Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 484 Disciple, there is nothing wrong!

What surprised me was that Liu Tianniu was holding the oxtail whip with both hands behind his back. The kneeling man was clearly a Taoist priest, and he already had three whip marks on his back!

The clothes on the back have been torn, and a lot of blood oozes out!

The Taoist priest was in his thirties, with horizontal lines on his forehead, bushy eyebrows that grew outwards, higher cheekbones, thin lips, and pointed ears.

His entire face was exceptionally thin, and there was stubborn emotion in his brows and eyes...

I pay special attention to his forehead, because his forehead is very good, the sky is flat, the border town is full, and the mountains and forests are raised!

Among facial features, it is called the forehead has three essentials, and it is extremely rare to see people with all three types of forehead.

The Lord is wise, knowledgeable, well-cultivated, cautious in dealing with things, good at planning, and decisive!

Coupled with his facial features, this person must be a leader!

However, his forehead lines are not very good, they are called lonely canopy lines.

People with such forehead lines, the deeper the lines, the more lonely and hardworking they are. Although they can live a hundred years, they often die alone...

This person is by no means ordinary!

His face is unusual, and his identity is even more unusual...

I have eaten the oxtail whip of Liu Tianniu...

I still clearly remember the thirteen canings of the Liu family!Almost killed me!

What was this person's fault?To be punished by Liu Tianniu? !

He Zhi obviously didn't dare to speak, Huang Qi kept silent.

I hesitated for a moment and didn't speak.

As for that Liu Huadao, his eyes obviously had a feeling of fright.

However, he still knelt down first, and said in a deep voice: "Disciple Liu Huadao, I have seen the Great Elder, the matter in Lanjia Village has been resolved, and the disciple returns to his order, and he will bring back Li Yinyang, He Zhi, and their entourage."

As a result, Liu Tianniu didn't look back, and even ignored Liu Huadao.

Liu Huadao didn't dare to get up now, but just knelt on the ground.

Instead, his hands trembled.

With a snort, another whip was slammed on the back of the kneeling Taoist priest!


Flesh torn!

The Taoist priest had deeper horizontal lines on his forehead, but his face was extremely resolute, and he didn't snort.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Tianniu was whipped down again!

After three whips in succession, the Taoist priest was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, but he remained silent.

"Liu Sanyuan, don't you still think you did something wrong?!" Liu Tianniu's voice was cold.

His voice even echoed in the hall, forming an echo!

I could hear my eardrums humming and hurting.

Huang Qi's legs went limp, and he slumped on the ground.

He Zhi was slightly better, but his face was also pale.

I whispered to He Zhi to pull Huang Qi out and wait outside.

He Zhi quickly lowered his head and pulled Huang Qi out of the hall.

I didn't move, but looked at the Taoist priest in shock.

He is Liu Sanyuan? !

The last time Liu Tianniu whipped me with the Liu Family Thirteen Whip, he once told my master Jiang Yihong that he used this whip to discipline his disciple Liu Sanyuan, and made him obedient a lot. Over the years, there have been many disciples Die under this criminal law...

Isn't Liu Sanyuan his eldest disciple?Why was he whipped and punished again? !

"Disciple, there is nothing wrong." Liu Sanyuan's voice was full of vigor and determination.

The response to Liu Sanyuan was a slap!

This is the seventh whip, Liu Sanyuan finally let out a muffled snort, leaning forward and trembling.

"The Taoism of the Liu family must never be passed on to outsiders! Under the Taoist statue, you still don't admit your mistake?!"

"I'm going to clean up the house today and kill you traitor!" Liu Tianniu finally trembled in his calm tone.

It is conceivable how angry Liu Tianniu has become.

My complexion also changed. The reason why Liu Sanyuan was punished was that he secretly passed on the Liu family's Taoism to outsiders? !

With a snort, the eighth whip will also fall.

Liu Sanyuan suddenly raised his head, and said in a hoarse voice: "Master, I didn't think that the Qiang people are outsiders. Isn't the Liu family from the Qiang people?!"

The whip paused in mid-air.

It just slammed again and fell heavily.

This whip hit Liu Sanyuan's shoulder.

Immediately afterwards, with four lashes in succession, Liu Tianniu did not allow Liu Sanyuan to defend himself at all...

After the last whip, Liu Sanyuan fell to the ground on his stomach, his eyes closed tightly, and his breathing became extremely weak.

But Liu Tianniu raised his hand again, unexpectedly wanting to whip down again.

The thirteenth caning of the Liu family is already a heavy punishment, and another whip may really be like what Liu Tianniu said, to clean up the house and kill Liu Sanyuan!

"Great Elder, Great...Eldest Senior Brother...I can't hold it anymore...Be lenient with the whip..." Liu Hua, who was kneeling at first, suddenly jumped out and landed directly on Liu Sanyuan's back.

With that slap, it hit Liu Huadao's back directly.

With his skin torn apart, Liu Huadao let out a scream.

My eyelids twitched wildly, and cold sweat broke out on my forehead.

I know how painful this caning is, Liu Huadao is already a ruthless person, he didn't change his face when Tan Mei's murderous corpse pierced his chest.

It is conceivable that this whip can scream out...

In the next moment, amidst the whistling sound, two people rushed in from both sides of the hall, and fell to their knees.

"The Great Elder whips people to keep people... Eldest brother is wrong, but the mistake is not fatal..."

These two people are younger than Liu Huadao.

The sound of uniform footsteps also came from behind.

My heart trembled, and I looked back subconsciously. In the martial arts arena behind, there were not many people before, but at this moment, hundreds of Taoist priests knelt down, and many Taoist priests were rushing from the gate!

They all knelt down, their expressions panicked, and they were almost shouting for mercy...

I felt unbearable.

I can't bear to see Liu Tianniu trying to beat Liu Sanyuan to death.

What makes me feel even more unbearable is that Liu Sanyuan should not be guilty of death?

I also understand those two sentences.

The Taoism taught by Liu Sanyuan was taught to the Qiang people...

So he doesn't think he did anything wrong...

Liu Tianniu was not moved at all, and his tone was even colder.

"Hua Dao, your courage has grown a lot, and you want to rebel as a teacher?!"

Liu Huadao raised his head tremblingly, his forehead was covered with beads of sweat, and his chest was stained with a lot of blood...

"Great Elder...I step aside, Eldest Senior Brother is really dead...Please forgive me..."

Liu Tianniu raised the oxtail whip, snapped it, and whipped Liu Huadao again.

Liu Huadao let out another scream, and his breath suddenly weakened a lot, he could hardly raise his head...

My complexion changed again.

But the next moment, Liu Tianniu walked up to Liu Sanyuan's side, and with a kick, Liu Huadao was kicked several meters away and hit the wall.

He wants to draw Liu Sanyuan again!

He was also unmoved by the pleading voice outside!

I frowned, with great hesitation in my heart, I still couldn't bear to see Liu Sanyuan die, so I shouted in a low voice.

"Liu Daochang, don't kill him, he has an extraordinary life, he will spend his whole life working for the Liu family, and his life is lonely and hardworking, I'm afraid it may not be wrong..."

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