My mind is concentrated, Liu Tiangan has something to ask me?As the second elder of the Liu family, does he still have troubles that cannot be solved? !

Of course, I nodded directly, saying that there is no problem, if there is anything, I will definitely help.

Liu Tianqian made a gesture of invitation, motioning for me to tell me about the trouble I encountered.

They will also try their best to help me.

I straightened out my thoughts, from the time when I met the man who stole my life and killed Mr. Tianyuan, Guo Tianyu.

And a year ago, a person who stole his life appeared in the world, killed a Taoist temple, and filled a Fengshui ashram.

And in recent days, there have been constant deaths of husbands and Taoist priests...

I have said all these things.

Including that we caught Jia Gongming, learned about Jia Sheng, and that Jia Sheng was the murderer of Guo Tianyu.

After all this was finished, Liu Tianqian's eyes showed a very severe and chilling expression.

He murmured: "This world is really not peaceful. Taking young and murderous corpses is a disaster, the Qiang people are in turmoil, and there are people who steal their lives, hurting people's lives, and harming the common people."

Liu Tianqian's old voice became more determined, and said: "Mr. Li, you can rest assured, this person comes into my sight, and I will kill him immediately, so that no future trouble will be left."

Liu Chixin nodded in the same way, and said, "Mr. Li, don't worry, with the Second Elder here, there will be no accidents."

I was indeed relieved.

Taoist priests of the Liu family, the older they get, the more powerful they become.

Liu Chixin, I am still worried that if he is not strong enough, after all, Guo Tianyu can fight Liu Tianniu.

Now that there is Liu Tiangan, there should be no surprises.

I made another gesture of invitation, indicating that I would go down the mountain first, and then discuss the details after arriving at the Taoist temple.

But Liu Tianqian shook his head and said: "The Liu family knows more about life-stealing people. This kind of people are thoughtful, so Jia Sheng can kill Guo Tianyu, he will not be an ordinary person. Since he came after Jia Gongming, I also know that Jia Gongming has been taken down by you, so he will definitely not show up directly, and he will definitely arrange eyeliner."

"We follow you now, and there is a risk of exposure. If his eyeliner has arrived, I'm afraid he will never show up again."

"Since this is the case, we will be in the dark. Mr. Li, you go down the mountain alone and make plans, just pretend that Chi Xin and I are not here."

I immediately understood Liu Tianqian's intentions, what he said was very reasonable.

I nodded and said no problem.

But I finally said something, basically, we are colleagues, Mr. Liao Cheng, who is proficient in the two gods of zero and positive. He always has the heart to study and crack the method of stealing life. Also destroy the method of life stealing.

Liu Tianqian's horizontal stripes were somewhat deep, he nodded and said: "That evil method must be destroyed, no one should touch it."

I breathed a sigh of relief and said a good word gratefully.

Turning my head to look at Old Huang, I raised my hand and stroked its head.

Old Huang also rubbed against me and mooed, and it even took a step forward, as if it wanted to follow me.

I shook my head and said: "You follow the second elder, you will leave at that time, and you will leave us if you follow me again."

After finishing speaking, I turned around and went down the mountain without hesitation.

As for what Liu Tianqian just said to ask me for something, I didn't ask now, the reason is simple.

I asked, but now I can't do it. When this matter is over, he will naturally say it.

I will know when the time comes, and I can help directly.

There is Lao Huang going up the mountain. It didn’t take me long, but it took me a long time to walk down the mountain.

In addition, I waited all night, and when I returned to the front of the Taoist temple, the sky was already pale.

I opened the door and entered the Taoist temple. In the martial arts field, there seemed to be Taoist priests cleaning.

In the main hall, Jia Gongming was still sitting where he was, with the silver needle piercing the top of his head.

His face was very painful, obviously, the torment of this magic lock was not small.

The ever-burning lamp burns smoothly, even with a slight breeze, it doesn't shake at all.

Both Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng were resting on the floor.

Apparently, I came in and startled them, and they both woke up almost at the same time.

Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng got up one after another.

There was surprise in Liao Cheng's eyes, and he said puzzledly: "Brother Yinyang, what about the old scalper? Why didn't you come back with you?"

Jiang Pan also frowned, and said, "Is there something wrong, Yin Yang."

I shook my head.

In fact, when I was on the road, I thought about it, so I don't need to tell Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng completely.

Although the two of them will certainly not reveal anything.

But after all, there is Jia Gongming next to him, and there are many insiders in the Taoist temple.

Since Liu Tianqian said that there might be eyeliner, I have to take it to heart.

While thinking about it, I just said: "Brother Jiang, Brother Liao, don't worry, I have arrangements."

Similarly, I nodded to Liao Cheng and made a reassuring look.

Liao Cheng was extremely satisfied, and said: "Since this is the case, we will wait and see when the time comes."

At this moment, the Taoist priests in the martial arts field suddenly gathered in front of the gate of the Taoist temple.

Obviously, someone came to the Taoist temple, either there were a lot of people, or their status was not small, otherwise so many Taoist priests would not have passed by at once.

Jiang Pan, Liao Cheng and I didn't go out immediately.

A moment later, a Taoist priest quickly walked from the gate of the Taoist temple to the back temple.

After about half a cup of tea, someone helped Jin Yang out.

At this moment, the group of people also entered the Taoist temple, and they were almost walking to the front of the main hall.

The person in the lead was not wearing a commoner or satin garment, with a row of buttons in the front, making him look upright.

Brown clothes give people a more capable feeling.

Some people followed behind him, among them was a woman in a cheongsam, who looked gorgeous.

Several soldiers in dark green military uniforms were carrying guns.

The rest are laborers, all carrying rice sacks.

They carried a lot of rice grains.

Jin Yang stepped forward to meet him, and the leader chatted with Jin Yang for a few words.

Likewise, they were looking at us, especially Jia Gongming, who was tied to the chair.

From their chatting, I can roughly hear that the person in brown clothes is the county magistrate of Longjia County, Long Lin.

In the first two days, they saw the death of Taoist Master Liuyang, and they never came to the Taoist temple after that.

Bringing food here now is actually to let Liuyang Taoist Temple settle down those hungry people first.

But I feel that the county magistrate, Long Lin, came here strangely.

But after I looked carefully, I also found that he did not appear to be lying.

Those people in the arena are ordinary people.

If a person has a wicked heart, his eyes must wander, and these people are fine.

Am I really suspicious?

During this period, Long Lin and Jin Yang also chatted almost.

Jin Yang gave way and invited Long Lin to come to us.

Apparently, Jin Yang's expression is very difficult now.

Long Lin clasped his fists in both hands, and said in a deep voice: "I have read all the messages that Daoist Jin Yang gave me, and we chatted a few more words just now. The gentlemen are really masters. Can you entrust this Jia Gongming to me?"

"He killed Mr. Long of Shuilongguan, and also killed the Taoist priest of Liuyang. If this person is not shot, the hatred of the people in Longjia County will not be relieved!"

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