The moment the coffin bearer fell to the ground, He Zhi jumped up from his shoulders, but when he landed, he also had a painful expression on his face.

She couldn't stand on her legs at all, and she slumped on the ground...

I walked quickly to He Zhi's side and looked down at He Zhi's legs.

Even the cloth trousers could not see the injury.

After hesitating for a moment, I cut open the trousers on the right side with a fortune-telling knife, and entered the thigh, but there was a black and purple trace!

There was more pain on He Zhi's face, and she pressed her hands to the ground, as if she wanted to grab it.

I was not only shocked, but also angry in my chest.

The coffin bearer's attack was really vicious. If He Zhi hadn't restrained his neck, she might not be able to keep her legs.

"Tie him up first, we have to take Mr. Miao away..." He Zhi endured the pain, panting and said: "Otherwise, when he wakes up, we will not be opponents..."

I knew that He Zhi was able to succeed just now, and it was all because the coffin bearer underestimated the enemy, thinking that He Zhi was in his teens and had no skills.

Quickly took out the green hemp rope on my body, and directly tied the coffin bearer's hands and feet completely upside down.

At this moment, He Zhi took out the silver needle from his body and pierced his injured leg tremblingly.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that the place where she had been pricked by the needle was continuously overflowing with black and red blood.

Not daring to delay, I quickly returned to the front of the coffin, and after removing the coffin lid, I directly pulled off the talisman on the head of the corpse.

Sure enough, under the talisman was a face with one eye blind.

"Mr. Miao..." I let out a deep breath, first used a talisman to restrain Miao Guangyang, and then pulled Miao Guangyang out of the coffin.

He Zhi also stood up from the ground. She was fastened with needles to the trousers I cut open, but the rest of the trouser legs were soaked with blood.

Before the coffin bearer showed any signs of waking up, He Zhi came up to him and kicked him hard a few times, causing a lot of color on his face.

"Let's go." I whispered.

He Zhi used the ghost knife as a walking stick, and I carried Miao Guangyang's body on my back, and the two quickly left the main room.

When going out from the corridor, the sky was quite gloomy.

The sun has been completely blocked by clouds, it seems to be raining.

Soon, we left the Li Family Courtyard.

However, I always feel hairy on my back, as if someone is staring at us.

I instinctively glanced back, and He Zhi also turned his head at the same time.

At this time, the sky was getting darker, it seemed to be dark, and above the house in the Li Family Courtyard, there really seemed to be a dark green mist floating, as if there was a will-o'-the-wisp inside...

I carried Miao Guangyang's body on my back, he was restrained by me and showed no sign of moving.

But now that Miao Guangyang is here with me, is there anything unclean in the courtyard?

He Zhi and I did not go back.

The coffin bearer had lived in the Li family compound for several months, so he must know the things in the courtyard.

It is even more impossible for me to let him go, otherwise when he wakes up later, he will definitely trouble us.

Not long after, we reached the main road of the village.

On the road, some villagers were rushing home. When they saw He Zhi, me, and the dead body of Miao Guangyang on their backs, they were immediately terrified.

Many people stopped to look at us from a distance, and some people ran even faster in fright.

He Zhi limped and walked with great difficulty.

It took a long time before we arrived at the pier, and by the time we arrived at Dong Feng's house, half an hour had passed.

Grandma Zhang was mending things in the main room. When she saw us, she hurried over to help He Zhi.

Her eyes fell on Miao Guangyang's corpse, but her eyes were filled with fear.

"Mr. Li...this corpse..." Grandma Zhang was visibly disturbed.

I explained in a low voice, saying that this is the body of one of my elders, and I just found it.

Miao Guangyang was placed on the floor of the main room, and He Zhi was also supported by Grandma Zhang to sit down.

The evil spirit talisman attached to Miao Guangyang's head remained unchanged.

It's just that I have to wait until midnight to know whether I can calm down.

Although Miao Guangyang is not vicious, I don't know if the coffin bearer did anything to him. I must make sure everything is safe, and I have to find my mother...

In He Zhi's situation, she must not leave the yard again...

My mind raced rapidly.

He Zhi pressed the armrests of the chair with both hands, and pain flashed across his face from time to time.

Soon I made a decision and pinned the golden ruler to Miao Guangyang's chest.

In this way, even if it was dark, there would be nothing wrong with his body.

It is impossible for my mother to hurt me, I just need to find her, and it is impossible to use a ruler.

"Ms. Zhang, please go and invite a doctor." I ordered in a low voice.

He Zhi immediately shook her head, she bit her lower lip slightly: "The dirty blood has been let go, it's fine, he didn't hurt my bones."

I asked He Zhi again, telling her not to force her, but she still said to let me rest assured.

At this moment, hurried footsteps came from outside the courtyard.

When I looked back, it was Dong Feng who had come back. He was still carrying a lot of things, including slaughtered chicken and duck, and his expression was even more hurried.

Entering the room, Dong Feng was shocked. He stared at the corpse on the ground and murmured: "Mr.'s corpse... this..."

Looking up, Dong Feng hurriedly told me that after he had inquired about the news, he heard someone on the way across the village that a gentleman in Tang suit entered his house with a dead body on his back, and he knew it was me...

After a short pause, Dong Feng asked me what was going on?Didn't you go to find Miss Li's body?How did you find another one?

Before I could speak, Mrs. Zhang came to Dong Feng's side and whispered a few words.

I could probably hear her clearly, and she repeated my instructions, and she also said about Miao Guangyang's corpse.

After Mrs. Zhang finished speaking, Dong Feng nodded with lingering fear.

Then, Dong Fengcai said: "I have also found out a little about the Hongsong County incident. Mr. Li, you are really right. Something has happened recently, and it is not a small matter..."

I breathe steadily and let Dong Feng talk and listen.

Dong Feng took a deep breath and said, "Recently, a lot of cemeteries around the county town have been dug up. Some people are stealing corpses. The strange thing is that all the corpses this person stole are female corpses."

"Also... all he wants are freshly dead female corpses. If it takes too long, rots, or becomes dry bones, he will expose the corpses..."

"Right now, there is a lot of trouble in Hongsong County. The higher-ups have sent many soldiers to guard the graveyard, and also sent people to investigate this matter. There has been no news of the grave being dug up for about seven days." Dong Feng still had lingering fears in his words. .

He continued: "Of course digging a grave is not a corpse digging, could it be a paper maker?"

After a short pause, Dong Feng looked at me carefully: "The most powerful paper maker within a hundred miles is the paper figurine Xu..."

I immediately shook my head: "Uncle Xu has never been here, and what's more, his body..."

As I said that, my eyelids twitched wildly.

My first thought was the coffin-bearer.

But soon I felt something was wrong... What's the use of him digging up the female corpse?And we only saw Miao Guangyang's body...

In addition, I felt vaguely oppressed and threatened.

That is, someone attacked the female corpse... He has not heard from him for seven days, is he gone, or is he lurking, preparing for his next move?

Or, will he come to this village? !

[The author has something to say]

Today's update is over.Actually... I want a monthly ticket...

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