Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 623 Don't You Want Your Parents To Live With Your Wife And Children?

Liao Cheng frowned, and replied: "Magistrate Long, man, I can give it to you after the incident, but I can't give it now. He still has something to say, and you should know that he still has an accomplice who hasn't been caught."

Long Lin put his hands behind his back, and he smiled and said, "It's enough if you have Mr. Long's words. Naturally, Mr. Long didn't come to make trouble. It's impossible to ask you for someone now. The news spread in Jin Yangdao Great Wall, I will I can see."

Obviously, Jin Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

Liao Cheng also nodded.

My mood is also much calmer, just now I was afraid of two possibilities.

One is talking about Cao Cao, and Cao Cao will be here. This Long Lin was arranged by Jia Shengdong.

The other is that Long Lin used the so-called official authority to force us to be important, and hastily dealt with Jia Gongming, so that he could win the hearts of the people.

In the former one, Long Lin didn't lie, and in the latter one, he didn't use official authority to overwhelm others.

Then he really came to appease the hungry people and the Taoist Temple of Six Suns.

"Come here, go to the side hall to set up a table and pour tea."

"Go to a few more people and help the big guys unload the rice grains in the back view." Jin Yang immediately gave another order.

Immediately, some Taoist priests went to the side hall, and some Taoist priests led the laborers who carried rice grains to look behind.

Jin Yang made a gesture of invitation, motioning for us to go to the side hall together.

Liao Cheng said something more, basically I was out on errands last night, and I didn't rest all night, so I can't stay up any longer.

He asked me to stay in the main hall to rest, and they went to the side hall to chat with Master Long.

Long Lin was surprised, and he immediately nodded, saying that there is no need to delay my rest.

I was really sleepy, thinking that I might meet Jia Sheng tonight, so I didn't refuse.

A few of them left and went to the side hall. I pulled the floor bed a little closer to the edge of the hall and lay down on it.

Soon, the hall was silent.

I subconsciously looked back at the place where Lao Huang was before. It was empty, but I was not used to it.

After tidying up my mind, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

It's just that I didn't sleep for a long time when I heard a small voice, someone calling my name.

I barely opened my eyes, only to realize that the voice came from Jia Gongming.

He twisted his neck with difficulty, looked at me blankly with his wrinkled old face, and his lips were still squirming.

I squinted my eyes slightly, and my eyes became colder.

"Come here, I have something to tell you." Jia Gongming's voice was weak.

Obviously, he didn't want anyone to hear.

I got up from the floor, frowned and walked to Jia Gongming.

Could it be that he figured it out and wanted to share some information about Jia Sheng to make himself feel better?

Just as I was thinking so.

Jia Gongming raised his head, his lips twitched, and said: "That Liao Cheng wanted me to steal my life. He searched through me, but he couldn't find it. He is cruel and merciless. If he got it, he would kill me. .”

"Another Jiang Pan, with an extremely stubborn personality, just wants to kill me."

"You are different from them. I can see that you have more thoughts, and you are still a person who absolutely does not want to die."

"Listen to me, you can't deal with Jia Sheng, and you will die with me. If you let me go, I will teach you how to steal longevity and teach you how to make bone longevity bowls. I have no threat to you."

Jia Gongming's voice was so soft that I could barely hear it when I stood in front of him.

He really looked too old and thin, and the muscles in his neck were agitating slightly.

My eyes suddenly became indifferent.

"Don't refuse me in a hurry, you will die in Jia Sheng's hands, you are younger than them, there is no need."

"Besides, you don't know how advanced the method of life-stealing is."

"With it, you won't die." At this moment, Jia Gongming's eyes became extremely obsessed.

"Do you know what fate is?" I lowered my eyelids and looked at Jia Gongming.

Jia Gongming was obviously taken aback.

I patted the long wooden box hanging on my shoulder, and said calmly: "Everyone is born with a life. Whether this life is long or short, good or bad, there are definite numbers."

"You stole your lifespan, you took away your fate, it doesn't belong to you, everything has a cause and effect, if you hurt someone, you must have a debt."

"So, it's because you're afraid of debts, and it's not that you don't want this unique technique?" Jia Gongming suddenly licked the corner of his mouth.

The obsession in his eyes turned into another temptation.

Before he could finish his sentence, he continued to murmur: "There are no side effects, and no debts. Once you learn it, you will know how good it is."

"I see that you are not very old. There must be young and old in your family. Don't you want your parents to be alive all the time, and your wife and children to be with you forever?"

"Li Yinyang, this is your chance, I've taken a fancy to you."

Beads of sweat appeared on my forehead.

Unknowingly, the eyeballs are burning hot, as if congested...

Because his last few words reminded me of the frail and soulless escape.

I started to breathe a lot faster.

Jia Gongming still wanted to speak, but his expression became extremely painful again.

It seemed that just these few words had made him weak again. The silver needle on top of his head turned black, and the lamp under the chair began to shake slightly.

Jia Gongming's head drooped and he stopped talking.

I stepped back a few steps, clutching my chest, panting heavily.

He took out his pocket watch and glanced at the time, it was just after noon...

Footsteps and voices came from the side: "Mr. Li, Brother Jin Yang called me to ask you to have lunch."

My body trembled, and I turned my head violently.

There was a Taoist priest standing behind him. He was obviously taken aback and looked at me inexplicably.

I gasped heavily, walked out of the hall without speaking to him.

When they arrived at the side hall, Jin Yang, Jiang Pan, Liao Cheng, and Long Lin sat together with the woman in cheongsam.

Liao Cheng waved to me and motioned for me to go and sit down.

Sitting between him and Jiang Pan, Long Lin on the opposite side raised his wine glass and said with a smile: "In this case, I wish you gentlemen that you can successfully take down that Jia Sheng! It will benefit all people!"

I realized right away that what they were supposed to be talking about just now was about dealing with Jia Sheng.

There was also a wine glass in front of me, so I picked it up and took a sip.

It's just that the drink was too strong, which made me faint.

A few people dropped their glasses, and footsteps came from the side, someone brought food.

The tempting aroma wafted from the nostrils, and the dishes on the table were full of color, fragrance and taste.

Long Lin made a gesture of invitation with a smile, and said: "One of the labor force who came with me is a cook. He is good at cooking. Let the four of you have a try."

With that said, Long Lin raised his chopsticks first.

Jin Yang, Liao Cheng, and Jiang Pan wanted to add vegetables at the same time.

In that instant, I saw that the faces of everyone on the table changed...

Everyone's lips are dry and white, and there is black air flowing into their lips.

These dry lips are going to be poisoned to death!

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