What also made me silent was the ancestor of the Qiang clan who actually plotted against the rest of the elders of the Liu family...

Qiu Tianyuan never dared to return to the Qiang tribe as Liu Tianniu and I guessed...

This may have something to do with the vacillation of someone in the Liu family.

The elders of the Liu family must have been betrayed.

Liu Chixin told me too much information, which made me think deeply.

I still feel sorry for Liu Huayan...

She was expelled from the Qiang tribe.

So where is she now? !

While I was thinking about it, Liu Chixin said hoarsely: "Mr. Li, can you do a divination to see where the Great Elder is?"

"According to the logic, the Great Elder is away because of Qiu Tianyuan. Now that Qiu Tianyuan is suffering from cholera, why hasn't he come back?"

I was silent.

The question Liu Chixin mentioned was also what I just thought of.

I was also puzzled.

But after a while, he completely recalled what Liu Tianniu said when he gave the order.

Think of it again, the hexagram of my master.

I suddenly understood why Liu Tianniu did not return to the Qiang tribe even though Qiu Tianyuan went back...

At the beginning, I said that I would give Liu Tianniu another divination, but he directly refused, saying that the master gave him the last divination, and he believed in the master.

According to Master's hexagram, if his life is in all directions, the Liu family will be unified!

If he enters the Qiang tribe, he will bring disaster to the Liu family!

And the hexagram I gave Liu Sanyuan before, it shows that the opportunity lies in Liu Sanyuan...

Based on the combination of the two, I think that Liu Tianniu probably already knows about the affairs of the Qiang people and the Liu family.

The reason why he didn't go back was because of the sentence that life is in the four directions, so that the Liu family will be unified...

I'm afraid he will never go back to Liu's house.

Completely want to sell the Liu family to Liu Sanyuan...

And I also think that he might be in the dark, staring at Qiu Tianyuan all the time.

Taking a deep breath, I looked at Liu Chixin, and said in a deep voice, "In the past few years, Qiu Tianyuan, has he ever left the Qiang tribe?"

Liu Chixin was taken aback for a moment, then he shook his head and said, "No."

Immediately afterwards, Liu Chixin said hastily: "Mr. Li, what I mean is to tell fortunes to the Great Elder, not Qiu Tianyuan's business. Nowadays, the Qiang people can barely..."

I interrupted Liu Chixin, and said complicatedly: "I can't figure it out, Taoist Liu Tianniu never gave me his birth date."

"I have!" Liu Chixin said decisively.

There was even more urgency in his eyes, and he said again: "Is that okay?"

I frowned, but still shook my head.

However, Liu Chixin's eyes turned red a lot, and the cross lines on his forehead became much deeper, and he said in a deep voice, "I know, there is a price to ask Mr. Li to tell a fortune, but Mr. Li said it's okay, if you want money, you still want me to do things." .”

"Liu Chixin, I will never refuse."

I still didn't speak.

The cross lines between Liu Chixin's eyebrows became deeper, and he wanted to speak again.

I said complicatedly: "Back then, when Daoist Liu Tianniu rejected me, the reason was that the master had already calculated the last hexagram for him, and this hexagram was related to the fate of the Qiang people."

"I also made a fortune for Liu Sanyuan, which is also related to the fate of the Qiang people. With the combination of the two, Taoist Master Liu Tianniu may have settled the Qiang people well."

"Without his consent, I can't count, but I will find a way to find him."

Liu Chixin was stunned, and he didn't speak for a while.

After a full quarter of an hour, he cautiously asked: "Mr. Li, can you tell me some hexagrams? The Great Elder really believes in Mr. Jiang..."

I am in Shen Ning, this Liu Chixin cares so much about Liu Tianniu, this person can believe it.

The Liu family really needs an explanation, otherwise so many people have been looking for Liu Tianniu for so many years, and it can't be wasted any longer.

After exhaling, I said: "Prince Liu Tianniu, you must answer the hexagram, and your life will be in all directions, and the Qiang people will be unified."

"I calculated Liu Sanyuan's hexagram, he has the talent of a leader, and he may be able to lead the Qiang people to another peak."

After finishing speaking, Liu Chi was stunned.

It took him a long time before he muttered complicatedly: "So that's the case... No wonder the Great Elder..."

"But the Qiang people now..."

Liu Chixin paused for a moment before saying: "Perhaps, what can't be broken can't be built. The Qiang people really need a change. If Sanyuan can make things happen, the Great Elder can be comforted by being alone."

I nodded and said, "Indeed."

What made me feel complicated was that Liu Tianniu was able to implement Master's hexagrams to such an extent.

I am not as good as him.

Even Brother Jiang is not as good as him...

Liu Chixin and I didn't speak for a long time. After a quarter of an hour, Liu Chixin asked again, saying, when can I help find the Great Elder's trace?

I came back to my senses and told him that I can only think of a solution after I have solved the things in front of me, but there are too many things in front of me.

Liu Chixin nodded, and said: "It's okay, the poor can help Mr. Li, Mr. Li issued a summoning order, isn't it just to find us?"

I clasped my fists gratefully and said, "Thank you."

Just when I was about to say something about stealing life.

There was another rustling sound from the east, and another figure unexpectedly jumped out of the woods.

That man was also wearing the blue taoist robe of a Taoist priest of the Liu family, but he was older than Liu Chixin.

Another difference is that most of the Taoist priests of the Liu family are tall and burly.

This old man is thin and small, no more than five feet.

Seeing him, Liu Chixin immediately bowed down and said respectfully, "Chixin, I have met the second elder!"

I was shocked.

This is the second elder of the Liu family?That is Liu Tianniu's younger brother? !

I never expected that there would be two Taoist priests of the Liu family nearby, and there are elders with such a seniority...

Immediately afterwards, Liu Chixin explained to me in a low voice that the Second Elder's name is Liu Tianqian.

I clasped my fists in both hands, bowed in the same way, and said, "Li Yinyang, the geographer, has met the second elder."

Liu Tiangan walked up to us with his hands behind his back.

But Lao Huang mooed and rubbed Liu Tiangan's hand with his head.

Liu Tiangan's eyes were deep, he looked at Lao Huang for a long time, then at me, and finally at Liu Chixin.

He said in an old voice: "The Great Elder summoned the order to the world. I thought I could find him, but I never thought it was Mr. Li."

"I didn't meet the Qiang people in person last time, but I saw them in the dark."

"In the past five years, Mr. Li's aura has changed a lot. It seems that Yin Yang Art has been passed down by Mr. Jiang."

I cupped my fists and said with a wry smile: "Second Elder Miao Zan, there is still a world of difference between me and Master."

Then, Liu Chixin came to Liu Tianqian's side, bowed and told in his ear.

I roughly told Liu Tianqian everything I said.

Liu Tianqian was also decisive, he said to me in a deep voice: "In this case, please trouble Mr. Li, after dealing with important matters, find out where the Great Elder is now."

"I met Mr. Li this time, and I happened to have something to ask for."

"Perhaps, this also corresponds to the fate your husband said."

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