The man stole the female corpse, not to rot or dry bones, it was obvious that he had requirements on appearance and resentment.

My mother was so resentful that she couldn't swallow that breath, and now she still maintains the same appearance as before.

If he came to this village, he would definitely covet her.

After thinking in silence for a long time, I said, "That person is definitely not Uncle Xu. He might come here. If he doesn't come, it has nothing to do with what I want to do. If he does, it will cause a lot of trouble."

Dong Feng's complexion changed slightly immediately.

He Zhi also showed surprise in his eyes, and murmured: "Auntie..."

I let out a bad breath and said, "It happened to my mother more than 20 years ago. Now that she has come back here, no one knows about it except us. There is no need to worry about that person deliberately coming. It just happens to meet my mother."

Only then did Dong Feng nod his head and said, "Of course there are not so many coincidences."

I hummed, and looked down at Miao Guangyang's body again.

"Mr. Dong, I will trouble you and Aunt Zhang to take care of He Zhi and Mr. Miao's remains tonight. I have to go out."

"Besides, there is a coffin bearer in this village, you probably don't know about it?"

I didn’t say how I found the body before. After all, Mrs. Zhang is just an ordinary old woman. I can only explain clearly when Dong Feng comes back.

Dong Feng's eyes were filled with surprise: "The coffin bearer? What's going on?" I then told the story of my going to the Li family's mansion.

Dong Feng's complexion was uncertain, and he suddenly said in a low voice: "That person must be let go...otherwise it will cause big trouble."

I frowned.

He Zhi also looked dissatisfied immediately, and said angrily: "He seized Mr. Miao's body and refused to return it, and even beat us ruthlessly. Such an arrogant person, why not give him a little punishment? He has been tied up, what trouble can he cause? ?”

Although I have different ideas from He Zhi, I don't want to let him go now, so that he disrupts my arrangement.

I still have to find my mother tonight.

Dong Feng's eyelids twitched wildly, and he explained in a low voice: "The coffin bearer, usually a consul takes the Eight Immortals with him, and they seldom travel alone. The person you mentioned with the dragon bar must be the consul. The Eight Immortals didn't come out. It must be somewhere else."

"Although the Eight Immortals are not as powerful as the Consul, none of them is weak... Among the nine ranks, the most difficult to provoke is the watchman, followed by the coffin bearer... The Consul leads, and the Eight Immortals carry the coffin. Together, there are nine people! We are powerful Single strength is weak..."

"It's just that there is no big family around Hongsong County who has hired a coffin bearer..." Dong Feng's eyes were more puzzled.My complexion also changed.

According to what Dong Feng said, to provoke that coffin bearer, we really made a fool of ourselves...

But it's impossible for me to watch him take Miao Guangyang's body away!

However, once the Eight Immortals return to the Li family mansion and the consul is released, they will definitely come to trouble us.

My heart sank a lot.

He Zhi's pretty face turned pale, she bit her lower lip, and squeezed out a few words after a while: "It's impossible for us to make an apology to him? Besides, that person has a weird and arrogant personality..."

I turned my head to look at He Zhi, and my eyes became deeper.

He Zhi's body froze suddenly, and her eyes were slightly disturbed.

"I have an arrangement, you need to agree to it." I took a deep breath and said cautiously.

He Zhi pursed her lower lip, puzzled in her eyes.

"It's not dark yet, and we've just come back for a while. Let Uncle Dong drive the horse. You take Mr. Miao's body back to Jiuhe County, so as not to face the coffin bearer head-on. It's very difficult for us."

"No..." He Zhi's eyes turned red, and he immediately shook his head and refused.

"If I were really alone, I wouldn't be their opponent, and I wouldn't stay here, but my mother is here. The old watchmen in Hejia Village can't do anything about me, and the coffin bearers can't do anything .” I explained in a deep voice: “You go, so I don’t have any worries.”

He Zhi was stunned for a moment, and seemed to understand what I meant.

Although Dong Feng looked puzzled, he nodded repeatedly.

"That's right, since Mr. Li has the means to protect himself, he must stay. It's a good thing for us to leave first." Dong Feng also persuaded.

He Zhi nodded his head.

I immediately helped her into the carriage.

Together with Aunt Zhang, Dong Feng packed up some household items and went to the carriage as well.

Tell Dong Feng a few words, let them go back to Zhizhapu directly, and don't make troubles in the middle, Dong Feng made repeated promises, and then drove away.

Until the carriage went away, He Zhi was looking back at me from the window.

I stood there until they were out of sight, then turned and entered the house.

I tried to calm down my thoughts and calm myself down enough.

Then, I waited quietly for dark.

The sky outside was getting darker and darker. Because it was cloudy, there was no sunset, and it was about to enter the night.

I calculated the time correctly, and left Dong Feng's house when it was almost nightfall, and walked in the direction of old man Li's house.

There are not many pedestrians on the village road, and most of the houses are closed.

Probably because I walked past with Miao Guangyang's corpse on my back just now, and these people were too scared to come out at night.

When I walked not far from Old Man Li's courtyard, it was finally completely dark.

I didn't go there directly, but hid behind a courtyard wall.

I'm not completely sure, it's my mother who came here, it can only be said that there is a very high probability, so I can only watch from the sidelines.

It was getting darker and darker, and the road was getting quieter.

There is no moonlight tonight, not even a star.

Scattered and scattered, two more villagers walked across the village road, even their shadows were barely visible.

I noticed that in the yard of Old Man Li's house, the lights were turned off at some point.

Carefully took out the fixed compass.

At this moment, the speed of the pointer of the fixed compass began to increase rapidly. I took a deep breath and sent it forward, and the pointer even made a whistling sound!

She is coming? !

Surprised, I looked at the courtyard of old man Li's house again, and still didn't find anything unusual, but it was getting darker and darker.

How did she get into the yard?I don't know, I am afraid that she will leave quietly again, and at this distance, I am also afraid that she will not know that I am coming.

Taking a deep breath, I walked out of the courtyard wall where I was hiding and walked towards the courtyard.

Soon, I arrived at the yard.

The pointer speed of the fixed compass has reached the extreme!

I stood at the gate of the courtyard for a long time, and I couldn't hold back the excitement in my heart.

"Mother..." I murmured two words, and went directly past the gate of the fenced courtyard.

Walking quickly to the door of the main room, I pushed the door open!

There was actually candlelight in the room, but the candlelight was so green that the light was so dim that it couldn't come out.

There was a person kneeling in front of the bedroom door, it was the old man Li.

Old man Li lowered his head, as if repenting...

I suddenly felt something was wrong, my body was covered in cold sweat, and goose bumps grew rapidly!

There was a ticking sound in the bedroom, like dripping from wet clothes.

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