The clue to the talisman paper came from a Taoist temple forty miles away in Hongyuan County.

According to Tang Song's information, the dojo was newly built, and the master who sits in it is called Mr. Jiugong.

If I want to know more information, I have to go to Jiugong Dojo.

If it was a few years ago, even before Dunkong was one year old, I found out that there was a problem with his fontanelle.

After I know this information, I will definitely rush to Jiugong Dojo immediately.

But now, I was silent for a long time, unable to make a decision.

As for the letter that Jiang Pan sent me, I returned to the dixiang hut and sat in front of the wooden table before opening it.

Jiang Pan's handwriting was exceptionally neat, a whole sheet of letter paper was filled with writing.

"Brother, in the blink of an eye, four years have passed."

"Brother Yu writes this letter several times, and repeats it several times before he can speak."

"Back then, I shouldn't have brought you back to the Ten Paths of Heaven's Heart, and I shouldn't have let you see the teacher, so that my fate changed and my father's bones were destroyed. This is Brother Yu's debt to you."

"A few years ago, Brother Yu was very happy to hear that you had married Miss He."

"At that time, I wanted to set off, but I thought that when your yin and yang skills did not meet your father's request, Brother Yu didn't know how to face you, so he simply boiled wine in the Red River, and it was right to drink your wedding wine."

"I've read your letter to Brother Yu. I already know about the teacher's death."

"Tian Yuan and Earth Aspects shouldn't hurt each other. If he hurts Earth Aspects, his fate should be rewarded accordingly. Brother Yu can also bear it. Brother Yu has also heard about the people who harmed him. Cause and effect are connected, brother Yu will repay this revenge!"

"Brother Yu, everything is fine, I only worry about your fate."

"The giant turtle is useless, and the loss of life is hard to make up for. Fortunately, brother Yu knows someone, whose yin and yang skills are superb, far better than brother Yu! He also understands the two gods of zero and righteousness, and he is full of vitality!"

"After reading this letter, my virtuous brother will set off immediately. Brother Yu is waiting for you in Honghe. He will finish the unfinished business and change your life for you!"

My hand holding the letter was trembling slightly.

Jiang Pan's words made it even more difficult for me to calm down.

It was Jiang Pan's proposal to see Guo Tianyu that day, but it was my decision, which has nothing to do with him.

Obviously, he took all the blame for the destruction of the giant carapace bone on himself!

This is exactly what I thought, it was because Guo Tianyu forcibly withheld the giant turtle bone and expelled me that Jiang Pan was allowed to leave Tianxin Ten Dao.

I never expected that he would keep my affairs in mind all the time.

What's more, he actually has a way to crack it? !

As for me, I know his hexagrams, and in the past four years, my yin and yang skills have actually reached an extremely deep level.

But because of the escape, he never dared to leave Tang Town, so he didn't look for him...

"Daddy." The childish voice came into my ears.

I looked up immediately.

In front of the gate of the Earth Prime Minister's house, He Zhi, who was wearing a gauze skirt, was hugging Dunkong.

In the past four years, the immaturity on He Zhi's face has receded a lot. .

What emerged on the surface at this time was a gentle and tranquil temperament mixed together.

As for Dunkong, for ordinary people, children as young as three years old have already run around the ground, and they don't really want to be hugged by adults.

But he kept hanging on He Zhi's body and didn't get off.

Sick mental state, complexion is also extremely unhealthy.

"It's been an hour, and you haven't come back yet. I heard from Zhu Xun that Tang Song told you something, and there are still letters?"

"Is it very important? I don't eat anymore. Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. Second Uncle, Uncle Xu, and Aunt are waiting for you. Pingjiang is hungry and crying." He Zhi frowned lightly, feeling distressed Paste the child's face.

"Dun Kong is also hungry, but he said that Dad didn't come back, and everyone didn't move their chopsticks."

I stood up and walked to the Dixianglu.

I took the baby and sat him in my arms.

As a result, he suddenly climbed off my arm and even ran towards the west side.

He Zhi was stunned for a moment, and I was also stunned.

Because this scene is so rare, Dunkong doesn't like to move around, and almost always wants to be hugged.

Under the courtyard wall on the other side, Zhu Xun got up, and he hurriedly chased after Dunkong.

At the same time, he hurriedly said: "Sir, you have something to tell Madam, I will guard the young master."

A few years ago, after He Zhi gave birth to Dunkong, Zhu Xie also changed his name.

According to his words, living in the Xianglu really made him live longer.

My kindness to him is no less than that of my master to him.

The prime minister has his own dignity, if he respectfully calls me Mr., and I will protect his life for the rest of his life, then my wife will be like me.

Zhu Xi insisted, and it was hard for me to refute.

"Old Zhu, be careful, if something happens to Dunkong, call me immediately." I said.

In front of Dunkong, I would never mention the word lost soul, but Zhu Xun knew it very well.

He nodded, and only then did he chase under the eaves on the west side.

Three-year-old Dun Kong is only three feet tall. He is lying on the door of a house, looking into the crack of the door.

That door happened to be the door where the travel notes of Mr. Yin and Yang, the geologists of the past dynasties, were stored.

"What happened?" He Zhixiu frowned, her eyes were surprised.

I whispered: "Pheasant, follow me."

Walking out of the courtyard gate, I didn't stop until I reached the old tree outside the dixiang hut.

Raising my hand, I handed Jiang Pan's letter to her.

He Zhi looked down, and soon, her arms were trembling slightly.

"Mr. Jiang...your fate...has a solution?"

He Zhi raised her head, her eyes were slightly red.

I paused for a moment, and then said in a low voice: "There is no way to solve the matter of escaping from the sky. Brother Jiang came to me, and I shouldn't have gone there, but I should also explain the matter of Brother Jiang clearly to him, although it has not yet arrived. It's time for him to respond, but I think the time has come."

"Fate is determined by fate, in the dark, everything has a line."

"The two gods of zero and positive mentioned by brother Jiang are extremely special yin and yang techniques. There are not many records in the bone phase. They are related to the two or five essences of people, and they are closely related to the soul."

"I think that if I find Brother Jiang on this trip, maybe my fate will be a chance. I can help him with his fate, and I can even ask his friends to help him escape."

The moment my words fell, He Zhi bit her lip, and she became more nervous.

However, soon she shook her head uneasily and said: "The journey is long, I am afraid that I will lose my soul in the middle of the journey, the danger is too great."

"In Tang Town, there are Mr. Jiang and your talisman over the years, I dare not take Dunkong to such a far place..."

I also frown tightly.

After pondering for a while, I said: "In this case, then I will go to Honghe alone to meet with Brother Jiang and solve Brother Jiang's fate. I will take him back to Tang Town. My business is not urgent, and I will obey the order." It's been a long time, I invite him back, first to bury Master, and second, to invite his friend to come to Tang Town to treat Dunkong."

After I finished speaking, He Zhi immediately nodded, and there was a lot of joy in her eyes.

I hummed and said, "It's not too late..."

"Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. After eating this meal, you can talk to Second Uncle and the others before leaving." He Zhi tugged at my forearm.

I hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

At this moment, there was a "wow" sound from the Earth Prime Minister's hut, the sound of a child crying bitterly!

He Zhi's expression changed, and he immediately walked towards the hut!

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