While talking, I took a closer look at his facial features and clothes.

Black cloth clothes, white cloth shoes, a rolled up handkerchief around the waist, and a ship hat with the brim turned up several times.

The overall appearance of this person is king, with slightly larger cheekbones, forehead, and cheekbones. His face feels thin and bony, but the muscles on his body are knotted, supporting his commoner clothes, especially where the neck is exposed, and the bulge can be seen more .

With this face, the personality is stubborn, conceited, lacks foresight and careful planning, and the fortune is good every year and bad every year.

The coffin bearer suddenly turned over the wooden pole, and with a bang, it stood erect on the side.

He said very coldly: "What does it have to do with you?"

He Zhi frowned and was about to speak.

I raised my hand to stop He Zhi, and put away the golden ruler, and clasped my fists with both hands.

"The corpse in the coffin, is he blind in one eye? He is a living corpse."

Suddenly, the coffin bearer narrowed his eyes slightly.

I can already deduce that what I said is correct from the change in his expression.

Taking a deep breath, I continued: "His name is Miao Guangyang, and I have a close relationship with him. He fell into the Hanging River in the Jiuhe County watershed, turned into a living corpse with resentment, and came to the Hongsong County watershed for special reasons. , After I arrived last night, I searched hard for his body and hoped to return it.”

"Li will naturally not treat you badly."

"Oh? Why don't you treat me badly, come and hear me?" The coffin bearer suddenly smiled and asked with interest.

"What do you want, sir?" I asked in a deep voice.

The skill of the coffin bearer is definitely not simple, he holds such a big wooden pole as light as nothing in his hand, and He Zhi and I have important matters to attend to, so we must not confront him head-on.

Besides, he didn't have a vicious face, but he was a little paranoid, and he didn't need to do anything.

It is the best policy to safely retrieve Miao Guangyang's body.

"Hehe, in this case, a hundred large yellow croakers."

"Or, if you can't get it out, I want the woman next to you, how about it?" The coffin bearer pointed at He Zhi casually.

He Zhi's face suddenly changed.

My brows were also tightly furrowed.

Obviously, I can't agree to this person's request.

Before I could continue speaking, the coffin bearer scolded in a cold voice: "You brat, wearing a Tang suit, you really think you are Mr.? And you little girl, only ten years old, stealing I lost your parents’ Guillotine Knife and mourning stick, and if I go back carefully, my legs will be broken!”

"It's been so many years since my debut, and no one has dared to take away from my hand a murderous corpse that I've taken a fancy to."

"The corpses in the hanging river are all ownerless. If I take them away, they belong to me and have nothing to do with you!"

"Otherwise, you can come and experience the dragon bar in Laozi's hand!" After saying that, he stomped his hand fiercely, and the dragon bar hit the ground again with a bang!

That force cracked several pieces of masonry on the ground!

"You!" He Zhi's ghost knife suddenly lay across his chest.

My complexion became more serious, and the hanging Tongqiao sub-golden ruler was half raised.

In this case, you can only grab it hard.

It is impossible for me to see Mr. Miao's body and leave.

If the coffin bearer takes it away, I'll be nowhere to be found...

He also has the ability to suppress corpses. Mr. Miao is so fierce that he can actually press them into the coffin.

I can't even scare the snake away and leave.

He Zhi glanced at my hand from the corner of his eye, and I nodded slightly.

She immediately lifted her right leg and kicked hard against the wall!The whole person is like an arrow leaving the string, rushing towards the coffin bearer!

She suddenly raised the ghost knife and slashed at the arm of the coffin bearer!

I stepped forward at the same time, holding the golden ruler tightly, ready to imitate what Guo Tianyu did to Liu Tianniu, and dislocate this man's arm first!

In an instant, He Zhi approached him.

But the hand of the coffin bearer pulled to the right, and the dragon bar fell down immediately. He Zhi used his left hand to support it, and his right hand wanted to chop the knife.

As a result, she let out a muffled snort, her left hand did not block the dragon bar, but she seemed overwhelmed.

Naturally, the knife in her right hand couldn't cut through, so she immediately went to block the dragon's bar!

Supporting with both hands, she didn't let the dragon bar fall down.

The coffin bearer suddenly stretched out his left hand and patted He Zhi's chest!

I had already rushed forward, and the copper ruler directly slashed at the left elbow of the coffin bearer!

But he suddenly raised his leg and kicked me fiercely!

Instead, the left hand grabs the Tongqiao Fenjin ruler.

With a bang, he kicked my abdomen, and the force made my internal organs tumbling.

At the same time, his left hand also directly clenched the Tongqiao Fenjin ruler, and he was about to pull it out of my hand!

Where can I let go? !

Gathering all my energy and not letting go, my left hand was extremely quick, and I pulled out the divination knife at my waist, and stabbed it directly at his leg!

He was retracting his legs at this time, and when he was not strong enough, He Zhi raised his legs and kicked his chest and abdomen vigorously while supporting the dragon bar.

The combined force of He Zhi and I is about to subdue him!

But he snorted coldly and flicked his right hand violently.

Although the dragon bar was supported by He Zhi, he pulled it back, and after breaking away from He Zhi, he swung it hard again!

He Zhi and I were hit horizontally by the dragon bar almost at the same time, and with a bang, we hit the rear wall!

Hitting the wall, I already felt a fishy sweetness in my throat.

He Zhi's body was lighter and more flexible. The moment she hit it, her legs bent back, her feet landed on the edge of the wall, and her hands borrowed strength from behind.

Leaping out again like a catapult, she instantly landed on the shoulder of the coffin bearer!

The coffin bearer was furious and cursed: "Stinky bitch! If you dare to step on my head, I will shave your face!"

He threw the dragon bar in hand and grabbed He Zhi's legs with his backhand.

He Zhi's complexion changed instantly, and he let out a scream.

She grabbed the coffin bearer's left and right skulls with both hands, and shouted sharply and tremblingly: "Stop! Or I'll break your neck!"

He Zhi really worked hard.

The coffin bearer's head was bent to the left, and his neck was almost out of shape...

He was obviously resisting desperately, the muscles on his neck were bulging, and the veins were bulging crazily.

He Zhi continued tremblingly: "It's a big deal, I'll raise my legs for a few months, and you can grow a head again in your next life."

All this happened in two breaths, I didn't have time to help, and I couldn't help...

The coffin bearer looked extremely angry, but his eyes were full of fear.

He slowly let go of his hands, He Zhi still groaned in pain.

I could see her tears were falling from the pain.

The next moment, He Zhi's fast legs clamped around the coffin bearer's neck and did not let go.

The coffin bearer didn't dare to move at all.

He Zhi clenched his hands into fists and slammed down on the top of his head!

"Bitch! You..."

Before the coffin bearer could finish cursing, he was hit by the Tianling Gai, his eyes widened, and he fell straight to the ground...

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