The moment my voice fell.

Liu Tianniu's hand finally stopped, he paused for a long time, and then slowly turned around.

With a square face like a knife cut, thick nose, thin lips, Liu Tianniu's cheekbones are also high, but Liu Sanyuan's is similar to him.

What made my complexion change slightly was that Liu Tianniu's temples turned white...

"Daoist Liu..."

I clasped my fists in both hands, bowed and lowered my head, and my tone was much more respectful.

"Li Yinyang, I am surprised that you found the Qiang people."

"What you said just now was that you wanted to save this villain, did you just say it casually, or did you tell the truth?!" The vertical lines between Liu Tianniu's brows formed the word Chuan, and his eyes were sharp and inquiring.

I took a long breath, and replied solemnly: "People who practice Yin-Yang art, if they say something wrong, they will bear karma. Yin-Yang dare not go against Master's teaching, and everything he said is true."

"Three perfect foreheads, and the canopy pattern of loneliness. He was destined to be lonely, but he is the leader. His fate is indeed extraordinary. Killing him is the loss of the Liu family."

Liu Tianniu closed his eyes, the vertical lines between his brows got deeper, as if he was thinking about it.

At this time, the eyes of the two Taoist priests kneeling on both sides were already filled with ecstasy, and they looked at me with gratitude.

As for Liu Huadao, who was dying on the ground, he also showed gratitude to me.

"Hua Yin, Hua Yang, you send Hua Dao to heal his wounds, then press Liu Sanyuan into the Sanqing Hall, and let the Sixth Elder heal his wounds." Liu Tianniu spoke again.

The two Taoist priests on both sides stood up in surprise and saluted respectfully at the same time: "Thank you, Great Elder, for your mercy!"

Immediately afterwards, one of them carried Liu Sanyuan on their backs, and the other carried Liu Huadao on their backs, and left the Taoist temple in a hurry.

Liu Tianniu opened his eyes again, and scanned the martial arts arena sharply.

He didn't speak, and after all the disciples saluted, they dispersed in fear.

Not long after, the entire martial arts arena was empty.

The Liu Clan's Pure Yang Taoist Temple suddenly became much quieter.

Huang Qi hunched his waist and back outside the hall, looking very cautious.

He Zhi also walked behind me cautiously.

Liu Tianniu's eyes fell on me, and his expression finally eased a lot.

Frowning, Liu Tianniu asked again: "Is he really talented as a leader? It's just that what he did violated the precepts of the Liu family's ancestors. Li Yinyang, you make it difficult for me to do so."

I hesitated for a moment, and asked Liu Tianniu, who did Liu Sanyuan teach Taoism to the Qiang people?

Comparing ancestral precepts with human life, human life is more important...

As soon as I finished speaking, Liu Tianniu shook his head, and he said: "There are no rules, and there is no way to be square. If the patriarch can create the Taoism of Liu's lineage, he must abide by it so that it can be passed on. Once a hole is opened, there will be no harm." I know it's a blessing or a curse."

What Liu Tianniu said did not answer my question...

It's just that he has no killing intent now, and I'm not curious to ask any more.

After concentrating for a moment, I explained Liu Sanyuan's face again, saying that if he wants to know more, I can take a look at Liu Sanyuan.

Liu Tianniu shook his head, and said: "Forget it, otherwise this traitor will do something wrong next time..."

The voice stopped abruptly, but Liu Tianniu sighed heavily, and his expression became much more complicated.

Then, Liu Tianniu walked out and said at the same time: "You must have something to talk about when you come to me, let's talk in another place."

I gave He Zhi, Huang Qi signaled with his eyes, and followed Liu Tianniu.

From the side of the main hall, we walked into a corridor at the back. After arriving at the back hall, there are many small courtyards here.

Of course, these small courtyards are much poorer, the Liu family's Chunyang Taoist temple, only the main hall and courtyard walls are magnificent.

Liu Tianniu led us into a small courtyard, and I noticed that there was a plaque hanging on the courtyard with the word "Cut Grass" written on it.

There are only three simple houses in the courtyard, with a stone table in the center and chairs beside it.

Liu Tianniu sat beside the stone table and motioned for He Zhi and me to sit down.

Naturally, He Zhi and I did not refuse, while Huang Qi stood aside respectfully.

Liu Tianniu glanced at the big black wooden box on my back, and also at the old chicken, he shook his head and said: "The Taoism of transformation is not enough, it seems that you have spent a lot of effort."

I smiled wryly, shook my head and said, "The female corpse in Lanjia Village is extraordinary, her life is too miserable."

But Liu Tianniu didn't continue talking with me on this topic, he just nodded and asked again, what is the urgent matter for us to come to him?

He Zhi's eyes suddenly became more urgent.

I subconsciously pursed my lips.

I was silent for a few seconds, and replied: "Daoist Liu, have you heard of Mr. Earth Prime Minister, Guo Tianyu?"

"Tian Yuan Di Xiang is of a different sect, but their titles are almost similar. Guo Tianyu and Mr. Jiang are good friends. However, Guo Tianyu, although he is skilled in yin and yang, is not as magnanimous as Mr. Jiang, so he is protecting his shortcomings."

"The matter you are looking for me has something to do with him?" Suddenly, Liu Tianniu's eyebrows frowned, and he said in a deep voice, "Have you met Jiang Pan?!"

Liu Tianniu's evaluation of Guo Tianyu made my heart tremble.

Judging from his words, Guo Tianyu doesn't seem to be a villain?

I nodded and said I saw it.

Then, I no longer had any reservations, and told all my experiences after meeting Jiang Pan, including Guo Tianyu's calculations about me, as well as my inferences and guesses after I went to Tianxin Ten Dojo.

After I finished speaking, Liu Tianniu was thoughtful.

After a long while, Liu Tianniu suddenly said, "You think he wants Mr. Jiang's huge bone."

"But in my opinion, that's not the case."

He Zhi bit his lower lip slightly, and said in a low voice: "Then there is no reason, Yinyang and I didn't offend him... and even helped Jiang Pan get the ruler...Yinyang even has a gossip tiger head mirror Folded in..."

Liu Tianniu shook his head, he sighed again, and said: "Li Yinyang, your yin and yang skills are far inferior to Guo Tianyu, if he plots against you, you will not be able to leave, if he wants Juao Bone, you can't keep it."

"In my opinion, his calculation is to drive you away, and you just got into his calculation."

"The only purpose of driving you away is probably that you and He Zhi, following Jiang Pan for a long time, will be detrimental to Jiang Pan."

"Then Guo Tianyu is an extremely protective person, and he also respects the rules."

After a pause, Liu Tianniu said again: "Think carefully about what Guo Tianyu said."

But my face turned pale in an instant.

I looked at Liu Tianniu in complete incomprehension, and said in a low voice, "How can He Zhi and I treat Brother Jiang..."

My voice stopped abruptly.

Fans of authorities...

Then Guo Tianyu must be looking at fate!

Will the fate of me and He Zhi bring disaster to Jiang Pan? !

My heart became extremely uneasy, and I also thought of one thing... It's very important!

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