On the wrist under the forearm of the mummy, there is a deep bone wound, almost cutting off the wrist...

I thought of the bloodletting described by Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng before, and I felt chills on my wrist.

"For such a big wound, Mr. Long is too old, and he has insufficient energy, so that person sucked him dry."

Jiang Pan murmured in a low voice, his brows were wrinkled, and his tone was even colder.

"He is really short of lifespan, that's why he is so unscrupulous, even Mr. Long, who is in his sixtieth year, will not let him go..."

Liao Cheng nodded, took his fingers out of the mummy's mouth, and said at the same time: "It is indeed sucked dry, every tooth has fallen off, that person should have other troubles, otherwise, he has killed many people, and his life span should It will be enough."

The two directly lifted the mummy out of the coffin, and began to examine it carefully again.

I pondered for a moment and told them to check here. I will go to other rooms to see if there are any clues.

Jiang Pan nodded, and I turned around and walked out of the house, and walked straight to other rooms.

In another room opposite the door, I saw a dark mark on the ground, black and red, as if soaked.

Next to it was a broken ceramic bowl...

There are still some clods left in the bowl, which have been soaked in blood.

I squatted down and picked up the bowl, only to find that some pieces were missing.

There are still some remaining sigils on the bowl, but because they are incomplete, they are useless.

Is that person stealing his life here?

I couldn't think of that scene, but standing here, I felt goosebumps all over my body, and cold sweat broke out on my spine.

I searched the house carefully, but found no other clues, so I went to other rooms.

Also got nothing.

When I returned to the small hall, Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng had already come out.

On the table was a remnant hem of clothing, apparently that's what they'd found.

I put down the broken bowl.

Liao Cheng immediately held the bowl in his palm, his eyes were a little brighter.

"Broken bowl, there are no more fragments?" Liao Cheng narrowed his eyes, staring at the runes on the bowl.

I nodded and said, "I've searched all of them, and there's nothing left."

"It should be after stealing life, the bowl was broken, and the key fragments were destroyed." Liao Cheng murmured.

Jiang Pan said after a while: "The ceramic bowl is used now, which should be far inferior to the copper bowl. Could it be that his copper bowl was destroyed by the teacher at the beginning, and he didn't have a new bowl?"

"It doesn't look like it. It has been nearly five years, and it can be done again if it is destroyed. But I think, something happened suddenly, so that it was destroyed again? Can only use ceramic bowls?"

Liao Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly said: "If there are enough fragments, it can be..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Pan frowned and said, "Brother Liao, we have an appointment first."

There was helplessness in Liao Cheng's eyes, he put down the ceramic bowl with a wry smile, and after Jiang Pan picked it up, he threw it towards the courtyard.

With a shattering sound, the bowl fell to the ground, turning into countless residues.

"He should still harm people. I will go to the city to find someone to find out about the surrounding situation. I will find some people to come back along the way and let Mr. Long go to the ground."

"At least, don't let some filthy things disturb his body."

As Jiang Pan said, he walked towards Guanwai.

Only Liao Cheng and I were left in the small hall.

Liao Cheng gestured for me to sit down.

After I sat down, I thought for a moment and said: "Perhaps, if no one is killed, we can also see if there are any other gentlemen or Taoist priests around here. The younger the better."

Liao Cheng nodded and said: "It's indeed a way, but it's a gamble. If he doesn't come to the place we go, I'm afraid we won't be able to catch anyone again."

I frowned and lowered my head, what Liao Cheng said was right.

But no matter whether we are chasing or waiting, we are extremely passive...

The most important thing is that the person who stole his life left too few clues.

Of course, it is impossible for him to make it clear where he is going, and he will pay special attention to it...

If you can divination...

As soon as I thought of this, I gave up the idea.

I have no way of knowing the horoscope for the birth date...

However, I gradually thought of another possible way.

If things were going from the worst angle, chasing him, and finding someone who might be victimized, would not be able to find him.

Then if I choose a place and spread the word, is there a young gentleman here, please enter the urn, is it feasible? !

When I think of this, my heart beats a lot faster, and I think this method is very feasible...

Of course, Jiang Pan was not there, so I didn't tell Liao Cheng immediately.

Liao Cheng can still see some problems in the details, for example, just now he had an idea about the longevity bowl.

Jiang Pan seriously destroyed the bowl.

An hour later, Jiang Pan came back, and he brought some ordinary people from the city with him.

These people had white cloth wrapped around their shoulders, and they also carried a lot of things for white affairs.

After entering the small hall, these people bowed to us first, and then, under Jiang Pan's guidance, went to Mr. Long's room.

Jiang Pan's whole person was dignified.

He looked at us, but said in a deep voice: "Thirty miles away, at the Taoist Temple of the Six Suns, the Taoist priest in charge died suddenly. The Taoist priest in the temple said that he cut his wrists, and it happened this morning."

"It's impossible to cut your wrists. That person has been to the Taoist Temple of Six Suns..." Jiang Pan said in a cold tone.

He also said that he has arranged Mr. Long's affairs, we are going to go directly to Liuyang Taoist Temple, maybe that person has not gone far.

Liao Cheng got up immediately, and while we were walking out, I told Jiang Pan what I thought just now.

And I said directly, I can be the bait to catch this person out.

Jiang Pan was stunned, and Liao Cheng was obviously taken aback.

"This plan is to risk your life. If the other things are fine, you have to face life stealing. The teacher still has a shelter, and they all died. Yin and Yang, how dare you take such a risk?"

Jiang Pan directly denied my idea.

Liao Cheng murmured, "Brother Jiang, I think you can try this plan."

Jiang Pan frowned and said, "Brother Liao, Yin Yang is young and energetic, why are you with him...?!"

Apparently, Jiang Pan's mouth shape was to talk nonsense, but he stopped abruptly in the end.

Finally, he shook his head heavily and said no.

We have already stepped out of the gate of the Water Dragon Temple.

Old Huang mooed and snorted.

I was thinking about how to explain it to Jiang Pan, but what he said was not unreasonable...

The most important thing is that we don't know about the man who stole his life, and we don't know how many tricks he has. Once he is tricked, he will almost certainly die...

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