The two of us stepped into the courtyard gate at the same time.

At a glance, I saw that the door on the west side was open, and Zhu Xie was standing in front of a bookshelf holding Dunkong in his arms, holding a book tightly in his hand, not letting go.

Zhu Xun is the action of taking down the book.

Because of this, Dun Kong's crying little face was full of tears.

"Old Zhu." I called out in a low voice, and at the same time, Zhu Xie stopped his movements.

Dunkong struggled twice, shrank from him, and ran towards He Zhi.

Soon, he came to He Zhi, and He Zhi picked him up.

I caught a glimpse, what Dunkong was clutching in his hand was actually the book Xu Fu's Travel Notes?

At the same time, I found that Dun Kong, who had been sick before, seemed to be much better now.

"Sir...young master, he..." Zhu Xun lowered his head and explained in a low voice.

Roughly, just now Dun Kong lay down and looked at it for a long time, and then suddenly pushed open the door.

Zhu Xun wanted to coax the child at the time, but didn't stop him.

Unexpectedly, Dunkong took a notebook, why would he not let go of it.

He just wanted to let it go quickly.

I took a deep breath and said, "Old Zhu, it's okay, let Dunkong hold it first."

There is a little more thought in my eyes.

It stands to reason that Dunkong is still just a child, he is still at the stage of not understanding anything.

But suddenly holding Xu Fu's travel notes and not letting go, there must be some problems.

All the records in Xu Fu's travel notes are talismans. It can even be said that the first half of the book page, each page is a talisman.

Could it be that there is a talisman in this book, which is good for the soul that escapes the sky?

People have instincts, especially children, to approach things that make them comfortable.

"Yin Yang?" He Zhi called me softly.

I just came back to my senses and let go of my thoughts.

I smiled and looked at Zhu Xie, and said, "It's the Dragon Boat Festival, I'm going on a long trip, Lao Zhu, let's go to the house and have a meal together."

Zhu Xun nodded cautiously, he obviously had some guesses.

On the way back to Li's house, I hugged Dunkong.

He lowered his head, hugged Xu Fu's Travel Notes with both hands, and pouted slightly.

I don't know if it's because of nervousness or other reasons, but there is a tinge of blood on the cheeks that have been pale all year round.

Not long after, we returned to the house.

A two-year-old child was running around naughtily in the courtyard, with a piece of black Gu jade hanging around his neck, he looked extremely lively, and had completely different temperaments from Dunkong.

Beside the wooden table in the main hall, the second uncle was holding a wine glass in his hand, sipping it one mouthful at a time. The paper figurine Xu Zhengzheng sat beside him, tapping his fingers on the table.

As soon as I entered the house, the paper figurine Xu looked at me, and he nodded.

The second uncle also turned his head, and he yelled at the child: "Ping Jiang, come over for dinner!"

That child is the second uncle's son, Liu Pingjiang.

Liu Pingjiang wowed, and ran to his second uncle excitedly.

After the second uncle hugged him up, he raised the wine glass and brought it to his lips.

Liu Pingjiang pursed his lips, dodged whining, and was about to cry.

"An old man who doesn't practice things, pours alcohol on the child every day, and wants him to be like you?" Paper figurine Xu said with a frown.

"What do you know, wine is the essence of food." The second uncle said angrily.

He Zhi smiled wryly and shook her head, she stepped into the kitchen.

At the moment the kitchen door is open, and Bai Shuangqin can be seen busy inside.

I greeted my second uncle, the paper figurine Xu, and Zhu Xun did the same, and the two of us went to the main room and sat down.

The second uncle glanced at me, and then said: "Dragon begets dragon, phoenix begets phoenix, my son Liu Guishou was born with a three-point alcohol tolerance, look at Yin and Yang, Dukong is so big, he wants to study?"

"Yinyang, Dunkong is not in good health, studying at such a young age... I don't feel very good."

"According to my second uncle, when you were young, you had a lot of yin, and you learned to fish for corpses. It's better to let Dunkong follow me to fish for corpses, or learn some paper-making skills from paper figurine Xu, when you are older. , and then be Mr.

"There's no need to be in a hurry." The second uncle's first sentence was obviously to refute the paper figurine Xu, but later, he became more serious.

There is a hidden disease in the escape, and the second uncle and the paper figurine Xu don't know all about it.

This matter, they know that they can't help, but they are more worried.

I'm just talking about the two phenomena of heavy yin and weak soul.

Xu, the paper figurine, shook his head, and said, "I don't think that's the case. Dukong is not in good health. He learned Mr. Zao's skills, and he has a bit of destiny to bless him. After all, a low-level person is a low-level person."

The second uncle's eyes suddenly widened. He glanced up and down at the paper figurine Xu, and his tone became a lot colder: "I don't think there is any difference. You are the only one who divides your own rank."

"Stop saying a few words. The child is here, so you can't teach him to be quiet. I think what Old Xu said makes sense. If Pingjiang can learn talismans, there is really no need to go into the water with you to fish for corpses." The voice came from outside the house. .

Bai Shuangqin and He Zhi were holding some dishes, and Bai Shuangqin complained a little and said to the second uncle: "Why are you drinking alcohol for the child again?"

The second uncle glared at her, but said nothing.

The room became quieter, but I smiled and lowered my head to pay attention to the change of Dun Kong's complexion.

I have already confirmed that Xu Fu's handwriting is very useful for escape.

It's just that I really don't understand the talismans among them, and I don't know which one works.

However, if you let him hold this travel note, there will be no surprises.

I can't even understand this book, and the second uncle, the paper man Xu, and He Zhi can't understand it even more, and the people around me are all relatives, or comparable to relatives, so it is impossible to guard against and suspect them.

As for what Bai Shuangqin said just now, I can understand her thoughts.

My second uncle never mentioned this matter to me.

When the food was on the table, Bai Shuangqin divided the chopsticks.

He Zhi said softly: "Second Uncle, Uncle Xu, Auntie, after this meal, Yin Yang will go out for a while."

The second uncle showed surprise in his eyes. He frowned and said, "Yuanmen? In the past few years, Tang Zhen has been quiet. Could it be that there is something troublesome, and I came to beg you?"

The paper figurine Xu Ze looked thoughtful, and he suddenly said: "Quiet, it's not really quiet, we all know how much pressure Yin Yang has endured in staying in Tang Town."

The second uncle suddenly stopped talking.

Xu Cai, the paper figurine, asked me what was the matter, and he intuitively told him that I looked too calm.

This tranquility seemed to be for them to see, not because someone came to ask for something.

I let Dunkong sit on my lap, and after contemplating for a moment, I briefly said that it was Jiang Pan's matter, and it was also related to my fate.

On this trip, I want to take Jiang Pan back to Xianglu, where he can bury the master, and show Dun Kong his body on the way.

The second uncle's face suddenly looked better, he nodded and said: "This is indeed a serious matter, I thought..."

His voice stopped abruptly.

During the subsequent meal, it became much quieter, and everyone at the table was thinking about their own thoughts.

When I finally put my chopsticks down, I also made a plan to think about it.

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