the two people kneeling in front raised their heads almost at the same time.

Their faces were ferocious, and both of them grabbed Liao Cheng's arms at the same time!

At that moment, their eyeballs seemed to have changed somewhat, and they were extremely hollow.

Only then did I realize that there were still a lot of incense burning on the edge of the yard, and the smoke was floating in mid-air, as if there were shadows of many people floating in the sky.

Seeing this scene clearly, I feel shuddering!

The smoke is like a silk thread, as if connecting these shadows and the kneeling people below...

However, this is also a trance.

The next moment, I just felt that there was a mess of white smoke floating in the air. Where was the figure?

Liao Cheng has already fought with those two people, and his moves are fierce!

It's not how strong the skill is, but that every blow hits the key parts of the joints!

Directly dislocate that person's arm, or arm and leg!

It's just that in the next moment, the rest of the people whose bowls of bloody rice had been dumped by Jia Sheng all got up at the same time.

I saw Long Lin and the woman he brought, and even Jin Yang stood up!

Obviously, Jin Yang is more vicious than the others!

He opened his eyes wide and looked straight at Liao Cheng.

Liao Cheng's face was horrified, and his movements became more violent, as if he wanted to come back to me.

Jia Sheng behind him had extremely cold eyes.

He said quietly: "Every dead person here is comparable to a murderous soul in white clothes that turn into blood. Let me see how powerful your methods are, Mister Yin Yang."

"They can't wait to bite your necks."

The moment Jia Sheng finished speaking, he picked up another bowl and tapped it lightly with his fingers.

The crisp sound made those people more active.

My head fainted for a while, just like before in the front hall...

The Tongqiao sub-golden ruler in his hand suddenly became hot.

I woke up instantly.

Stepping forward suddenly, he arrived in front of Liao Cheng in three or two steps.

Liao Cheng slapped the nearest person directly on the chest.

The man's body trembled, and he didn't retreat at all. The other two went to grab Liao Cheng's shoulder or arm again!

I didn't dare to keep my hand, I swung the golden ruler out suddenly, swept it across, and hit the faces of those people.

White smoke came out of their faces, and they were all forced to retreat!

But there were still people coming forward from behind, especially Jin Yang, who squeezed past the others, and grabbed a whisk in his hand, and hit me and Liao Cheng head-on!

"Brother Yinyang, this Jia Sheng is very evil. These people are still breathing. There is something wrong with the bloody clothes on his body. You can't fight. You have to deal with him!" Liao Cheng growled. Taking a breather, he pulled it from his waist, holding a few thick and long needles in his hand!

With a wave of his hand, one of them was nailed to the top of Jin Yang's head.

Jin Yang's fly whisk hit Liao Cheng's shoulder, and Liao Cheng spit out a lot of blood with a puff.

It's just that Jin Yang just stood there blankly, making no movement...

There was still a heaving in his chest, but now he lost his breath.

Obviously, Jin Yang... died? !

No, not only is he dead, but his soul is gone!

What Liao Chengzha was wearing just now was Jin Yang's fontanelle!

Jin Yang was subdued, and the rest of them were unaffected and forced towards us again.

Jia Sheng stood at the back. He had collected three-quarters of the rice bowls, and only the last few people remained.

My eyes are red, if I let him collect all the bowls, those people will probably be powerless, and they will all come to deal with me and Liao Cheng!

But even now, Liao Cheng and I have no way to break the situation!

In a blink of an eye, everyone gathered into a ball and shrank towards me and Liao Cheng. Their ferocious and fierce faces were even more venomous.

I was about to continue waving the golden ruler.

Suddenly, a cold scolding sound came from above us!

"Qianyuan Henry Zhen, the acupuncture method is especially profound, and it can sacrifice housework. The yin and yang are wonderful and spiritual! The secret is like supernatural powers! The most spiritual sense!"

"I invite Miao Guangqiao, Zhao Guangpu, Yuan Tiangang, and Li Chunfeng, all the former teachers, to enshrine the true fragrance of the past. Now there is a Taoist priest of the Liu family, Liu Chixin, please destroy the evil spirit!"

The moment the voice fell, dozens of incense sticks swished down and inserted into the crowd!

"The sky has three wonders, the earth has six appearances, elves and strange monsters, dead bodies with old spirits, yellow mud and terracotta soil, graves of rubble, shining a hundred steps, and seeing it with a needle, as fast as a law!"

Under the cold moonlight.

In the direction of the front hall, a figure jumped out of midair!

His body suddenly spun in the air, dazzling silver light flashed.

The silver needles fell like rain!

These needles were all shot at Jia Sheng!

At this moment, Jia Sheng's face changed suddenly, his face was full of haze and sternness.

"It seems that you are very weak. It turns out that there is a bull's nose hidden behind the scenes."

Jia Sheng raised his right arm violently, his bloody coat flew up, and his whole body was hidden under the bloody coat!

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