Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 502 Broken Arm, Broken Bowl, Dead at the End of Life

He Zhi immediately asked: "What else did the old man say?"

The handyman shook his head and said in a low voice, "I don't know."

I pondered for a moment, and said in a low voice: "You can go back, we will go back to the Tianyuan Ten Dojo to clarify this matter."

After I finished speaking, the three handymen were obviously relieved, and they hurriedly left the yard.

He Zhi looked at me again and said anxiously, "It's because of that old man that you fell asleep for two days. It must not be such a coincidence."

I nodded and said: "This matter has nothing to do with him. I didn't see his problem, and Guo Tianyu didn't even see it. Guo Tianyu is a cautious person. What did he do to Guo Tianyu to relax his vigilance? "

I asked He Zhi to prepare, and we will leave now.

After speaking, I lowered my head and fell into deep thought.

He Zhi's eyes fell on my ears, and he was about to touch them.

"Your ear is..."

I dodged for a while, and then simply explained that my face had changed, and it was a short-lived appearance, so I used a silver needle to pierce the earlobe beads, and temporarily restrained it with the long-lived appearance.

He Zhi looked even more surprised.

She stopped asking any more questions and started to clean up the room.

After a while, He Zhi motioned for me to get in the car.

She was driving ahead.

Sitting on the futon, I saw the golden ruler on one of the packages at a glance.

As soon as I picked it up, the old chicken next to the big black wooden box came up to me with its neck shaking, tilted its head to look at me, and rolled its scarlet eyeballs several times.

The old chicken's legs have already recovered. Although it bumped with us along the way, its coat color is still bright.

Suddenly, it shook its head, and the cockscomb shook for a while.

I knew what it was trying to tell me, but for a moment I couldn't figure it out...

I looked at the old chicken suspiciously, and its eyeballs also looked at me.

After a while, the old chicken clucked and curled up next to the big black wooden box, buried its head in its feathers, and ignored me.

I was a little embarrassed, and quickly put aside my thoughts, while studying the golden ruler, I looked out of the car window from time to time.

During this period, we had already left Hanwang County, and the carriage was steadily heading towards the Tianyuan Ten Dao Temple.

It's just that I've looked at Tongqiaofen Golden Ruler for a long time, only to find that there are many compilations of Fengshui on it, but I can't understand the others.

Apart from Guo Tianyu beating people with it, and Ma Han being suppressed, I don't know what it does.

But it is definitely not easy to suppress officials and ghosts.

You know, the gossip tiger head mirror melted because of this...

This copper ruler is something more powerful than the gossip tiger head mirror.

My spirit gradually relaxed, and I didn't think about it any more.

Temporarily using it as a corpse suppressant will also give me a lot of support. Without the gossip tiger head mirror, I have never been used to it.

As for what is the use of it, we can inquire again to see which Mr. Yin-Yang it came from.

The sky has been very dark, and the wind is still strong. When we returned to the mountains of Tianxin Ten Dao, I checked the time carefully, and it was almost six o'clock in the afternoon.

Because the sky was too gloomy to even see the twilight.

The carriage stopped, and He Zhi said in a trembling voice, "It's here" and asked me to get off.

I got out of the carriage, but the sight in front of me made my heart tremble suddenly.

The eyes are all scorched and scarred, and the entire Tianyuan Ten Dao no longer exists.

The courtyard wall collapsed, and even if the house did not collapse, there were at most two dark walls left.

The only thing that still exists is the large pool of water, and the rockery in it has also been smoked to blackness.

Even if seeing is believing, I still can't imagine that Guo Tianyu, who has been famous for many years and is as famous as my master Jiang Yihong, will end up in such a fate...

"Be careful, I don't know what danger there is." I whispered to He Zhi, and walked into the burned dojo.

Following the boundary of the pool, I quickly walked to the location where the main hall used to be.

The main hall has been completely burned down, only the left and right walls are left, the ground is full of broken tiles, and coke-like beams...

Beneath the wreckage, I found dead bodies...

I also saw some pig iron, and swords!

I can't deduce at all what happened at that time.

After hesitating for a moment, I walked around and continued to walk back.

The wind became stronger. Amidst the howling wind, I suddenly saw a figure among the wreckage behind...

I suddenly pulled out the divination knife at my waist, and He Zhi also pulled out the ghost knife with a "chuckle"!

The two of us walked almost close to the body, before the wreckage.

This area is roughly in front of the back wall.

Several charred wooden beams were strung together diagonally.

The figure under the wooden beam made me feel even more horrified!

This person is as thin as a stick, but he is the only body that has not been burnt...

Because of the wreckage, I couldn't get around to his front.

I took out the gray fairy gloves, and after I put them on, I carefully moved the corpse through the gap on the back.

He Zhi also took out the gray fairy gloves I gave her earlier, put them on his hands, and helped me move the corpse together.

When we pulled out the corpse, I was even more shocked...

The corpse was as thin as a stick, but it was not that simple.

The skin on its face was completely wrinkled and sagging, as if it had been sucked dry of flesh and blood.

This person was not burned to death, even the flames didn't even burn his clothes...

From its clothes and the vaguely visible outline of its face, it can be seen that this corpse is indeed Guo Tianyu!

"Mr. Guo...this..." My face was extremely ugly.

He Zhi pointed uneasily at the location where Guo Tianyu's body was just now, and I noticed that there were many swords intertwined on the ground there.

There was also a scorched black arm that had just been pierced by several swords.

On the palm of that arm, there was still a broken bowl...

The arm was completely charred, but the bowl was garish to me.

He Zhi was going to pick up that arm.

I immediately stopped it and said, "Don't touch it with your hands! This may be the old man's arm. He has a serious problem."

He Zhi quickly retracted his outstretched hand and nodded at me.

I carefully looked at Guo Tianyu's body again, trying to find the fatal wound on his body.

Just looked up and saw nothing.

I whispered something offended, then laid his body flat, and started to search for it...

As a result, after groping over and over again, they still didn't find any injuries.

On the contrary, I found that Guo Tianyu's skin had become very old, and it was not a simple wrinkle.

If it weren't for the fact that he was indeed Guo Tianyu in terms of appearance and clothes, I would have thought that this must have been a different person!

Finally, I turned my eyes back to Guo Tianyu's face, and carefully smoothed the skin on his face.

He hadn't been burned, and even though the light was dim, he could still see the lines and features on his face.

What changed my complexion was that his eyebrows had almost completely fallen off, his face was sunken, and there was a crack in his fontanelle...

He, died at the end of his life? !

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