I nodded.

After a short pause, he looked at the time on his pocket watch.

It was five o'clock in the afternoon, and there was still some time before dark.

I thought in my heart that with the summoning order of the Liu family, there must be a place with a better view, so that the nearby Taoist priests of the Liu family can see it.

In this way, the mountain behind the Taoist temple, the top of the mountain is an excellent choice.

A higher position means that the summoning order can go to a higher altitude.

After my thoughts settled down, I immediately talked to Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng again.

Let them be careful, Jia Sheng will definitely not come so fast, but they can't relax their vigilance either.

Especially when I told Jiang Pan again, let him remember not to interfere.

After Jiang Pan was silent, he answered yes.

Liao Cheng seemed more satisfied.

When I walked out, Lao Huang followed me closely.

When we got outside the Taoist temple, Lao Huang pushed me against the side of my waist instead, which was a gesture for me to get on its back.

Obviously, I noticed a slight sentimentality from Lao Huang.

It was happy just now, but now it is sad, probably because it knows that it is about to part with me.

After I sat up, I pointed the way.

Feelings of sorrow also rose in my heart.

Go up the mountain road and walk towards the top of the mountain.

Lao Huang's footsteps are steady and his speed is not slow.

But when we reached the top of the mountain, it was still dark.

I chose a small piece of open space with the best view, took out a piece of fire, and took out the summoning order of the Liu family.

Lit the end of the summons.

Almost instantly, the summoning order rushed into the sky with a whoosh!

A cloud of fireworks exploded in the dark night sky!

The night sky is clear tonight, with a full moon and stars.

It wasn't until this time that I noticed that the fireworks of the Liu Family Summoning Order exploded, and it turned out to be a special rune.

Lao Huang also raised his head, and his bull's eyes were also looking at the night sky.

After a while, Lao Huang got down on his stomach and waited quietly.

I sat cross-legged beside Lao Huang, also waiting.

There is a sense of regret in my heart that I want to say goodbye to Lao Huang, but the same, I still look forward to it.

What is the seniority of the Taoist priests of the Liu family that can be attracted here?

If he can come out and walk, he must not be too weak!

I can also immediately know the whereabouts and information of Liu Tianniu!

An hour passed quickly.

I haven't heard the sound of going up the hill yet.

After another half an hour, this made me feel a little uneasy.

an hour and a half, it's been a long time

Although the last time Liu Tianniu used this summoning order in Chencang, it was close to the Qiang people and it was the headquarters of the Liu family.

But after all, the distance that the Summoning Order can be distributed is limited, and it lasted less than half a cup of tea in the air.

The distance it can be seen by people, one and a half hours, no matter what

Even Lao Huang raised his head and mooed.

There was restlessness in the bull's eyes.

I was also restless in my heart, closed my eyes, and forcibly held back the emotion

But I still feel like I've been splashed with cold water

I can only think that there are no Taoist priests of the Liu family around here.

I plan to wait another half an hour before going down the mountain, and I can't waste any more time.

As soon as my thoughts settled down, I heard a slight noise, like the wind blowing!

But tonight's wind is far from being so fierce.

The instinctive reaction made my ears move, and I stared in the direction of the west side with a particularly vigilant look.

The next moment, a pale blue figure sprang out from the bushes!

The moment he landed on the top of the mountain, the moonlight shone on him.

He was tall and slender, with thin cheeks and prominent cheekbones.

The sharp eyes were full of doubts, and the eyebrows were like arrow feathers, but only half of them.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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The position between the eyebrows is a crossed forehead line.

This kind of forehead lines is called cross lines in the bone phase, and the owner is born to be a murderer, and he must die under the criminal law, and he will not end well!

The Taoist priests of the Liu family I have seen are nothing more than horizontal and vertical patterns. This cross pattern is the first time I have seen it.

Moreover, this person is unfamiliar, and I have never seen him in the Liu family before.

Judging by his age, he is much younger than Liu Tianniu, but he seems to be at least one generation older than Liu Huadao.

I cupped my fists and saluted him.

"Geographer Li Yinyang, I have met the Taoist priest."

The Taoist priest frowned, he also cupped his fists at me, and saluted me in return.

"I heard many years ago that Mr. Jiang took in an apprentice, but I didn't expect to see him today. He is indeed a young talent, poor Taoist Liu Chixin."

After a short pause, Liu Chixin said again in a deep voice.

"Mr. Li, can you tell me why you hold the summoning order of the great elder of the Liu family, and Lao Huang is still by your side?"

I noticed that when he said this, his eyes were still scanning left and right.

Obviously, he was observing his surroundings.

His action gave me a lot of information.

For one thing, Liu Tianniu must have never returned to the Liu family, otherwise the Liu family should know that Lao Huang stayed in Di Xianglu.

Besides, Liu Chixin might not know the whereabouts of Liu Tianniu

He must have thought that Liu Tianniu was here, and now he found out if it was there, so he asked me that

I let out a bad breath, and then said: "Nearly six years ago, my family teacher passed away, and Daoist Liu Tianniu left Lao Huang in the Xianglu. Nearly five years ago, I joined the Qiang tribe, and when I left, Saying goodbye to Daoist Liu Tianniu, he gave me the summoning order of the Liu family, if there is an urgent matter, I can rely on this order to seek help from the Liu family."

While I was explaining, Liu Chixin had already walked in front of me.

He nodded, and his expression eased a lot, but the cross lines between his eyebrows still didn't dissipate.

"There has been no news of the Great Elder for more than five years, and the Qiang people are in turmoil. The Liu family urgently needs the Great Elder to go back to sit in town. Can Mr. Li know the whereabouts of the Great Elder?"

Liu Chixin looked at me eagerly, and asked quickly.

I was startled.

But I guessed just now, the turmoil in my heart is not so big.

Shaking his head, I have told the truth, and I have told the truth, I want to ask the whereabouts of Taoist Liu Tianniu from him.

Disappointment obviously flashed across Liu Chixin's eyes.

And what he said made me really want to know what happened to the Qiang people

Recalling the situation back then, I still asked: "Can Taoist Master Chixin talk about the Qiang people?"

Liu Chixin's complexion suddenly sank a lot.

He closed his eyes, and then said: "More than five years ago, the Great Elder issued a ban to kill Qiu Tianyuan. This matter was known by the first teacher, and the first teacher was furious and sued the whole family. The First Elder rebelled."

"The Liu family naturally disagrees, the relationship within the family is in dire straits."

"The first teacher took action personally, and counted the remaining elders who were guarding outside the Qiang people with the array, and they were all seriously injured."

"Qiu Tianyuan has already returned."

"In the Liu family, there are people who are vacillating, so that the Liu family is split."

"Qiu Tianyuan said that he would confront the Great Elder. He has never harmed the Great Elder, nor has he colluded with the warlord."

"The entire Qiang tribe is behind him, and the Liu family has no choice but to be suppressed frequently. Huayan was even expelled from the Qiang tribe because of this, saying that she provoked the relationship between the great elder and Qiu Tianyuan."

"Our older generation are all wandering outside, looking for the traces of the Great Elder."

"In recent years, the pressure on the Liu family has been increasing. Two years ago, San Yuan came out of the Tibetan Talisman Hall. The power of the Grand Elder was temporarily granted, and the relationship within the clan eased."

After Liu Chixin finished speaking, I was even more shocked.

I recalled that Liu Tianniu had indeed ordered Liu Sanyuan to enter the Hall of Tibetan Talismans.

I'm afraid Liu Tianniu never thought that he wouldn't go back for three years.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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