Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 602 Returning to Tang Town

I said: "Second Uncle, Aunt, I will take the matter of Pingjiang to heart. Geographers have ancestral precepts. I really can't teach him, but Tianyuan Guang accepts disciples. Brother Jiang is back. I can see if Pingjiang is qualified. If not, I can also find other gentlemen, it's not difficult."

"During this time, please help me take care of Pheasant and Dunkong."

The second uncle took a big sip of wine and dropped the glass heavily.

The paper figurine Xu suddenly said, "Yinyang, Zhu Xie and I will set off with you."

I was about to refuse, but before I opened my mouth, the paper figurine Xu said again: "Your trip should not be dangerous, I want to collect a few murderous corpses to make paper bundles, besides, Uncle Xu is not old yet, Zhu Xie and I It can protect you, at least roughly in terms of safety."

Zhu Xie on the side nodded vigorously when he heard the words.

He solemnly said: "What Old Xu said is, sir, I also think that we will follow you. In this way, madam can rest assured."

"Tang Town is absolutely safe, no one will come to touch Xianglu's eyebrows, besides, Gou's family is away, Gou Lu is loyal to Mr.

Zhu Xun's eyes were full of pleading.

He Zhi pressed my arm and nodded slightly.

I was silent for a long time, thinking over and over again.

Actually, the reason why I don't plan to bring the paper figurines Xu and Zhu Xun is simple.

He Zhi and I have been married for four years. Before that, we spent several months in Dixianglu, plus the time I passed on Geographical Gemology, it has been nearly six years.

I need to know what kind of limit my yin and yang skills have reached now.

What I want to know more is whether the fate protection has taken effect.

Have I been cheating unknowingly?

In this way, I must go in and out of some dangerous places.

In addition, with Jiang Pan, I also want to mend Jiang Pan's fate. I don't know how serious the things I will encounter will be.

If I have the protection of fate, then there is no need to worry about my safety.

The paper figurines Xu and Zhu Xun are more dangerous.

After thinking about it, I just shook my head and said, "Uncle Xu, Lao Zhu, you just listen to my arrangement and stay in Tang Town. I am absolutely sure that this trip is absolutely safe. Brother Jiang has a Mr. Yin and Yang by his side. The three of us are together, I am afraid that you will be in danger if you can go in and out."

What I said was very direct.

Zhu Xun froze, and the paper figurine froze for a moment, and there was obviously a two-point decline in his eyes.

He stopped talking, just drank a glass of wine, got up and walked towards the courtyard.

His lonely figure made me feel unspeakable sighs and discomfort in my heart.

Taking a deep breath, I said again: "If there is a murderous corpse, I will peel off the belt and bring it back. After escaping, let's go to the place where the parchment is."

Suddenly, the paper figurine Xu's body trembled.

He turned his head, and finally his eyes were a little more sharp and sharp.

"Yin and Yang, it's a deal!"

Seeing the lively eyes of the paper figurine Xu, I was quite pleased.

Bai Shuangqin also had a lot of joy in his eyes. As for the second uncle, he muttered a few times, after all, he told me to pay attention to safety.

After I nodded, I went to look at He Zhi again. He Zhi held my forearm tightly and bit his lower lip slightly: "Dun Kong and I are waiting for you at home, come back early."

I gave a gentle hum, and hugged Dunkong in my arms again.

Dun Kong opened his eyes wide and kept looking at me.

The rosiness on his cheeks stabilized a bit, and he whispered childishly, "Daddy."

I smiled, touched his forehead, and put my finger on the fontanel.

"Dun Kong has to listen to his mother and stay at home, you understand?"

"Daddy will bring you many good things back." My tone was more gentle.

Dunkong lowered his head, but he stopped talking, still holding Xu Fu's Travel Notes.

I signaled He Zhi to go back to the room first, and then I explained to her that it would be good for him to let Dunkong hold Xu Fu's travel notes all the time.

Of course, there is no evasion of these words, he is too young to understand.

Then, I left the Li residence.

After saying goodbye for too long, it is inevitable to feel sad in my heart.

After returning to Dixianglu, I simply packed my luggage.

In addition to the things of geology and geology, I also brought some things to meet the Yinpo.

When I went out, I was going to ride a Qiang horse.

But the old yellow was guarding the door, and the old chicken was lying on its back.

A pair of bell-like bull's eyes blinked twice, looking at me as if thinking.

The tail flicked on its back, Lao Huang's hooves moved, and he even poked his head at me, as if asking me to get on his back.

"You want to leave Di Xianglu?" I thought about it, frowned and said, "But Daoist Liu will take you..."

Old Huang mooed again, and he swung his tail faster.

The old chicken shook its body, but it jumped down suddenly, and when it got to the place where Huang was lying on its stomach, it croaked at Huang, as if calling Huang to go back.

Lao Huang was indifferent, and even took two steps towards me, as if he wanted to pick me on its back with his head.

Zhu Xun, who was at the side, suddenly said: "Sir, Lao Huang has been in the hut for many years... It is the mount of the elder of the Liu family. It is an extraordinary thing. If you stay here all year round, you may feel that you will be old."

"It's also possible... It hasn't seen Daoist Liu for too many years, and it really wants to leave?"

"This kind of psychic existence, it is better to follow its meaning..."

Every brick and tile, every plant and every tree will have feelings for many years.

I'm used to Lao Huang being in the corner of the Xianglu, going out to roam and graze at dawn, and coming back after dark, Lao Zhu also combs Lao Huang's hair.

I can indeed see that it is leaving...

After staring at Lao Huang for a long time in silence, I raised my hand and patted its head.

Sighing slightly in my heart, I also sighed lightly.

"If you can find Daoist Liu, I will send you back to him. If you can't find it, I have the summoning order of the Liu family on me. The Taoist priests of the Liu family will come and take you back."

Old Huang mooed again, and the bull's eyes sparkled a little.

It took two steps forward, knelt down on both legs, and bent down towards the mourning hall.

Lao Huang knelt for a while, then got up.

I got on its back, and it walked out of the Xianglu smoothly.

At this time, the sky was not yet fully dusk. When I left Tang Town, many townspeople looked at me and greeted me.

They didn't know that I would be away for a long time.

When he left Tang Town, the breeze blew on his face, and the rest of his thoughts were suppressed, thinking that he hadn't seen Jiang Pan for several years.

I exhaled heavily and patted Lao Huang's neck.

Lao Huang understood the meaning, and his speed increased a lot.

Its speed is no slower than a fast horse. When we rode the horse, Liu Tianniu and Lao Huang could keep up with it.

It took a lot of time to go from Tang Town to Panjiang Honghe.

I basically didn't enter towns along the way, and only bought water and food when I needed them.

Sleeping in the wild at night, traveling all the time during the day.

About twenty days later, I arrived in the Panjiang River Basin, and after another day, I arrived outside Honghe Town.

At this time, it was just dusk, but at the mouth of Honghe town, there were many people gathered around a few coffins!

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