At this moment, He Zhi also used the mourning stick to pull out the severed arm.

Although the arm was broken, it still held onto the bowl tightly.

My heart was full of haze, and my face was extremely heavy.

"Go outside first, get some more corpses out, and see how they are." I carried Guo Tianyu's body on my back and walked towards the outside of the dojo.

He Zhi followed closely behind me. Not long after, we returned to the outside of the dojo. I laid the corpse flat on the ground, and He Zhi dragged a charred corpse when he came out.

It was completely dark, and night and silence enveloped everything.

Only the sound of me and He Zhi moving the corpse in the fire...

After working hard all night, we finally moved all the corpses out.

Among the nearly one hundred burnt corpses, some were not completely burnt, and the head and face could still be identified.

He Zhi's face was pale, and his eyes were full of anxiety and panic.

After all, she is not very old, even if she has learned the tricks of the ghost woman since she was a child, so many corpses are enough to make her feel afraid.

I was also palpitating.

And I found that, except for Guo Tianyu, these corpses were more or less fatally wounded, and some were even killed by swords or blunt objects falling from the beams.

No one died the same as Guo Tianyu...

And Guo Tianyu and I also have one thing in common, we both have the face of premature death and short life.

And both of us also came into contact with that old man!

"I don't know what method he used. Mr. Guo's life span is exhausted. The old man must have escaped. He is not in the body." I lowered my voice and said to He Zhi.

"Then what shall we do now?" He Zhi was even more disturbed.

I stared down at Guo Tianyu's body, hesitated for a moment and said: "After all, he is brother Jiang's master, and he should be buried properly. We will stay here for a while. You can make a good coffin. I will choose a place with good geomantic o Mister is buried, as for the rest, go to the city to find some people, let's help them bury them all."

He Zhi nodded, she hesitated for a moment and then asked: "Isn't this ashram a place of geomantic omen? It's buried here, maybe..."

I interrupted He Zhi's words, shook my head and said: "The small fire is full of earth energy, but the big fire is fierce. This fire has burned down the earth energy of the Ten Dao of Tianxin, especially the place with cave eyes. If you bury a corpse, it will definitely become a murderer grave."

"It will take at least a year for this place to recover."

After listening to my explanation, He Zhi showed a sudden look.

It was already late at night, and He Zhi and I went back to the carriage to rest for the night.

In the early morning of the next day, I still stayed outside the dojo, while He Zhi returned to Hanwang County.

After carefully checking Guo Tianyu's body again and confirming that there was nothing missing, I began to check the surrounding four mountains.

The acupoints are the best in the Fengshui bureau of Tianxin Ten Dao, but the four mountains are not weak.

I roughly chose the mountain where Xuanwu is located, and decided to bury Guo Tianyu there.

I plan to find a way to tell Jiang Pan about this matter. After Tianyuan Physiognomy has been passed on for 60 years, I can let the disciples of that generation move Guo Tianyu's grave to the center of the acupoint where the earth's energy is restored.

Or 60 years later, if Jiang Pan is still there, he can also handle this matter.

When I went down the mountain and returned to the front of the dojo, I realized that He Zhi had brought many people back.

Three of them are obviously the handymen who told us the news before, the rest are cleaning up the fire scene, and some are sorting out the corpses, wrapping the corpses one by one with straw mats.

He Zhi walked up to me quickly and said in a low voice, she spent the entire price of two large yellow croakers to hire these people. We have been running out for so long, and the money is running out...

When she said this, He Zhi visibly pouted, but she told me that she had chosen good wood, and it should be delivered before dark.

I whispered that there is no need to think about money. After that, we will find a way to do things for a few big families, and we will definitely earn back.

The three handymen also ran up to me. At this time, their faces were full of gratitude, and they even saluted me.

However, the emotions in the eyes of these three people were extremely sad.

I sighed softly, and told them concisely that Guo Tianyu was killed by someone, and the murderer was the old man, and told them to be careful in the future.

The three of them suddenly looked shocked.

One of the servants said in a low voice: "Brother Jiang Pan left for a few days, Mr. went blind, so he kept saying that he might die soon."

"I didn't expect that senior brother's departure would barely save his life... Otherwise, the lineage of Tianyuan would also be broken..."

I was stunned!

In fact, I didn't think about it. From this point of view, Jiang Pan's family really escaped.

It's just... Could it be that this catastrophe was also the retribution for Guo Tianyu's move of the giant turtle bone? !

Karma and fate are closely related.

A change in fate is like throwing a stone into a calm water, forming countless ripples...

After that, what kind of great changes will happen? !

I know in my heart that before I thoroughly understand the geology and geology, I really can't cause trouble anymore...

Otherwise, I don't have the ability to enter the game at all, and I don't have the qualifications to resist in the change of fate!

I bowed my head and said nothing, and the handymen also dispersed.

After that, we stayed in place for three days.

Mainly He Zhi made the coffin and buried the rest of the corpses.

After Guo Tianyu was buried, the burnt ashram was basically cleaned up by people invited by He Zhi.

The remains of those ashrams were piled up in one place, leaving ruins.

I wrote another letter, briefly describing what happened here, and asked the three handymen to help me find a way to deliver it to Jiang Pan.

The reason is simple, I dare not see Jiang Pan again, for fear that fate will implicate him again.

Moreover, Jiang Pan must have had a hard time. If he could solve the problem of his wife and daughter's fate, he would not have to separate from his wife and daughter and let them stay in the dojo.

After finishing this task, He Zhi and I left in a carriage and headed straight for Jiuhe County.

I took one thing from here, the old man's severed arm, and the copper bowl!

Only now have I been able to take a closer look at the copper bowl.

It's just that the top of the copper bowl is full of rust. After I fiddled with it a little, only the rough walls of the bowl remained, and I couldn't see anything...

As for the arm, I didn't see anything strange about it.

I plan to wait until the matter in Jiuhe County is settled, my life experience is clarified, my mother is found, and after she is buried, I will return to Xianglu.

At that time, I can use the name of Master to find ways to contact some gentlemen, inquire about the news, research the source of this bowl, and what is the old man's ability to harm people's lifespan!

[The author has something to say]

Today's update is over!

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