In the final analysis, it was my last sentence to Master Jiang Yihong that made me shake and doubt...

Jiang Pan said it was risky, so I was scared and didn't dare to gamble...

What if these risks were also in Jiang Yihong's calculations?

He was exhaustive, so he didn't make a mistake at this last moment?

Now this result was made by Mr. Yin Yang who has been famous for a long time, and can even be said to be not weaker than him in age and experience...

Even when I followed Jiang Pan into the Dujiegui Mountains, I damaged the gossip tiger head mirror that Liu Tianniu gave me, and separated the square and circular disks of the fixed compass.

And because of this, she planted a curse, and offended Ma Kuan, a sinister and cunning mortician who turned his face and refused to recognize anyone...

I pressed my knees with my hands, clutched my clothes tightly, and felt a tightness and depression in my chest.

After a long time, He Zhi asked softly in his ear.

"Yin Yang, then where are we going now, or to Honghe Town?" I forcefully opened my eyes, and suddenly felt a burning sensation in my eyes.

Suppressing my confused thoughts, I replied in a low voice: "Brother Jiang may not be able to return to Honghe Town for a while, but we still have to go. I have to leave a letter for Brother Jiang..."

Having said that, I just paused.

He Zhi immediately explained to Huang Qi, and we hurried to Honghe Town.

After a while, I let out a deep breath and said, "We're not going to Honghe Town, let's go to Gou Xuan."

"Going to Honghe Town is too easy to be counted by Guo Tianyu. We can't wait there all the time. Gou Xuan is someone arranged by Master. I can trust him. Even if Guo Tianyu can count, he can't really count everything. Now, I want to leave the letter to Gou Xuan, and let him hand it over to Brother Jiang."

"We can't wait forever, I want to go to Daoist Liu." At this point, my tone became a little more firm.

He Zhi obviously didn't understand too much, Huang Qi outside was still puzzled and poked his head in, asking me how to get there?

I told Huang Qi, walk along the Linjiang River, let's find a pier, don't drive any more cars, and rent a boat, the Panjiang River is the lower reaches of the Red River, Gou Xuan should be somewhere in the upper reaches of the Red River, and he will go to Jiang Pan's request When we got to the approximate place, we went to find Gou Xuan.

Huang Qi had seen Gou Xuan before, so he should still have an impression, so he nodded repeatedly.

At this moment, Huang Qi obviously had some guesses, and his face became tense.

He Zhi looked at me comfortingly, and gently held my hand.

There was a warm feeling in the soft and boneless palm, which made me feel a little calmer.

"There must be a way for the car to go to the mountain, and the boat will go straight to the bridge. When we see Gou Xuan, we will find a way to find out and find Taoist Liu."

"He respects Mr. Jiang so much, so he must not allow anyone to take advantage of Mr. Jiang's remains..."

I forced a smile and lowered my head.

After a night of driving, we took a short rest before dawn.

After that, we walked down the Linjiang waters and finally found a pier.

Huang Qi went to the pier to find someone to rent a boat, while I led He Zhi to eat some hot food at the nearby stall.

After traveling for too long, He Zhi's immature face faded a lot.

There were many people passing by around, and they all turned to look at He Zhi, unable to leave their eyes for a long time.

He Zhi lowered his head to dodge from time to time, which was extremely unnatural.

Not long after, Huang Qi ran back and told us excitedly that the boat had been rented and the fishermen on board were hired along the way.

I asked Huang Qi to sit down and have some hot food first.

After being together for a long time, Huang Qi was not restrained, thanked him, and sat down to quickly fill his stomach.

After we boarded the boat, there were fewer twists and turns...

A boat is more stable than a carriage, and there are rooms in the cabin where you can rest.

Along the way, He Zhi spent a lot of time resting and sleeping in the room.

I have been looking at bone phase and Zhaijing.

This time, I am learning more quickly, and I am more thirsty for knowledge!

Because if I am not smart enough and flexible enough, I will only be calculated by others!

In the first few days, I hardly ever went out of the cabin except to eat.

Afterwards, I will sit on the bow of the boat and follow the boat to the lower reaches of the Panjiang River. Along the way, I will look at the mountains and water, to confirm the direction of the sand and water in the house scriptures.

At first I was irritable, but after slowly accepting the reality, I calmed down instead.

And I benefited a lot from reading in depth!

There is a saying in the Zhaijing: The earth has ups and downs, and those who change are called dragons, which change because of the movement of the earth's air, and where the earth's air stops, there must be water to form a boundary.

Gu is as big as rivers, lakes, rivers and seas, and as small as ditches and main streams, all of which are evidence of dragons!

That is to say, the change of the dragon's veins is due to the movement of the underground air, the ups and downs are the same, and there must be water where the dragon's movement ends.

Water is the evidence of the dragon's veins, and it is also the place where the earth's energy extends!

Water is also a dragon vein!

As for the three arcs in the whole world, in addition to the dragon veins and mountains, there are also two great dragons!

One is the Xuanhe River, and the other is the Tianzhu River further upstream of Linjiang!

The big water dragon vein is the big stem dragon, the lower branch is the stem dragon, the smaller stem dragon is under the stem dragon, and the further branch is the big branch dragon, the small branch dragon...

The branches and dragons are scattered, like the forked branches of a big tree, which can be endless.

Linjiang is a dry dragon, Panjiang is a small dry dragon, and Honghe is a big branched dragon. The Honghe is also very special.

Jiang Pan's ability to live there may have something to do with Guo Tianyu.

Time passed bit by bit.

In a blink of an eye, it was more than half a month.

One evening, Huang Qi came and told me that we were almost reaching the Red River basin. The boatman said that this was the last town before the Red River. They asked me if I wanted to get off the boat or go directly to the Red River. !

I raised my eyes and looked out of the cabin. At this time, the setting sun was like blood, reflecting sparkling light on the water surface, and the water and the sky were the same color.

After contemplating for a moment, I told Huang Qi to tell the boatman to find a pier to dock.

Those boatmen were a little afraid and dodged towards me along the way, even at this moment, they seemed to be afraid of me.

When we got off the boat, we had a lot of luggage.

The main reason is that the carriage is gone, He Zhi has a lot of bags on his body, and I am carrying a big black wooden box with a wooden box and luggage.

Huang Qi's back was full of luggage...

There were also local snakes similar to Huang Qi on the pier. Huang Qi quickly found someone and asked him to help buy a new carriage.

Then he inquired about the surrounding news with that person.

Huang Qi had already talked with me a lot along the way. He said precisely that he was looking for the corpse hunter, and he also said that something happened in the nearest water a while ago?Is there a corpse hunter from outside to solve it?

Huang Qi just finished speaking.

The boy patted his thigh, sighed and said, "Brother Huang, you are a few days late..."

"Some time ago, there really was a corpse hunter, and he was very powerful. I heard that he was sent by Mr. Tianyuan. It will only be one or two months. He has done a lot of good things for us here!"

"It's just that three days ago...he caught a little lady ashore and got himself burned, and a catastrophe was imminent!"

[The author has something to say]

Thank you for your votes, I am diligently writing!

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