He Zhi's eyes were more worried, she immediately supported my arm, and asked hastily: "Yin Yang...how do you..."

I gasped heavily, put one hand on the table, and whispered: "I'm fine, you go and find those handymen."

My other arm also broke free from He Zhi, so she withdrew her hand, suppressing the worry in her eyes, and hurriedly walked out of the courtyard with her head down.

I sat alone for a while before I finally came back to my senses.

I took out the bronze mirror that He Zhi had given me before, and I looked down at my face.

Because my physical condition is really not right.

I fell asleep in the carriage before, and it can be explained that I was too tired.

But it's been two days, and I still can't stand, there must be something wrong...

Looking carefully at my facial features, I felt a chill run down my spine when I was startled.

At this time, my eyes were loose, lifeless, and my eyes were empty, and my eyeballs seemed to bulge.

What's more, my left eyebrow was broken off, and my whole face was like a clay sculpture, which would shatter if touched!

Floating pearls protruding from the eyes will destroy the appearance of life, and Baoshou Palace will easily die!

The face is like a clay sculpture, its life is hard to survive...

My face actually has three short-lived faces!

But if ordinary people have one kind, they will die in a short period of time, but I have three kinds...

More importantly, this is not the appearance of the omen, but has already happened.

How could my lifespan suddenly be short?

Putting down the bronze mirror, I couldn't figure it out.

Before seeing Guo Tianyu, my face was normal, but after I came out, I didn't look at it.

Until I entered Hanwang County, I only gave dry pancakes to an old man on the way, and then I fell asleep...

Could it be that Guo Tianyu did something else to me? !

But what he said, there is absolutely no need to do anything to me, besides, he even gave me a golden ruler...

I subconsciously groped my body.

I soon remembered that I had asked He Zhi to hold the golden ruler, so I didn't continue to look for it.

After contemplating for a while, I opened the long wooden box and took out the golden abacus.

I must have a solution to the three short-lived phases, otherwise, I may have an accident and die suddenly.

But my hand landed on the bead, but I didn't know where to start to drop the hexagram...

The horoscope of birth can only be counted as the overall fate. This is a sudden short-lived phase for me, which belongs to a sudden change in fate, and it cannot be calculated by counting the overall fate.

There can only be twists and turns in the middle, or I can't escape this variable and die directly, and the end of the hexagram is my death.

Unless I know the reason for my short life, I will be able to find a solution to it.

I left the golden abacus and picked up the bronze mirror.

Looking at his face from the bronze mirror, the three short-lived features became more and more obvious.

I looked away from my cheeks and landed on the beads of my earlobes, and a solution came to my mind.

This is because the master gave me the giant bone and changed it, so I can think of it.

I got up immediately, went to He Zhi's room, and took out the silver needle for healing from the package.

After returning to the main room, I looked at the bronze mirror, took out two silver needles, and broke off the tips of the needles.

Use a small part of it to penetrate into the skin of my earlobe bead.

Although it stings, this kind of pain is nothing to me at this time.

In the end I moved the tip of the needle so that it rested on the surface of my ear.

The earlobe beads gradually swelled up, and the direction of the earlobe beads was just facing my mouth diagonally!

My heartbeat speeded up, and I immediately followed suit, using another needle tip to swell the earlobe beads.

Bone phase can be changed with bone, so can some corresponding changes be made in that face to offset the deterioration of another face?

Hanging the pearl toward the mouth, it is a prosperous life for people and wealth, and a long life!

I stared fixedly at my face.

Gradually, my floating light and protruding eyeballs calmed down.

His face also looked a little better, not so fragile, and there was still thin sweat on his forehead.

It's just that the eyebrows have been broken and have not been restored.

I exhaled heavily, and my head was not so cloudy anymore.

Putting away the remaining silver needles, I rubbed the space between my eyebrows.

But this is only a short-term solution. I have to find out the reason for my short life and find a way to make up for it.

I closed my eyes and rested my mind for a while, and my head became clearer.

The sound of chaotic footsteps came to my ears, I opened my eyes immediately, and saw He Zhi came in with three people...

Those three people were still wearing the clothes of Tianyuan Ten Dao Temple, they were indeed handymen.

However, I haven't seen them.

I hurriedly stood up, walked into the yard, and arrived in front of He Zhi.

He Zhi was still anxious at the beginning, but after she exchanged a glance with me, she immediately showed some surprise on her face.

"Yinyang, you look much better, and your face has turned red."

I nodded, and told He Zhi that I would explain the reason to her later.

Looking at the three handymen in the back, I found that their eyes were still full of uneasiness and panic.

He Zhi glanced back at them, and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Li can say whatever he asks you, otherwise, the mourning stick in my hand will not recognize anyone, and you will be beaten out of your soul."

"What happened in the dojo? Why did it catch fire?" I asked straight to the point.

The three shook their heads almost simultaneously.

The handyman in front replied cautiously: "Suddenly there was a fire. We really don't know the reason. There should have been many people who could escape, but the hall suddenly collapsed. Everyone ran to save the temple. The three of us Live in a utility room, and far away."

"Seeing that the fire is getting bigger and bigger, other parts of the dojo will also collapse. We have an old mother, wife and children at home, so we can only run first. It is important to save my life..."

The two handymen in the back looked at me again, but they were somewhat suspicious.

My pupils constricted, my eyelids twitched wildly, and I frowned and said, "Mr. Guo didn't say anything in advance?"

The handyman still shook his head.

I frowned even tighter. Could it be that Guo Tianyu felt that his life was over?So set yourself on fire?

Otherwise, I really can't think of any accidents that could cause such a powerful Mr. Yin Yang to be burned to death...

But he shouldn't have taken so many lives by setting himself on fire! ?

I exhaled heavily, and asked again: "Think about it carefully, is there any strange things happening in the Taoist temple, has anyone been here, or has anyone left besides us?"

But the handyman nodded immediately, and said: "People have been here! At noon the next day after you left, an old man came to beg for food. He wanted to beg for rice from his husband. I gave my husband a treasure. He said it was a good item I picked up."

"Sir personally cooked porridge for him and served him with rice. The two chatted very happily."

"They talked all night long, and we slept peacefully, but in the middle of the night there was a fire..."

"I'm afraid the old beggar died with my husband..."

My heart skipped a beat, and my face immediately changed, and He Zhi was also full of shock.

We looked at each other, and I murmured, "Where is such a coincidence?"

During the words, my hand also landed on my brow bone...

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