Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 619 I Want to Invite Some Old Friends

Immediately afterwards, Liao Cheng took out another silver needle that seemed to be as thick as a bamboo stick.

This silver needle is almost as long as a palm.

He walked behind Jia Gongming, and suddenly pierced the silver needle into Jia Gongming's head!

Jia Gongming's eyes widened and his mouth opened ferociously, looking extremely painful!

Liao Cheng didn't stop, but still pushed the silver needle hard.

The sound of rubbing was like a knife piercing into a bone.

Hearing it made people get goosebumps.

Jia Gongming screamed at first, but then he just stared and couldn't make a sound.

It was so dark in the martial arts arena that you couldn't see your fingers, and you could hear needles falling quietly in the hall.

My eyelids twitched slightly, and I felt a tingling tingling on the top of my head, and I even thought of the feeling of the needle piercing my head.

As for Jiang Pan, he stood beside him without saying a word.

Finally, when Liao Cheng stopped, only half of the needle remained outside.

The black air on Jia Gongming's face seemed to be fixed and stopped flowing.

His face was extremely painful, and his body was trembling constantly.

Liao Cheng withdrew his hand, and whispered in Jia Gongming's ear sideways: "This lock-up method is your fate."

"This oil lamp uses the corpse oil of a centenarian old man, and the hair in the wick is also yours. Before the lamp goes out, you will not die. If you are about to die, I will find a way to renew your life." .”

"The two Gods of Zero and Zheng are not as evil as you for stealing life. In terms of the method of extending life, no one in the entire Yin-Yang world can surpass us."

"You just wait for the meeting between master and apprentice."

After speaking, Liao Cheng raised his head.

"You will regret it" Jia Gongming finally spoke, his voice was hoarse, a little more hollow than before!

The sky outside is bright.

Liao Cheng rubbed his eyes, and he dozed off tiredly.

"Brother Yinyang, Brother Jiang, I have to rest for a while. If Brother Yinyang is tired, please ask Brother Jiang to watch over Jia Gongming and rest."

"When Jin Yang wakes up and finds us, call him to spread the news."

After saying that, Liao Cheng returned to his previous bed and lay down.

Soon, Liao Cheng fell asleep, snoring lightly.

I made a nine and two gesture to Jiang Pan, and Jiang Pan nodded.

I just breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, I was too tired to die, and I didn't rest for too long last night.

I went back to my bunk and sat down, my head still aching.

At this time, Jia Gongming was turning his head to look at the wooden table.

On the wooden table are the fragments of the Gushou bowl, the only complete one is a gold rim.

Jia Gongming's body was shaking, and his eyes were almost bleeding.

Apparently, the destruction of the Gu Shou Bowl dealt a severe blow to Jia Gongming.

I lay down and soon fell into a deep sleep.

This time, I slept for a long time.

I seemed to hear Jiang Pan talking halfway, but I didn't get up, but continued to fall into a deep sleep.

We may have to fight another Jia Sheng who is stealing his life at any time. If we are not energetic, we may have big problems.

Finally, when I woke up normally, it was almost afternoon outside.

There is a lot of food beside the wooden table, and Liao Cheng is talking with Jiang Pan.

When I got up, Liao Cheng immediately called me over to eat.

Jiang Pan's face became much calmer, and he also called me.

I was indeed empty and hungry.

Most of the dishes prepared by Liuyang Taoist Temple are vegetarian, but they taste a bit bland.

After a meal, I was about to ask about the spread of the news, we can't delay too long.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Jiang Pan said first, just now when Liao Cheng and I were resting, Jin Yang came once, and he had already explained to him to spread the news.

At this time, all the Taoist priests arranged by the Taoist temple should have arrived in Longjia County.

My pupils constricted, I nodded immediately, and said again: "In this way, I have to arrange something. That Jia Sheng's skill is extraordinary."

Jiang Pan kept silent and just looked at me and Liao Cheng.

At this moment, Jia Gongming on the side said abruptly: "Arrangement? With your manpower here, all of you are no match for him. If I can kill him so easily, I won't keep running for my life." .”

Liao Cheng turned his head and smiled with Jia Gongming, but he didn't say a word, but looked pitifully.

It seems to be saying that if we can't deal with him, Jia Gongming's fate will not go well.

I think of Jia Gongming's skill yesterday.

In fact, besieging him yesterday was already all the strength of the Taoist Temple of the Six Suns

Jia Sheng is stronger, so we really can't beat him.

It's not so easy to hurt people with Feng Shui

Liao Cheng's method is somewhat special, he dared to face Jia Gongming directly.

It's just that I didn't see more of his moves.

Thinking of this, I lowered my head and took out something from the inner bag.

It was a thin stick as long as a forearm.

This is the summoning order of the Liu family that Liu Tianniu gave me back then!

Jia Sheng is no small matter

Instead of taking risks, why don't we call the Taoist priests of the Liu Family over? !

And, there's an added bonus!

If I destroy the life-stealing method in the future, if I do it or Jiang Pan does it, there will definitely be a rift with Liao Cheng

But what about the Taoist priests of the Liu family? !

In my thoughts, I feel that this method is feasible.

It's been more than five years, thinking of Liu Tianniu, is he still around?Has Qiu Tianyuan been beheaded by the elders of the Liu family? !

Hands trembled slightly, and my eye sockets began to turn red.

Suddenly there was another mooing sound from behind me, I turned my head and saw Lao Huang.

It stood up now, its tail sweeping across its back.

In the huge bull's eyes, what flashed was brilliance and brightness.

I stood up, walked to Lao Huang's side, stroked its huge bull head, and sighed.

Lao Huang turned his head sideways and rubbed against my chest.

"Brother Jiang, Brother Liao, I'm going to go out alone later, maybe I won't be back until very late."

I turned my head and looked at Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng.

The color of doubt rose in the eyes of both of them at the same time.

Then I said in a deep voice: "I want to find some old friends to come over. If they come, then Jia Sheng, even if he is really a monster with monstrous vicious methods, he will definitely die."

"Also, I have kept Lao Huang for too many years, and it is going to find its owner."

After I finished speaking, Jiang Pan suddenly stood up.

With astonishment in his eyes, he said, "Can you"

I took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Brother Jiang, the one I can find may not necessarily be that one. If they are nearby, I should be able to find them."

Then I looked at Liao Cheng, and said: "Brother Liao, you should use your methods as much as possible. I just added some weight to us."

Liao Cheng's eyes were full of thoughts.

He doesn't understand my relationship with Liu Tianniu, so naturally he doesn't know anything.

Jiang Pan knew it.

"Brother Yinyang is so sure, which makes Liao curious, so let's wait and see!" Liao Cheng and I clasped fists together, with trust in our eyes.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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