Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 608 Absorbing Yangshou, Breaking People's Souls

It's just that Mr. That can only see that he died short-lived...

Because there is nothing else to see, and there are too many dead people, this matter was passed on from the mouth of the gentleman to ten, ten to hundreds.

It wasn't until the matter reached Jiang Pan's ears, and Jiang Pan found him again, that they were preparing to deal with the man who stole his life.

After a short pause, Liao Cheng said again: "After destroying a Taoist temple and adding a Taoist temple, that person seems to have restrained himself a bit, but there are still people dying around him, without exception, all the dead are Taoist priests and gentlemen."

Liao Cheng continued: "For those of us who are more energetic than ordinary people, he will choose us. If it is ordinary people, it should have little effect."

I nodded, but when I thought about the part of my life that was stolen back then, I felt even more afraid and shuddering.

Then on the way, Liao Cheng didn't say much.

He kept his head down, spread his five fingers, and looked at his palms.

I paid more attention, Liao Fan wasn't in a daze, but looked carefully, his appearance was the same as when I met him.

Xu Shi noticed me, Liao Fan raised his head slightly, I immediately looked away and looked elsewhere.

Liao Fan's yin and yang skills are special, and I haven't seen his master magic weapon yet.

At least the gentlemen I meet now use compasses or have tools for divination.

It is impossible for him not to exist, it is only possible that he is hiding in a place where I cannot see.

It can be judged from this point that Liao Fan is an extremely careful person.

Jiang Pan was relatively quiet while driving, he didn't talk much, he seemed to be thinking about something.

Lao Huang walked very smoothly, and my heart calmed down a lot, but I thought of He Zhi and Dunkong.

It has been more than [-] days since they left home, and they don't know how their mother and child are doing.

Holding Xu Fu's Travel Notes, should Dunkong lose his soul less often?

I was full of thoughts for a while, but I felt that my heart was empty, and I even wanted to go back to Tang Town immediately...

It's just that I'm also very sober, I can't go back now, there are too many things waiting for me to do.

If I can't do it, Dunkong's disease cannot be cured, and his life is in danger.

My fate cannot be solved, and I am sad in my old age.

And Jiang Pan, I can't let him become a single slave...

I kept taking deep breaths to keep my mind calm.

The journey was not short, and it took us about two days to arrive outside a county town.

Jiang Pan told me that the latest news of the death of a Feng Shui master came from Longjia County.

In fact, not long after they received the news, I arrived in Honghe. Counting it now, this incident has happened for five days.

It was almost noon when we entered the county seat, and the sun was high.

The city is noisy, and there are many vendors on both sides of the road.

Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng are fine, it's normal for them to drive a carriage.

Instead, I was riding a big yellow ox, which attracted the attention of many people.

Lao Huang snorted and flicked his tail casually behind his back.

I thought I needed to find a local snake to lead the way, but I didn't expect Jiang Pan to drive the carriage straight forward as if he knew the direction.

After walking for about a quarter of an hour, he began to turn around and entered a slightly empty road.

There are more houses here, and there are almost no vendors.

After crossing this road, we came to a quieter path.

There are fewer houses on both sides of the path. In the center, there is an old observation door. The wooden door is broken and painted, but the ground is shiny from being stepped on.

The inscription on the door plaque reads: "Water Dragon View."

Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng got off the carriage from both sides, and I got off Lao Huang's back.

"Brother Jiang, have you been here?" I asked.

"Mr. Long of the Water Dragon Temple is a man of Yin who is extremely skilled in geomantic omen. He has listened to the teacher's lectures. I have talked with him and came here as a guest."

"He's in the Panjiang River, and he's good at watching the water." Jiang Pan had a complicated expression, and sighed sadly in his eyes.

Liao Cheng was obviously much calmer, he said in a deep voice: "If you don't find that person quickly, he will kill someone, Brother Jiang is useless to be sad, let's go." Saying that, Liao Cheng directly pushed open the door.

We followed one after another.

The Water Dragon Temple is not very big, with a small hall in the center, a clay sculpture enshrined in the back, three-story candlesticks on both sides, a small wooden table in front, and two futons sitting opposite each other.

The courtyard is a little cramped, with a narrow path leading directly to the small hall.

On the left and right are two long pools, in which there are many carp, some are pitch black, some are orange red, or red and white.

Behind the pool are the corridors and houses.

The feng shui here is obviously excellent, and it is an extremely transparent Yangzhai.

The result is a dead and gloomy feeling, a little breathless.

I looked up at the sky, and the sun, which was originally blazing, became gloomy and gloomy at this time.

"The air of death is too strong. The death of ordinary people will not be so painful. The corpse is still here."

"There will be many clues." Liao Cheng said suddenly.

The three of us have already entered the small hall.

Jiang Pan picked up a book from the table, and I glanced at it. It read: "Six Phases of Water and Dragons."

This book is very thick, presumably it is Mr. Long's black art.

In normal feng shui circles, killing people means taking treasures, but this life-stealing person only took away his life...

There are two doors in the east and west directions of the small hall, and I am about to enter one of them.

Just now Liao Cheng said that the body is still there, which made me faintly startled. He didn't look at the compass, and we didn't look at it. How did you judge?

The place is small, so I don't need to use a fixed compass.

At this moment, Liao Cheng walked to the opposite room and said in a low voice, "Here."

Jiang Pan put down the book, he nodded to me, and followed Liao Cheng.

I followed.

Liao Cheng raised his hand and pushed open the door. When the door opened and closed, there was a creaking sound, like a person coughing and coughing.

The room was more cramped and dark, and there was even some faint green light.

I feel that there is a painful and struggling eyes staring straight at us!

In the next moment, his eyes got used to the darkness.

What made my eyelids jump wildly was that there was a coffin in the room...

The coffin was pitch black, but the lid was on the ground. A skinny, even shriveled mummy without any flesh and blood stood upright inside the coffin...

The mummy's eyes were wide open, but the eyeballs were completely shriveled and sunken.

The opened mouth was exceptionally deep, as if seeing flesh and blood, one wanted to swallow it!

"So much resentment..."

I raised my hand, and the hairs on the back of my hand stood on end...

"It should be the coffin sent by the believers in Guannei, and the spiritual tablet...Mr. Long died very painfully, and this corpse was also filled with ghosts..."

Liao Cheng murmured, he walked to the side of the coffin and looked at the mummy from a very close distance.

I frowned slightly, and said, "Isn't it because he's too resentful to deceive the corpse, and there are other sneaky things?!"

Liao Cheng didn't look back, he reached into the mummy's mouth and stuck a finger in, as if he was looking for something.

At the same time, he said: "Unless the mind of a person whose life has been stolen is extremely tough, they will disappear in the pain or be sucked dry. It is extremely difficult to cheat the corpse."

"Those villains will also have their backs. They will not leave a ghost or corpse with an extremely miserable death, and go to them to settle accounts."

I was horrified, and immediately understood that if a person dies without a soul, then the person who steals his life will have his soul destroyed!

I couldn't suppress it, and said in an ugly voice: "What a vicious heart!"

At this moment, Jiang Pan also stepped forward, staring at the arm of the mummy.

I walked a few steps in and looked over.

Suddenly, a lot of sweat broke out on my back.

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