What Jiang Pan said made me feel goosebumps and chills all over my body...

Not only that, I was completely shocked!

In the world of yin and yang, there is such an evil method that steals people's lives?

Suddenly, I remembered another detail.

Immediately, I reached out and touched my earballs...

Also, back then, I had a face-to-face meeting with the old man, and after arriving in the city, I fell into a coma for two or three days, and when I woke up, I was still short-lived...

I looked at the bowl in Jiang Pan's hand with a chill.

I suddenly remembered that the old man asked me for rice, and in the end I only gave me pancakes, and he gave me a bowl to put it in.

At that time, I felt a tingling sensation in my hand...

The method of life-stealing requires blood essence, but Mr. and Taoist priests, how could it be possible to let blood to others at will.

The problem lies in the bowl of the life-stealer!

I immediately told Jiang Pan what I thought of.

Jiang Pan nodded solemnly. He was cautious and startled, and said: "There is still such an experience...Yin Yang, this clue is very important to us and very useful..."

At this time, I was even more afraid.

It suddenly occurred to me that the old man didn't think much of my life at that time, so he didn't take me seriously?

Otherwise, I should have been stolen to death by him as soon as I met him.

But soon, I discovered that this should not be the case.

At that time, there was Liu Tianniu in our car... He probably didn't dare to do anything cruel, but he just stole part of my life when Liu Tianniu couldn't notice.

While I was thinking, Jiang Pan told me to go back quickly, and he wanted to hand over the copper bowl and arm to Liao Cheng immediately.

I followed Jiang Pan immediately, and the two walked towards the town.

When I got back to the thatched cottage, I asked Lao Huang to wait outside.

After entering the room, Jiang Pan immediately went to Liao Cheng's room, while I paced and thought in the main room.

Soon, Liao Cheng came out.

We were still sitting around the wooden table, Liao Cheng had already stripped off the bowl, and looked at the copper bowl solemnly.

After a long time, he murmured: "There are runes on the bowl, but they are all damaged now, so I can't know what the runes are. But the man broke his arm, so he shouldn't be that powerful anymore. Also, Too many people have died recently, he is eager to kill so many people, it should be because he is too old..."

"This is indeed our chance. We must do it as soon as possible. In my opinion, we can start tomorrow." Jiang Pan also nodded. He told me to rest for the night and wait until tomorrow. He will tell me the details while on the road.

Although I was very clear-headed, especially after knowing this vicious life-stealing method, I didn't feel sleepy, but my body did feel tired.

I said a good word, and Jiang Pan immediately led me into another room.

The thatched hut is simple, with only a wooden bed, but I don't dislike it either.

After I closed the door and lay down, I closed my eyes and let myself fall asleep.

It's just that I didn't sleep well this time...

It is often said that there are thoughts in the day and dreams in the night, and I dreamed about that day a few years ago, we had just left the Tianxin Ten Dao Temple and were on our way to Hanwang County, but we met the old man begging for rice on the way.

Although I knew it was a dream, I still gave him food by some strange coincidence.

But this time, he held my hand tightly, pressed me to touch the copper bowl, and refused to let go.

I watched my fingers bleed, gradually filling up the entire bowl, and I also felt extremely weak, my whole body was skinny and skinny...

I struggled to turn around, wanting to call Liu Tianniu to help me...

In the end, I finally turned my head around, and there was no Liutianniu, let alone He Zhi, behind the carriage. Instead, there was a dry and wrinkled corpse sitting...

The corpse's eyes were wide open, and it was reaching out to me.

He grinned and was still smiling at me, especially those shriveled eyeballs, which were even more ferocious and longing, as if he wanted to swallow me up...

In the end... I woke up abruptly in shock!

I sat up suddenly, the room was still pitch black, I was covered in cold sweat, and my arms were trembling slightly.

By the moonlight, I looked down at my palm in a daze.

Even though there was no wound on my hand, I still felt extremely stinging.

I was short of breath, and my chest was heaving up and down. Even though I woke up, I was still thinking about the picture in the dream.

I actually dreamed not only of that old man, but also of Guo Tianyu...

He is blaming me. Didn't he stop me when he met the old man?

My body is very tired and my head is heavy, but I am sober, and my sober head hurts.

After sitting for a long while, I forced myself to lie down and fell asleep again.

This time, I didn't dream anymore.

I fell asleep until the next morning, when Jiang Pan knocked on the door and woke me up.

After going out to the main room, after eating the breakfast made by Su Yun and Jiang Munu, their mother and daughter went out again. Jiang Pan told me briefly that they went to the tailor shop in the town to do some other work by the way.

But I thought, logically speaking, Jiang Pan should not be short of money, but he lives in a thatched cottage, so why does he let his wife and daughter go to work?

Thinking of this, I just said it directly.

Jiang Pan paused for a moment before telling me that the Honghe River, and even the Panjiang River Basin, are not as good as I saw them.

It is true that many people asked him to do errands, and the rewards were very high, but he distributed them to the poor in the town, or sent people to distribute food elsewhere for disaster relief.

As for their residence, the thatched hut can already shelter from the wind and rain, and there is no shortage of food.

It is not a good thing if people are pampered at home every day.

These words surprised me even more.

It took a long time before I came back to my senses and felt ashamed...

It was Liao Cheng who interrupted Jiang Pan, and said helplessly: "Brother Yinyang, Brother Jiang is purely kind-hearted, but you can't persuade me. Before leaving, I have to remind you two."

"The person who steals his life, even if he is old and frail, must not take it lightly, and be careful, so that he can make the Ten Thousand Years Ship." Liao Cheng's voice was extremely serious.

I nodded naturally, and Jiang Pan reassured Liao Cheng.

Then we left the thatched hut and walked out of the town.

Of course, I still carry Lao Huang.

When we arrived at Zhenkou, Jiang Pan and Liao Cheng asked me to wait for a while, and after a short while, they came to a carriage.

Jiang Pan drove the carriage, while Liao Cheng sat at the other end of the carriage.

We drove along the upper reaches of the Red River, and Liao Cheng also shared the news they found.

About a year ago, in the upper reaches of the Panjiang River, there was a Fengshui dojo, which was completely wiped out!

In the same month, almost all of the Taoists who investigated the matter of the Fengshui Dojo were also killed.

There was only one Taoist priest who was frightened and went crazy. He was trembling every day while holding a bowl.

Too many people died, and the officials went up to investigate.

As a result, a large number of mummified corpses emerged from the underground of Taoist temples and Fengshui dojos...

They found a teacher from another place to rescue him.

Mr. Na saw that these people all died of short lifespan!

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