Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 614 One Hexagram Calculates the Yin-Yang Boundary

Me, Jiang Pan, Liao Cheng, the three of them looked at each other.

Jiang Pancai said in a deep voice, "He probably won't leave."

After speaking, Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng's eyes fell on the box in my hand.

After thinking for a while, I said, "Let's put this thing in my hand for now."

The reason for saying this is simple, Liao Cheng has ideas about stealing his life, and it would be risky to hand it over to Liao Cheng.

As for Jiang Pan, he is weaker than me. If Jia Gongming returns, Jiang Pan will also be in danger.

After all, I have learned the methods of catching corpses for so many years, and the gray fairy gloves are used to pick up the yin woman. I use them for the most effective, and they are also the safest when touching the birthday bowl.

It is most suitable for the longevity bowl to remain in my hands.

Liao Cheng nodded and said, "Brother Yinyang, be careful."

Jiang Pan looked at me again, his brows furrowed, and he said, "Yinyang, you don't know that Jia Gongming, and besides, he's not one-armed."

The moment Jiang Pan's voice fell, his face was already extremely dignified.

Liao Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly, his expression changed a lot.

I was silent, then nodded.

"There is more than one person who steals life. This world of yin and yang is about to change." Jiang Pan picked up the tortoise shell around his waist, and he murmured, "If father is still there, he can divination and calculate the world of yin and yang." The catastrophic change... I am afraid that no one has the means to do so..."

Jiang Pan's tone was too serious.

I subconsciously touched the long wooden box on my shoulder.

His words gave me another understanding of Master...

Master...can it be considered a change in the Yin-Yang world? !

Liao Cheng sighed, stretched out his hand and patted Jiang Pan's shoulder, and said, "Brother Jiang, don't be sobbing and melancholy."

I didn't know how to speak for a while.

I thought I had achieved something in Yin Yang, but I didn't expect that there was still a gap between me and my master.

At least what Jiang Pan said is the Yin-Yang world, I have no idea at all...

After a long while, Jiang Pan's mood calmed down a little. He said solemnly: "After capturing Jia Gongming, I will force you to find out the whereabouts of another life-stealer, and see what their purpose is. These people must be eliminated."

I also nod.

Liao Cheng opened his mouth and asked Jin Yang to put us on the ground floor of the Qianguan Hall, and put some Taoist priests to guard in secret.

Liao Cheng also warned: "Everyone, don't go out of the Taoist temple again, so as not to be killed by Jia Gongming."

Jin Yang nodded immediately, his frail face was full of caution.

We went to the front view.

Jin Yang arranged manpower to lay the floor for us in the main hall, and someone brought us refreshments.

I also brought Lao Huang into the temple, and it followed me into the main hall, where it curled up in a corner, seemingly listless.

As for the coffin in the martial arts arena, it was carried to the side hall.

Taoist priests can also look at the soul, they have long known that the soul of the Taoist priest of Liuyang is scattered.

After being pointed out by us and knowing the murderer, naturally there is no need for a lot of sacrifices.

Wait until the murderer Jia Gongming is removed, and then bury the body, just follow the etiquette.

Liao Cheng told Jin Yang a few more words, and then asked him to rest well.

The three of us sat around a wooden table, and after eating, we each sat on the floor.

After this period of delay, the sky had already entered night unknowingly.

In the sky tonight, there is a particularly weird red moon, and the dark color seems to be stained with blood.

Liao Cheng sat for a while, then lay down on the floor and fell into a deep sleep without even notifying us.

Jiang Pan sighed softly, he said that Liao Cheng was also seriously injured just now, if he hadn't been proficient in the two gods of zero and positive, and understood the spirit of two and five, if it were us, I'm afraid we would have fallen into a coma.

I opened my mouth and asked him to rest for a while, saying that Jia Gongming might not dare to come back tonight.

Jiang Pan shook his head, saying let me rest first, and we will take turns.

He has a straightforward personality and a solid attitude in doing things. If I argue with him, he will still insist on the opinion that the elder brother comes first.

So I didn't say anything else, just lay down and closed my eyes to rest.

I fell asleep quickly.

However, this time I fell into a deep sleep.

It's weird at this point, I don't want to sleep so deeply, because I have to sleep for a while and wake up to take turns with Jiang Pan.

I don't know how long it took, and suddenly I heard a slight cow mooing in my ear.

I managed to open my eyes, and felt my head heavy, with an indescribable sense of depression.

What shocked me even more was that Jiang Pan was lying on the floor. He fell asleep? !

It stands to reason that we were on vigil, so Jiang Pan had to call me...

The bed next to Liao Cheng is empty.

I immediately understood that Liao Cheng must have woken up, and he should take turns with Jiang Pan first? !

But what about Liao Cheng?

In the main hall, no one from Liao Cheng was seen!

The next moment, I felt a chill in my heart.

Because the wooden box next to my head was open, and the inside was empty, and the birthday bowl that was originally contained had disappeared...

Old Huang mooed again, he seemed to be watching the martial arts arena.

Sweat broke out on my forehead, I turned my head and glanced at the martial arts arena.

But just happened to see, in the distance, it should be the position of Guanmen, two figures flashed by, and just walked out.

Liao Cheng went out?

Who is that other person?

I didn't have time to think about it, so I stood up directly from the ground.

I didn't have time to call Jiang Pan again, so I hurriedly got up and chased outside the martial arts arena...

I guessed that the other person might be Jia Gongming, but there are so many Taoist priests guarding in the dark, it cannot be Jia Gongming.

They didn't stop or show up, one of them was Liao Fan, and the other must be someone from Guanyin...

In the process of catching up, my thoughts were very fast.

As soon as I arrived at the entrance, suddenly, there was a landing sound next to me.

I vigilantly turned my head to look, and the one who fell to me from the eaves was a Taoist priest.

Soon I remembered that this Taoist priest was called Xu Wei. We had just arrived at the Taoist temple during the day, and Jin Yang ordered him and another Taoist priest named Tang Zong to gather more people.

"First... sir?" Xu Wei hesitated for a moment before saying: "I wanted to call you just now, Senior Brother Jin Yang entered your resting place. Bone Bowl, up the mountain..."

"I don't know if this is your plan, or..."

My complexion suddenly changed.

All of a sudden, I knew that there was still something we had overlooked!

Jin Yang was sucked too much blood by the birthday bowl, obviously something went wrong, so did Liao Cheng...

That's why they stole the bowl and left...

This is definitely not to deal with Jia Gongming!

"Just call me Li Yinyang. Have you seen where they are going? Lead the way!" I said in a deep voice, and immediately gave the order.

Xu Wei immediately made a gesture of invitation, and walked towards the mountain road on the right...

This Liuyang Taoist temple is at the foot of a low mountain, and the right side is just the road into the mountain.

The blood moon was oppressive and gloomy. After we chased up the mountain road, we didn't dare to stop at all.

Soon, we caught up to the mountainside.

A slight sound could be heard in our ears, and Xu Wei and I both chased after the sound.

Before long, we passed through a dense forest, and in front of us, there was a clearing.

There were two people kneeling on the open space, one of them was Liao Cheng, and the other was Jin Yang!

And in front of them was Jia Gongming...

It's just that Jia Gongming's appearance at this time has changed greatly from the daytime!

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