He was stolen to death again!There must be something wrong with the hungry people!

Sweat was already on Jin Yang's forehead, and he said anxiously: "The teacher..."

"Looking at the body is to find clues. The murderer may be here, so why waste time?!" Liao Cheng frowned, obviously dissatisfied with Jin Yang.

The next moment, Jin Yang's face changed, his eyes were full of astonishment, and then hatred!

The same is true for the Taoists around, not only stunned, but also anger and hatred in their eyes.

Jin Yang said decisively: "Xu Wei, Tang Zong, you two go to another place in Guan, gather everyone's hands, outflank the rear view, and the rest immediately go to the rear view, form an array to surround, and don't let a fly fly out! Otherwise, you will all commit suicide Apologize before the spirit of the teacher!"

Immediately, two Taoist priests were separated from the dozen or so priests beside the coffin, and quickly galloped towards the side halls on both sides.

The rest of the dozen or so Taoist priests rushed towards the back of the main hall.

Jin Yang made a gesture of please.

The sweat on his forehead was as big as a bean, and kept slipping down.

Obviously, Jin Yang wanted to ask us, but he held back and didn't say anything.

Looking back, Jiang Pancai said, "A year ago, after a Fengshui dojo and a Taoist temple were wiped out, one after another there were gentlemen and Taoist priests who died unexpectedly."

"The yin and yang world almost don't know why and who the murderer is, but the gentlemen and Taoists in the Panjiang River Basin are all in danger."

"We investigated for a long time, and finally determined that this perpetrator used an extremely vicious method. Mr. Long of the Water Dragon Temple was killed by this method."

Jin Yang's complexion paled a lot.

He said anxiously: "What is this method..."

Jiang Pan narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a deep voice, "Stolen life."

Jin Yang was still at a loss.

This gave me a message, indeed, in today's world of yin and yang, there are not many people who know how to steal their lives.

Jiang Pan said again in a deep voice: "I will explain to you later, but right now, that person should be among the hungry people, so arrest him first."

Jin Yang immediately nodded again.

The speed of the four of us is much slower than those Taoist priests in front.

When we got to the back view, there were already many Taoist priests standing on the roof of the house. They held swords in their hands, looked very solemn, and had sharp eyes.

There were about a dozen people standing in the middle of the courtyard in the back view. Those people were dressed in rags and were also dirty, looking around anxiously.

The whole rear view is like a large courtyard, without a main room, surrounded by three rows of tile-roofed houses.

The dozen or so hungry people were in a panic, discussing among themselves, and some people came out of the brick-roofed house, and the number of people began to increase, and their voices were noisy.

At a glance, there are at least 50 or [-] of these hungry people...

I squinted my eyes slightly, scanning the crowd.

The same is true for Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng.

As for Jin Yang, he took a few steps forward and said in a deep voice, "Everyone, are they all out?!"

"Wu You, come to me!" Jin Yang looked solemn.

Suddenly, a man squeezed out from among the hungry people. He was about 40 to [-] years old. He had a round face, looked a little stronger, and his clothes were not so dirty.

Obviously, this Wu You is the leader of the hungry people.

"Count the number of people to see if they are all here, and then let everyone stand up." Jin Yang continued to order.

I nodded secretly in my heart, Jin Yang is indeed not stupid.

He could also think that the murderer was one of the hungry people.

It is not sure whether there is a problem with the hungry people as a whole, but this kind of sudden change, no matter whether all of them are wrong or not, we can take the initiative and the first opportunity to a certain extent.

Then Wu You asked in a low voice: "Daoist Jin Yang, is something wrong..."

Jin Yang's expression was much colder, he frowned and said: "You can just do it."

Wu You immediately asked people to stand in line, and then, he began to count people's names.

Basically, whoever he pointed out, that person immediately called out.

After he clicked on a name named Jia Gongming, no one answered for a while.

Wu You frowned again and asked, "Where's Jia Gongming? Who knows where he went?!"

There was a lot of discussion among the people in the room, and someone yelled in a low voice, saying that old man Jia had an old problem, and he was lying in the room and did not come out.

Jin Yang narrowed his eyes slightly, and he immediately asked Wu You which room it was.

Wu You called the person who spoke, and soon, the person pointed to a door on the east side of the courtyard.

Just at this moment, there was a soft creak, and the door of the room opened.

A person came out of the room tremblingly.

This is a very old man, at least eight or ninety years old, with a sallow complexion and not much nutrition.

He was trembling when he walked, obviously because of his inconvenient legs and feet, he was holding on to a dirty walking stick, and his hair had almost fallen out.

His eyes were also extremely cloudy, and his whole body was completely yellow.

It's just that in my opinion, his eyes are bulging, the surface of the eyeballs is cloudy, and bloodshot.

Wu You immediately frowned and said, "Jia Gongming! Come here quickly! The Taoist priest counted our number, and I have something to say!"

Jia Gongming didn't say a word, walked slowly to the front of the crowd and stood with a walking stick.

Wu You began to call out other people's names.

Jia Gongming, there is a problem...

The eyes are bulging and bloodshot, which in itself is a murderous appearance!

And besides him, all the names that Wu had come up with were being mentioned.

Not long after, everyone's names were counted, and Wu You came to Jin Yang with a sneer, and whispered, "Daoist Jin Yang, everyone is here, what's wrong?"

"Don't worry, all of us, although hungry, must have clean hands and feet!" Wu You assured again.

Jin Yang raised his hand and made a downward movement.

He immediately looked back at me, Jiang Pan, and Liao Cheng.

Liao Cheng took two steps forward. He casually pointed at a few people and signaled them to go back.

This made most of the hungry people look puzzled.

But they all did.

I can see that Liao Cheng is trying to divide these hungry people, as well as that Jia Gongming just now.

But at this moment, Jia Gongming lowered his head and did not raise his head.

At the same time, Liao Cheng said lightly: "Don't do anything wrong, and don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. People who have lost or stolen things in the Taoist temple are here. All the people I point to, get out of the way."

Wu You's face suddenly became more uneasy, and he said in a panic: "Daoist Jin Yang, did you really lose something?!"

"Don't worry, find out who it is, I won't be the first to spare him! The Taoist Temple of the Six Suns gave us food and drink, and saved our lives. Whoever has dirty hands and feet will be chopped up!"

Soon, Liao Cheng had dispersed, and there was only Jia Gongming left in the field.

Almost all the hungry people were behind. Jia Gongming was still there, his legs and feet were still trembling slightly.

Wu You's eyes were even more dazed, and he said even more uneasy: "Daoist Jin Yang, could he have made a mistake... This Jia Gongming is almost ninety, and he has to be supported when he walks, how can he steal?"

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