Jin Yang looked extremely indifferent, and said lightly: "The gentleman just now is a distinguished guest who came with Mr. Tianyuan."

"Do you think he would lie?"

"Besides, this Jia Gongming stole extraordinary things."

There was a lot of murderous intent in Jin Yang's eyes. He raised his hand, and almost all the Taoist priests on the roof fell at the same time, surrounding Jia Gongming.

The rest of the hungry people were terrified.

Wu You was also frightened.

He widened his eyes, stomped his feet vigorously, and reprimanded in a low voice: "Jia Gongming! What did you steal! Take it out quickly!"

"Don't ruin our reputation! The Six Suns Taoist Temple saved our lives!"

The rest of the hungry people also seemed very impatient, talking about something in a hurry, probably because Jia Gongming was so old, he even stole things, and even stole things from his benefactor!

Although they are poor and have no food to eat, they must not do stealthy things, otherwise, there will be no good rewards, and they will be punished by heaven!

Jia Gongming still didn't speak, but his legs didn't tremble anymore.

I've been looking at him all the time, and actually I still feel that there's something wrong...

Although the memory of that year is not very clear, the old man and I only met once.

But Jia Gongming doesn't look like that old man at all...

Could it be that there was not just one life-stealer, but two?

As I thought about it, Liao Cheng had already walked two or three meters in front of Jia Gongming.

Jia Gongming only raised his head at this moment, his wrinkled face was full of puzzlement and bewilderment.

"I didn't steal anything." His voice was also trembling.

Liao Cheng said coldly: "What if it's not a thing, but a lifespan?"

Jia Gongming was even more dazed, obviously not understanding.

Liao Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly, and said again: "Have you ever met Taoist Master Liuyang alone?"

Before Jia Gongming could answer, one of the Taoist priests who surrounded him suddenly said: "Yes! Last night, the head teacher saw Jia Gongming! He was sick, and the head teacher treated him!"

Liao Cheng scolded even more coldly, saying: "Daoist Jin Yang, take him down, everything will be known!"

After saying that, Liao Cheng took a sudden step forward and raised his hand to grab Jia Gongming's arm!

I was shocked.

Because Liao Cheng's movements were too sharp and fast, how could he have such a good skill? !

The next moment, he was going to grab Zhongjia Gongming's arm.

Jin Yang also shouted in a deep voice: "Take him down!"

The rest of the Taoist priests pressed forward together.

At this moment, Liao Cheng caught Jia Gongming's arm.

Jia Gongming suddenly took a step forward towards Liao Cheng, bent his hand, and stretched out his five fingers, like bone claws, directly digging towards Liao Cheng's lower body!

Just a moment ago, he was like a frail and seriously ill old man in his dying years.

At this moment, although he is still old, he gives the impression that he is old and spicy!

Liao Cheng's complexion changed slightly, he turned sideways, raised his hand and slapped Jia Gongming!

In the end, Liao Cheng let out a muffled groan, and he withdrew his hand suddenly, but I saw that his palm was dripping with blood!

There is something weird about Jia Gongming!

Liao Chengdeng stepped back a few steps, those Taoist priests had already pushed in front of Jia Gongming, and the wooden swords were intertwined, and they were about to suppress him!

Jia Gongming squinted his eyes slightly, but his eyes became extremely strange and cold. He suddenly crawled down and slammed into a Taoist priest at a sideways angle!

The wooden swords that many of them pressed down staggered immediately hit nothing.

And the Taoist priest who was hit had the same reaction by slapping Jia Gongming on the shoulder!

His strength is obviously stronger than Liao Cheng's.

The next moment, he screamed even more.

Jia Gongming even bumped into him directly!

Not only was his hands drenched with blood, several blood-red spots appeared on his chest and abdomen, and a large amount of blood soon spilled out.

Jia Gongming immediately opened a breakthrough, and from the position of the Taoist priest, he burst out of the encirclement!

Jin Yang's complexion changed suddenly, and he suddenly pulled out a sword from his waist!

This is not a wooden sword like other Taoist priests, but a green steel sword!

He stepped forward suddenly, and the cloth shoes made several footprints on the ground.

As the sword roared, it stabbed directly at Jia Gongming's chest!

A scene that shocked me even more happened.

Because Jia Gongming still didn't dodge!He actually charged directly towards Jin Yang!

Jin Yang's sword obviously changed direction, instead of piercing Jia Gongming's heart directly, it pierced the side of his lung instead!

As a result, there was a loud clang, and Jin Yang did not pierce Jia Gongming's body with his sword.

On the contrary, the sword was squeezed and bent, and with a click, it broke directly!

Jin Yang's expression changed suddenly, and he said, "It really is the inner armor!"

His hand immediately slapped his waist again, and what he got was a bronze sword.

Jia Gongming's movements suddenly became much faster. On the contrary, he rushed to Jin Yang's side before he swung his sword again. Suddenly, he grabbed Jin Yang's wrist with one hand, and took out a white scarf with the other hand. The human bowl was actually buckled on the top of Jin Yang's head!

Jin Yang's body trembled, and he fell straight to the ground...

It was too late, but soon, the Taoist priests from behind also attacked.

But Jia Gongming pulled away and rushed forward, rushing into the crowd!

The scene just now scared the crowd into panic.

Instead, there are screams and roars, and dozens of hungry people are in a mess.

This made those Taoist priests unable to catch Jia Gongming any more, and could only quickly surround the crowd...

It all happened so fast.

Now Liao Chengcai stepped back in front of me and Jiang Pan.

Jiang Pan's expression was extremely solemn, and he said cautiously: "Brother Liao, are you okay?"

Liao Cheng hissed, and said in a low voice: "Skin trauma, but the inner armor he is wearing has barbs..."

My eyes are extremely vigilant looking at the crowd.

I always feel that there are bad thoughts breeding.

At this time, Liao Cheng suddenly walked forward again.

Jiang Pan was about to stop him, but Liao Cheng's speed was obviously faster, and Jiang Pan didn't let Jiang Pan grab his arm.

He quickly walked up to Jin Yang, grabbed Jin Yang, and dragged him to us.

What made my eyelids twitch wildly, and my body kept breaking out in cold sweat was the bowl on Jin Yang's head...

No, that doesn't look like a bowl, it's more like a skull, holding Jin Yang's head firmly...

And the edge of the skull is covered with a layer of gold!

Jin Yang's eyes were closed tightly, and his whole body looked extremely painful, and his face was also rapidly turning pale.

Liao Cheng quickly touched the bowl with both hands, trying to pick it off.

At this time, screams came from the crowd, and there was a burst of smoke!

After the smoke dissipated, half of the starving people fell to the ground, life and death unknown, half of the Taoist also fell, and the rest chased out of the back view...

My complexion was extremely ugly, and I didn't know whether to chase it out or wait here...

Soon, I still give up.

Jiang Pan and I don't have the skills to chase people, and this Jin Yang looks dangerous!

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