After getting on Lao Huang's back first, Jiang Pan started to drive, and Liao Cheng sat beside him.

Liao Chengcai continued: "Brother Jiang, my teacher has a method of locking the veins, which should be able to save his life. And I think there must be something hidden about Mr. Guo's death. Brother Yinyang also said in his letter that it was the person who first gave it to him. It is as precious as Mr. Guo, probably because of this, it reduces Mr. Guo's defense."

"Now we have understood his methods. As long as he appears, don't give him a chance to steal his life, and take him down! This is indeed a good strategy."

"Brother Yinyang is not experienced enough, so it's impossible for him to be the bait. Let me do it."

Speaking of this, Liao Cheng's face was quite serious, obviously very serious.

I frowned, Liao Cheng's words immediately changed my mind a lot.

At least in this dangerous time, he can directly speak out and make himself bait.

More importantly, everyone has never been in contact with life stealing, at least from this sentence, it can be seen that the character is not like a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death.

However, the hexagram reminds me that I always have preconceived ideas and cannot fully trust Liao Cheng.

Jiang Pan didn't speak for a while, just hurried on his way in silence.

We left Longjia County and headed out of the city.

At this time, Jiang Pan said that the head Taoist priest of the Six Suns Taoist Temple was an old friend with him.

And he also said that only one headmaster died in Liuyang Taoist Temple, and it was not like the original Taoist temple was wiped out.

This baffles me.

The Immortal Gate is gone, so is anyone left alive?

What kind of medicine is that man selling in the gourd?

The thirty-mile journey took almost an hour.

When I saw a mountain and the Taoist temple at the foot of the mountain, it was almost dusk.

When we arrived at the entrance of the Taoist temple, there were two pale lanterns hanging on both sides of the huge vermilion wooden door, and the founding characters on them were particularly eye-catching.

The wooden door was closed tightly, but a strong smell of incense candles could be smelled.

Liao Cheng got out of the car first, and he went to knock on the door.

When Jiang Pan and I followed up, the wooden door was just pulled open, and a Taoist priest in sackcloth and filial piety came out.

The Taoist priest was thin and thin, and his whole face was not too thin. His eyelids were drooping, and he didn't look very energetic.

"You..." The Taoist was stunned for a moment, then looked at Jiang Pan in astonishment, and said blankly, "Mr. Tianyuan?!"

Jiang Pan was silent for a moment, and said: "I was shocked to hear that Taoist Master Liuyang died suddenly. I just rushed to Longjia County on my way, so come here quickly."

The Taoist priest's face was full of bitterness, he let the door open, and bowed to invite us in.

The three of us entered the Taoist temple, which was much bigger than the previous Water Dragon Temple.

In the center is the Martial Arts Field, behind it is a main hall, two side halls, and on both sides are houses.

There was a coffin in the middle of the martial arts arena, which looked extremely bleak.

Tribute fruits were placed on the mourning hall, but the incense candles were flickering, as if they were about to go out at any moment.

There were also many little Taoist priests kneeling beside the coffin, weeping continuously.

When they got to the front of the mourning hall, the Taoist priest who led the way saluted again, and whispered his name to Jiang Pan, Jin Yang.

Then, he took the joss stick and handed it to us.

Liao Cheng frowned, and then said: "The soul is gone, the incense candle is hard to hold, and burning incense is meaningless."

Jin Yang's complexion changed slightly, his face became more bitter, especially for the rest of the worshiping Taoist priests.

I discovered some habits of Liao Cheng, and he spoke very directly.

Jiang Pancai said, "Rumors say that Taoist Master Liuyang died by cutting his wrists?"

Jin Yang pursed his lips, sighed more and said: "This morning, the county magistrate of Longjia County came to offer incense and wanted to listen to the teacher's sermon, but he went to the teacher's residence, and saw the teacher kneeling to death at a glance. In the hospital, blood was drained dry, and the cause of death was strange."

"But the county magistrate thinks that the head teacher died by cutting his wrist, and he was still holding a dagger in his other hand. This is probably how the news got out."

Jiang Pan nodded, and said again: "In recent years, in many Fengshui dojos and Taoist temples, people have died unexpectedly. Five days ago, Mr. Long in Longjia County died. Today is the Taoist Master of Liuyang. We came here because of this."

"I also invite Daoist Jin to open the coffin, we want to find some clues."

"Daoist Liuyang definitely didn't cut his wrists, he was killed by someone!"

What Jiang Pan said was well-founded.

The Taoist Jin Yang nodded again and again, but said anxiously: "I've been hearing about people fleeing for their lives. The causes of those people's deaths are very strange. According to my master, they died of a short lifespan."

"The head teacher died of blood loss from cutting his wrist... No one in the temple can see his face. I don't know if the head teacher has a short life..."

The information circulated outside is limited to this.

Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng were able to know that they were stealing their lives because of Liao Cheng's classics, which were absolutely unknown to outsiders.

At the same time, Jin Yang looked hesitant.

After a while, he finally said: "Open the coffin in broad daylight, I'm afraid the corpse..."

Liao Cheng frowned, an unspeakable emotion flashed in his eyes, and he glanced at Jin Yang again.

Jin Yang's face was even more miserable, but he didn't speak for a while.

Obviously, just now Liao Chengcai said that his soul was gone.

Although the Taoist priests here are not ventilated, they can tell that they know the result...

Worship in the mourning hall has long been a superficial etiquette...

In fact, the corpse has no soul, and it is undoubtedly a mass of dead flesh...

Jin Yang gritted his teeth and said, "Open the coffin!"

The rest of the Taoist priests were hesitating and struggling.

Until Jin Yang gave another order, saying that this was to avenge the head teacher and find the murderer!

Immediately, the Taoist priests began to open the coffin.

The coffin was nailed to death, and Taoist priests went looking for tools like iron skewers.

During the waiting period, Jiang Pan asked Jin Yang again, who has been to the Taoist temple of Liuyang in the past two days, and who has seen the Taoist priest of Liuyang?

Jin Yang thought for a moment before saying: "There are quite a lot of people who come to the Taoist temple, and there are quite a few people who have seen the head teacher."

"About three days ago, a group of people came over from the famine. The famine was starving, so they put porridge in Guannei, and took that group of people to live first."

After a short pause, Jin Yang sighed again, and said: "The county magistrate came to offer incense, but we were actually the ones who invited it, because the head teacher said that we have to discuss with the county magistrate to see how to settle down the hungry people..."

"But I never thought that he..."

My eyelids kept twitching, Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng also looked at each other in blank dismay, with vigilance and surprise in their eyes.

"Where are the hungry people?" Jiang Pan said in a deep voice.

Jin Yang whispered: "Look at the back."

Liao Chengwei squinted his eyes and said: "Don't disturb them, gather all the rest of you Taoist priests, surround the back view, and don't let anyone go!"

The three of us did not communicate with each other, just the few words Jin Yang said, and just our few eye contact, we have already made a judgment!

There are not so many coincidences...

A group of hungry people came to the Taoist Temple of the Six Suns, and the Taoist priest died unexpectedly!

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