When Guo Tianyu talked about Jiang Pan, he first said that Jiang Pan was seriously injured;

The first two are all about Jiang Pan's lack of academic skills and lack of proficiency in yin and yang skills.

The latter, I thought Guo Tianyu was referring to me, maybe He Zhi.

Now let's talk about what Liu Tianniu said.

He also contacted Guo Tianyu to be on guard against me...

I also gradually paled.

His eyes fell on He Zhi...

Master's last words asked me to send He Zhi away, but I did not do so.

There is a cause and effect in everything, and the reason why the ghost and mother-in-law rely on the lonely, the master does not know.

I also knew in my heart that this would work.

It seems that Guo Tianyu is not referring to me...

If I didn't tell Jiang Pan completely, and He Zhi followed me, I would have an accident!

If Jiang Pan and I stay together for a long time, then with Jiang Pan's benevolence, he will definitely not sit idly by my misfortune...

"If that's the case, I understand." My voice became hoarse, and I looked at Liu Tianniu again.

Liu Tianniu nodded, and said: "Mr. Jiang can see fate, but I think that people can also determine fate, but Li Yinyang, don't regret your decision in the future."

I shook my head solemnly, and said: "Of course I don't regret it." After I finished speaking, I hesitated for a moment, and then said: "There is still trouble. In this way, the giant carapace bone..."

Liu Tianniu said again: "I'll take it as you like, and I'll ask Jiang Pan to help you change the bone, just this once, and if you don't see each other again, Guo Tianyu won't force the bone to stay. "

"That itself is your property, and it is also Mr. Jiang's will. Isn't Jiang Pan's fulfillment of his father's last wish also the cause and effect principle in your mouth?"

I was overjoyed, and immediately got up, and bowed to Liu Tianniu.

He Zhi began to feel puzzled and bewildered. She couldn't understand my conversation with Liu Tianniu.

But now, she also had a look of joy on her face.

Liu Tianniu pondered for a moment, then said: "Hua Yan was dissatisfied by my teacher for identifying Qiu Tianyuan, and I also had to let her be punished for some reasons. It is not easy to let her come out now. I will do it next time to see her face." Bar."

"This..." I took a deep breath, or asked Liu Tianniu directly, so Qiu Tianyuan is so special?

He is obviously harmful, and this Qiang ancestor will forcibly protect him, and even the Liu family has to obey?

Liu Tianniu was silent for a moment, and then said: "This is an internal matter of the Qiang people, so it is inconvenient to tell you about it, and I don't know whether this is a blessing or a curse." Apparently, there was uncertainty in Liu Tianniu's eyes.

I pondered for a moment, and said: "Miss Huayan told me something, the ancestor of the Qiang people was just Mr. Yinshu."

"Whether Qiu Tianyuan is a disaster of the Qiang people or an opportunity for change, this matter is not difficult, just count his life."

I said this very decisively.

This is not only because of Qiu Tianyuan's harming people outside, but also because of my relationship with Liu Tianniu and Liu Huayan. Liu Tianniu wants to personally accompany me to find Guo Tianyu to ask for the giant bone, so I must show something.

Liu Tianniu's personality can be called a rigid Taoist priest, and he would definitely not feel too comfortable if he backed down to this point.

It is not too much to calculate Qiu Tianyuan's hexagram for public and private, and for emotion and reason.

Liu Tianniu didn't answer me immediately, but was frowning in thought.

His hand also fell on the stone table and tapped lightly.

"It's not impossible, but Qiu Tianyuan is not in the Qiang tribe. He went to Chencang one day before you came back." Liu Tianniu stood up straight away, and suddenly he narrowed his eyes and said, "I'll take you there." Find him, and you can tell him a fortune."

"If he is really useful to the Qiang people, I will give him some lessons."

"If he's useless..." Liu Tianniu's words were clearly filled with breath.

That breath was very cold, like killing intent...

I was startled, and my brows were furrowed.

I think I guessed what Liu Tianniu meant, but I didn't hesitate any longer.

Qiu Tianyuan harmed many people.

Ding's house, and him following the warlord...

If there is no one to control him, just let him go, and he will do a lot of harm in the future...

If he can really lead a family to rise and fall, and discipline him well, he might be able to atone for his sins in the future.

If he can't, letting Liu Tianniu deal with it can be regarded as cleaning up the house...

At this moment, a little Taoist priest hurried in at the gate of the small courtyard.

"Great Elder...you are here..." He cupped his fists and bowed in salute.

Immediately afterwards, he continued: "The first master said that he heard that Mr. Jiang's disciple had arrived in the Qiang tribe and wanted to meet him." Liu Tianniu frowned slightly.

He shook his head and said: "No, just say that Li Yinyang has something important to do, and I want to leave the Qiang tribe with him."

The little Taoist had a troubled expression on his face, he forced a smile and said: "Master didn't send anyone, but came to the hall in person."

Liu Tianniu was obviously stunned for a moment, his brows furrowed.

"It won't be a big problem if we meet each other. Daoist Liu doesn't need to conflict with the teacher." I saw Liu Tianniu's embarrassment, and immediately said aloud.

Liu Tianniu was silent for a moment, then suddenly said: "The predecessors of this generation are different from the previous ones. They desire more things. If it were the predecessors, this matter would not have been handled like this."

"Perhaps in troubled times, now that the Qiang people are going from bad to worse, he also wants to find a way out for the Qiang people. Yin Yang, you have to be careful when you talk to him." "Let's go."

After finishing speaking, Liu Tianniu walked out of the courtyard.

He Zhi followed me, and I told Huang Qi to rest in the courtyard.

The little Taoist quickly ran ahead to lead the way.

After a while, we returned to the outside of the main hall.

At a glance, I saw an old man standing in the hall.

He is short and thin, but he has a handsome face.

My eyelids twitched slightly, and my heart suddenly felt a little on guard.

The four small elements are small mouth, small eyes, small nose, and small ears.

Regardless of men and women, if the four elements are complete, it is difficult to become a master, and they are narrow-minded, mean and ungrateful.

Just now Liu Tianniu said that when times are troubled, the Qiang people will go from bad to worse.

At this moment, in my opinion, even in a peaceful and prosperous world, I am afraid that the Qiang people will not be much better.

The fate of the four little phases is that it is difficult to become a master!

With an ancestor with such a face leading the group, the Qiang people will only decline more and more...

"Great Elder, why didn't you notify me immediately of the arrival of a distinguished guest from the Qiang people?" The voice of the former master was like a broken gong.

My heart trembled even more.

"Li Yinyang has something urgent to do, which is related to Mr. Jiang. I was going to leave with him immediately. After finishing, I will come to the Qiang again."

"Didn't you say before, Master, that you want to talk to him about yin and yang, which will definitely take a lot of time. I roughly plan to arrange for him to come next time and see you again."

Liu Tianniu's tone was much calmer.

His words almost reveal that we don't have much time.

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