Old Huang mooed and stopped a little far away.

I took a few more glances, but I didn't see Jiang Pan and the other people dressed up by the gentlemen.

The townspeople were not in chaos either. I took a closer look and saw that the people around the coffin were all wearing sackcloth and filial piety, and they were attending funerals.

So I didn't stay long, got off Lao Huang's back, and led him towards the town.

It would be too eye-catching to ride the old yellow into the town.

Most of the people gathered at the entrance of the town, but there were not many people on the road.

There are a few scattered here and there, and they all go towards the entrance of the town, and they just glance at me superficially.

It's been too long, I didn't stay in Honghe for long, and no one looked familiar to me, and I also didn't see anyone familiar.

Not long after, I arrived outside Jiang Pan's thatched hut.

At this time, voices came from the thatched cottage. It was two men talking, and one of the voices was clearly Jiang Pan's.

My mood fluctuated a lot, I took a deep breath, and was about to call him.

However, the sound in the thatched cottage suddenly stopped.

The next moment, the door opened.

The person who opened the door was a humble and elegant man in a Tang suit. He was about 35 or six years old.

The square face is six to seven points similar to Jiang Yihong, with short hair and very neatly trimmed.

Slightly raised forehead, high cheekbones but not sharp.

The one standing at the door is Jiang Pan!

After such a long time, Jiang Pan's face has become more weathered, and his eyes are even more profound.

The temperament of the whole person is benevolent.

When I saw Jiang Pan for the first time, I felt that he was too much like a master, and this time I saw him again, it was still the same, even stronger than before.

Jiang Pan was also stunned, and there was a burst of surprise in his eyes.

"Yin Yang, are you really here?!"

"Brother Jiang, in recent years, you've been fine." I cupped my fists and bowed slightly.

Jiang Pan hurried up to me and helped me up.

He looked at me deeply and smiled even more.

"Brother Yu assumes that everything is fine, Yin Yang, you have calmed down a lot, if it wasn't for your appearance not changing, I am afraid Brother Yu would not recognize you."

Jiang Pan paused, and immediately said, let me tie up the cow and follow him into the house.

Lao Huang snorted and swished his tail.

Obviously, Lao Huang was not very satisfied with Jiang Pan's suggestion of tying the cattle.

"Old Huang, just wait for me outside, and I'll fetch you water." I stroked Lao Huang's bull head.

Jiang Pan also gave me a slightly surprised look, and then looked at Lao Huang.

I explained a few sentences, that is, Lao Huang is not an ordinary scalper, but the mount of Liu Tianniu, the great elder of the Liu family.

Jiang Pan's eyes suddenly showed surprise, he nodded and said: "So that's the case."

A big rock fell from my heart.

What happened back then did not leave Jiang Pan and me with any grievances at all.

Following Jiang Pan into the room, I immediately felt a staring gaze.

Looking up, I saw a person sitting at the table on the right side of the room.

He stood up and hugged Wei Wei.

"Yin Yang, let me introduce to you, this is the friend I mentioned in the letter, Liao Cheng, who is proficient in the two gods of zero and positive, has a strong qi, and is even more familiar with the method of yin and yin."

"Brother Liao, this is Yin Yang, my father's only closed disciple." Jiang Pan walked to the middle and introduced each other.

Liao Cheng looked at me with a faint smile.

He was wearing a black robe, which was different from the Tang suits worn by me and Jiang Pan.

There is no compass hanging on the waist, and nothing else.

He is slightly thinner, with slightly longer cheeks, but with a pair of red phoenix eyes.

I subconsciously wanted to look more, Liao Chengcai said with a light smile, "Brother Li, please sit down."

After saying that, he turned his head sideways, which just prevented me from looking at his face carefully.

"Brother Liao, please don't mind. Yin Yang Shao travels outside. In recent years, I think he has never been out in the local Xianglu, and the rules have been neglected a lot."

It was only after Jiang Pan's reminder that I came to my senses.

I looked directly at Liao Cheng's face, but I was spying on his fate.

For ordinary people, even other low-level industries, I can see their faces, they don't know, and they can't even avoid it.

In the eyes of my husband, it is offensive for me to see it without my consent.

When Liao Cheng looked at me just now, he didn't pay attention to it, apparently paying attention to avoid it.

"Mr. Liao, I'm sorry." I apologized and bowed slightly at the same time.

Obviously, Jiang Pan was very satisfied.

Only then did Liao Cheng turn his head and make another gesture of invitation.

After the two of us sat down, Jiang Pan called Xiaoyun again.

Not long after, a woman in her thirties came out of another house on the side.

She looks ordinary, but she has an intellectual and restrained air.

Jiang Pan introduced to me that this is his wife Su Yun, and his daughter went to Zhenkou to get some rice grains and will be back later.

Su Yun bowed to me, then immediately went to get the teapot and poured tea for me.

Obviously, Jiang Pan is a well-behaved person, and his wife doesn't speak much, but she is very polite.

After pouring the tea, Jiang Pan asked her to get some food and water for Lao Huang at the door.

He also solemnly reminded that Lao Huang is not an ordinary scalper, but a psychic, so let her treat him well.

Su Yun did it immediately.

Then, Jiang Pancai smiled. He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Yin and Yang came very quickly. I'll calculate the time. I'm afraid you set off as soon as the letter arrived?"

I nodded, but didn't know what to say for a while.

When I first read the letter, because I was pleasantly surprised by the news, I didn't think much about Liao Cheng.

Seeing you now, and his vigilance just now, I just realized that some of Jiang Pan's hexagrams are three people walking together!

The three have different opinions, one is isolated, and only one is left alone and helpless...

I suddenly thought of it at this time.

Will I enter Jiang Pan's hexagram?

Also, I definitely can't tell Jiang Pan's hexagram of fate in front of Liao Cheng, otherwise, it will have too much influence on Jiang Pan!

It is equivalent to telling others about Jiang Pan's life.

Whether Liao Cheng can be trusted or not, I need to see and consider before I can judge.

As for the hexagram, I will discuss it with Jiang Pan alone.

Between my thoughts, I didn't move much.

Jiang Pan looked at Liao Cheng, and said in a deep voice, "Brother Liao, I will leave the matter of yin and yang to you."

Liao Cheng nodded, and he looked at me again, but his eyes didn't focus on my face.

"Brother Jiang told me a lot before, Mr. Li is a child of Yin." Liao Cheng asked.

I nodded and said yes.

Liao Cheng was contemplative for a moment, then he continued: "Yin-born sons are heavy on yin and less yang. People who are born to die are very few who can survive. It is rare to see one in a hundred years. The yin-born sons who come and go are all It's a party of evil spirits."

Liao Cheng's tone was quite serious.

Although his words are not pleasant to listen to, what he said is really correct...

I nodded again, and said yes, I was able to survive after birth, thanks to an elder, who spent ten years of life!

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