Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 624 Little friend, are we destined?

My complexion changed drastically, and I was about to stop them from eating vegetables.

Liao Cheng and Jiang Pan froze at the same time.

They put their hands together and slapped the table heavily!

There was a muffled bang!The table shook, and the dishes and chopsticks clashed.

Long Lin shook his chopsticks, and the dishes fell on the table.

The woman hid beside Long Lin in panic.

Jin Yang asked in surprise: "Mr. Jiang, Mr. Liao, what happened?" Jiang Pan stared at the dishes on the table, and said in a deep voice, "It's poisonous."

Liao Cheng's face was ugly, and his tone was severe, he said: "Bring up the cook!"

Jin Yang's expression changed in surprise, and Long Lin was equally frightened.

Soon, the cook was brought up, and Long Lin stood up to question him.

But the cook kept begging for mercy in fear, saying that he must have made a mistake, and that he cooks well, it is impossible to poison.

A big soldier drew a gun and pointed the cook's head, saying that he wasn't telling the truth, and directly killed him.

The cook was scared out of his wits, kowtowed all the time, and insisted that he didn't poison him.

I pay close attention to his face.

What puzzles me is that he really doesn't have wandering eyes, let alone other lying qualities...

Obviously, Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng are the same as what I saw, they are also frowning.

What happened after that made me even more incomprehensible.

Long Lin ordered two soldiers to follow the cook and feed him a lot of food.

There was nothing unusual about the cook, and after a full quarter of an hour, nothing happened to him.

Long Lin's face looked better, Jin Yang wiped the sweat from his forehead, and whispered, did he misunderstand?

Before I could speak, Jiang Pan said: "Be careful sailing for ten thousand years, just eat dry food in Guannei, throw away all the vegetables."

Long Lin was stunned for a moment, but he didn't make any comments, he just ordered those big soldiers to go help together.

Soon the side hall was cleaned up, and some young Taoist priests brought some dry food, as well as ordinary porridge and side dishes.

After we ate, Long Lin asked a few more questions about how to deal with Jia Sheng.

At this moment, two Taoist priests hurriedly rushed over from Houguan. They looked panicked and said that something happened to Houguan...

Jin Yang told them not to panic, but to explain clearly.

The two Taoist priests calmed down a little bit. After they finished speaking, all of our faces changed suddenly.

The soldiers brought by Long Lin, as well as a considerable number of hungry people, were all poisoned to death!

We got up immediately and were about to go to the back view, but I immediately thought of Jia Gongming.

I didn't follow that way, but signaled Liao Cheng and Jiang Pan to look over, and I went to look at Jia Gongming.

The two of them naturally had no opinion.

When I returned to the main hall, Jia Gongming was still sitting there with his head down.

At this time, I couldn't calm down in my heart.

After waiting for a quarter of an hour, after Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng came back, I found out through Liao Cheng's words.

There were indeed problems with those dishes just now, but the problem was not only with the dishes, but also with the wine.

It is fine to eat alone, but it is highly poisonous if eaten together.

The cook didn't know this, and the rice grains he sent were probably mixed with these poisons.

The big soldiers brought by Long Lin couldn't bear to see these dishes go to waste, so they invited the hungry people to eat together, and even divided up the drinks, so many people died all of a sudden...

Pausing for a moment, Liao Cheng said again: "This must be Jia Sheng's method, he must be nearby, I let the rest of the people stay behind."

Jiang Pan's complexion has always been not very good-looking, with a sullen face.

I'm in a good mood, but Jiang Panzhai is kind-hearted, he is more uncomfortable than me and Liao Cheng at the moment.

Time passed bit by bit, and the sky gradually darkened.

The atmosphere in the main hall was filled with anxiety, which made people very uncomfortable.

Finally, it was dark...

Jia Gongming suddenly raised his head, and said quietly: "My junior brother, every time he goes anywhere, he has a smell on his body. Do you know what it is?"

Liao Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a cold voice: "When I told you to speak, you didn't want to speak, so shut up now."

Jia Gongming didn't shut up, but said abruptly: "It will make you very depressed, and people will start dying before you see him."

"He lived a very good life, but wherever he walked, there was only dead silence."

"It's too late for you to regret."

After finishing speaking, Jia Gongming hung his head weakly again.

Liao Cheng pinched his fingers with one hand, as if he was calculating something.

At this moment, I suddenly heard a slight sound in my ear.

The sound is weird, crisp and sweet, like chopsticks hitting the rim of a bowl!

For a moment, this voice filled my ears, which made me stupefied.

I don't know how long it took, when I woke up with a jerk.

Liao Cheng and Jiang Pan stood there numbly, their eyes blank.

I was about to remind them that both of them came back to their senses almost at the same time.

As for Jia Gongming, he raised his head again and looked at us like he was looking at a dead person.

The next moment, Jia Gongming's mouth curled into a sneer.

I feel a chill in my heart, and I always feel that there is still a problem...

A faint smell of blood filled the air, as if someone had shed a lot of blood.

but we...

The thoughts in my head stopped abruptly.

My face suddenly changed, and I said angrily: "Look at the back!"

Jiang Pan's complexion also changed.

"Brother Jiang, you stare at him, Brother Liao, let's go!" I pulled out the golden ruler from my waist, and walked quickly towards the direction of the rear view!

Jiang Pan obviously wanted to follow us, but he took a step and then stopped.

Liao Cheng's speed was even faster, and he walked in front of me, almost galloping.

After half a cup of tea, we arrived at the entrance of the back view.

The moment I walked into the gate of the courtyard, what I saw was a scene that horrified me.

Looking at the center from the back, there are still twenty or thirty people sitting here and there scattered here and there.

On the other side of the yard, there were seven or eight hungry people piled up, as well as some dead soldiers.

The faces of the people sitting were almost pale, and their eyes were staring blankly at the front.

They stretched out a hand at a slant, and there were deep scars on the wrist.

Below is an enamel bowl.

Some people's bowls were empty, and a lot of blood was picked up tick-tock.

The bowls of the people behind were full, piled with sticky rice!

The blood flowed on the rice, which looked strangely red.

A thin and small old man, with his back bent and a cloth bag tied around his waist, was walking backward among the crowd.

Every time he passed by some people, he picked up the bowl from the ground and poured it into the cloth bag.

Under the reflection of the moonlight, the top of the old man's head was bald, even a little reflective, no matter how you look at it, how scary!

Especially since he only has one arm...

Empty sleeves fluttered in the wind.

Liao Cheng bent his hands like bone claws. At the same time, he bowed, his body tensed, as if he would strike at any time!

The old man turned sideways, under his cloudy eyes, there were bags under the eyes like fish bubbles.

"Little friend, I haven't seen you for some years."

"It seems that the old Taoist priest has not followed you."

"In the past few years, I have always felt that I still have to meet you.

"Look, aren't we destined?"

His voice echoed in the courtyard.

After more than five years, it is clear that I only heard a few words from him.

But the hoarse voice was still very familiar.

Familiar with it makes my scalp tingle and the hairs all over my body stand on end!

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