Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 613 Can't Let Him Escape

Not only Jin Yang, but also those who fell down in the field.

There must be poison in the smoke, I don't know what the corpse poison is, but the poison must be strong, otherwise so many people wouldn't fall down in an instant...

The remaining hungry people ran towards the front in panic.

Jiang Pan said in a low voice: "Yinyang, help Brother Liao take down this bone bowl, I'll go and see them."

He walked towards the fallen hungry people and Taoist priests.

During this period, Liao Cheng's face became very pale, and his hands seemed to be tightly attached to the bone bowl, especially the injured hand, which turned sallow, as if the blood was about to drain. .

I suddenly remembered that a few years ago, when I was holding the copper bowl properly, I also felt tingling and bleeding.

And the details that Jiang Pan said before...

This life-stealing has a great relationship with blood!

While thinking, I quickly took out the gray fairy gloves. After putting them on, I grabbed Liao Cheng's arm and pulled it down hard!

Liao Cheng then let go of his hand.

He staggered back and sat slumped on the ground, looking tired and weak.

I noticed Jin Yang, his complexion is also starting to look sallow...

Taking a deep breath, I covered the bone bowl with my hands.

I didn't have the feeling that my hands were cut a few years ago, and I was relieved.

Then, I carefully pulled out the bowl.

The bowl is as if it has adsorption force, it is very difficult to pull it apart.

In the end, I can only pull hard!

Although this may cause Jin Yang harm, it is better than holding him down again.

With a soft chirp, I finally pulled out the bowl.

The strange thing is that it is obviously an empty bowl, but it is surprisingly heavy...

I can also be sure that this is the skull...

I shuddered in my heart, that person who stole his life actually used skulls to make bowls? !

A sharp gaze made me freeze.

Turning around slightly, it was Liao Cheng who was looking at me, and his eyes fell on the bone bowl.

"Brother Yinyang, this bowl is very evil, you must be careful." Liao Cheng murmured, his Adam's apple obviously rolled.

I nodded and carefully placed the bowl on the ground.

Jin Yang has already collapsed weakly.

I went to check his nose, he didn't have a big problem breathing, but the scalp was scratched a lot...

Also, I noticed something.

Jin Yang didn't show his short life.

I can't see Liao Cheng, so I can only see Jin Yang.

I thought in my heart, stealing my life, it should not be finished yet.

At the beginning, I was short-lived, and my life span was shortened.

But I wasn't that serious at all at the time, like Jin Yang and Liao Cheng, once they complete all the steps of life stealing, they might die!

Thinking of this, cold sweat broke down my spine.

During this period, Jiang Pan had already arranged all the unconscious people in a row.

He looked at me, obviously relieved.

"It's not highly poisonous, it's a kind of ecstasy. It's a strong medicine. It's okay." Jiang Pan said in a deep voice.

I also nodded immediately.

Only then did Jiang Pan walk towards us.

He looked at Jin Yang with a lot of worry in his eyes, then looked at Liao Cheng, frowned and said, "Brother Liao."

Liao Cheng waved his hand and said again that he was fine.

Obviously, Liao Cheng paid more attention to that bowl.

"It's rare to see skulls made of bowls. This longevity bowl must be very important. Just now, Jia Gongming had no choice but to make such a move. He wanted to escape first." Liao Cheng murmured.

He wanted to raise his hand several times, but put it down.

In the end, he still looked at me and said seriously: "Brother Yinyang, can I borrow your gloves."

I paused, took off the gloves and gave them to Liao Cheng.

Jiang Pan didn't speak, he just frowned slightly.

After Liao Cheng put on the Huixian gloves, he held up the birthday bowl, carefully looked at the runes on the birthday bowl, and there was a look of obsession in his eyes.

My complexion changed slightly, while Jiang Pan's brows were furrowed, and he said in a deep voice, "Brother Liao!"

Liao Cheng's body froze, he took a deep breath, and immediately put down the birthday bowl.

However, now his expression is a bit terrified.

And, he took off the gloves faster.

"It's weird...I want to see if this rune is real...but it makes me feel like..." Cold sweat broke out on Liao Cheng's forehead...

He said word by word: "He made me want to go to a place..."

Jiang Pan and I both looked at each other in blank dismay.

Jiang Pan frowned even more, he was thinking with his head down.

Then, he picked up the glove that Liao Cheng dropped, put it on, and picked up the birthday bowl.

Jiang Pan didn't change at first, but suddenly, I felt that his expression was a little weird.

Although he didn't lower his head to look at the runes, his eyes showed a look of obsession, staring blankly ahead.

Jiang Pan even had the gesture of stepping forward.

In fact, at first, I did misunderstand, I thought Liao Cheng was greedy for that rune.

Now it seems that this is obviously not the case!

I immediately raised my hand, grabbed Jiang Pan's hand, and whispered: "Brother Jiang!"

My tone was more serious, just like when he called Liao Cheng just now.

Jiang Pan trembled, he came to his senses, and the bone bowl fell to the ground...

He lowered his head with lingering fear, and his breathing became more rapid.

"It's really weird..." he murmured.

After taking off the gloves, Jiang Pan said in a deep voice: "I have to find a wooden box to pack it in, and it is going to take us to find..."

Jiang Pan's pupils suddenly constricted.

Liao Cheng said in a deep voice, "Jia Gongming?!"

I nodded too, thinking the same...

After thinking for a while, I also said: "Perhaps, this is why Jia Gongming dared to keep it. After all, this longevity bowl is weird, and we must not find it. Otherwise, something will happen. The gray fairy gloves can prevent it from hurting people. But I can’t get away from that feeling.”

"If you change to other gloves, I'm afraid it will be even more so."

"It's very important. If those Taoist priests can't catch people, Jia Gongming should come back."

After I finished speaking, Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng also nodded.

Then, Liao Cheng went to the back room to search, and soon took out a wooden box.

I used gray fairy gloves to insulate it, quickly put the longevity bowl in, and covered it with a wooden box.

Not long after, the comatose Jin Yang woke up.

He looked extremely weak, but fortunately, there was no problem with his consciousness.

It also happened at this time that the Taoist priests who chased him also rushed back, but all of them were stunned, obviously no one was caught.

After they reported to Jin Yang, Jin Yang ordered them to carry the unconscious person into the room first, and to wake him up first.

Then, Jin Yang looked at the three of us uneasily, and asked cautiously: "Mr. Tianyuan... what should we do about this matter?"

"Then Jia Gongming ran away, will he make a comeback? Or did he go elsewhere to harm people?"

Pausing for a moment, Jin Yang had a lot of hatred in his eyes, and murmured: "If he ran away... the teacher's revenge cannot be avenged! There are still many people who will die unexpectedly..."

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