Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 457 Lost the wife and lost the army

My heart sank completely.

There was a "click" sound from the courtyard door, and the next moment, the door was opened...

I saw He Zhi at a glance, she was dragging two people's legs towards it.

I walked over quickly, and when I got to the gate of the courtyard, I saw two people outside, they were all servants in the dojo, and they were already unconscious.

He Zhi put down the two people in his hands, and quickly went to pull the one behind, and I also hurried forward to help.

Soon, the remaining two were also in the courtyard.

Before He Zhi could ask me, I told her in a low voice that I was afraid I couldn't go to Jiang Pan.

He Zhi showed a puzzled look on his face, so I made a long story short and explained the reason.

He Zhi's face also changed.

I whispered: "There is no other way, I can only leave first, Brother Jiang is not stupid, he probably wouldn't give out the giant turtle bone directly, and I hope my speculation is wrong... Maybe Guo Tianyu will think that I am in other places. There is a problem, it's not that I have thoughts about the giant octopus bone..."

As soon as I finished speaking, He Zhi immediately nodded vigorously.

"Go!" I took He Zhi's hand without hesitation, and walked towards the entrance of the dojo.

I didn't walk on the main road when I came, but kept walking along the surrounding paths.

He Zhi was also fully alert, with a cautious look of watching all directions and listening to all directions.

It's just... I feel weird again.

Because it's so quiet around here...

Along the way, let alone a single person, we didn't even see a ghost.

Logically speaking, Guo Tianyu employs people to guard me, so the whole dojo shouldn't be so lax...

That weird feeling got stronger and stronger, and after a while, we came to the front of the main courtyard where we could leave the dojo...

When you get here, you can see the water pool and the main hall behind the artificial mountain Jiangxinzhou from a diagonal angle.

My heart suddenly froze.

Because looking at the main hall from this angle, the front of the hall is densely packed with people.

If we had gone to the main hall to look for Jiang Pan just now, I am afraid that we would be unable to escape now...

Guo Tianyu, I'm afraid I'll go to Jiang Pan when the time comes? !

An indescribable fear rose in my heart.

He Zhi obviously also noticed the situation over there.

She carefully pulled me to the shadow under the courtyard wall, and whispered: "Get out first!" She squatted down, put her hands together, stretched out in front of her chest, tensed her fingers, and urged me to step up, She asked me to go out first.

At this moment, I didn't have time to think too much, I stepped on He Zhi's hand with one foot, borrowed strength, raised my breath and lightened my body, and jumped up suddenly.

He Zhi took advantage of the situation and pushed me up hard, and I climbed onto the wall and quickly climbed up.

At the same time, He Zhi also jumped up lightly from below and climbed onto the wall one step ahead of me.

The moment she rolled over, a hand grabbed my arm violently.

Under the pull of this strength, I also quickly climbed over the wall, and the two of them landed outside the ashram of the Ten Hearts of Heaven...

I could see the surrounding mountains at a glance, but I felt an indescribable sense of oppression and constriction in my heart.

Such an open area, this cramped feeling, is too weird...

"Huang Qi is still here..." He Zhi said again uneasily.

I was silent, pursed my lips and didn't answer.

"Go outside the mountain first..." I said in a low voice.

Right now, I can only think that with Jiang Pan around, nothing will happen to Huang Qi...

I took He Zhi and walked forward quickly.

As a result, as I was walking, I felt that something was wrong behind me. It seemed that there was a little heat wave coming, and there were also noisy shouts.

I didn't look back, but He Zhi hurriedly turned his head to take a look.

She lowered her voice and said, "Why is there a fire? Looking at the direction, it looks like our residence?!"

My heart skipped a beat, and now I looked back.

Indeed, looking at the location, the yard we were in just now caught fire...

"They should have no time to come to us, but Yin Yang, I always feel that something is wrong, isn't it too easy for us to come out?!"

He Zhi said again anxiously.

In fact, I also feel more weird now, especially when our house is still on fire.

This Guo Tianyu, what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd? !

Walking in the open space, the speed is extraordinarily fast.

After a while, we entered a mountain road among the two mountains.

This is the way we came.

Under the reflection of the moonlight, I saw a carriage on the side of the road.

This carriage is very familiar, isn't it ours?And there was an unconscious person lying on the side of the road.

"Huang Qi?!" He Zhi suddenly called softly, and trotted to the carriage.

She quickly helped Huang Qi up, and went to the people who pinched Huang Qi.

I froze in place, and my face changed even more.

He turned his head and glanced behind him.

From this position, you can still see the flames of the Tianyuan Ten Dao Temple...

I feel like I've been duped...

It seems that Guo Tianyu's purpose is to want me to leave?

Otherwise, how could the carriage and Huang Qi be in this place...

It's just that this walk will definitely face many consequences. He must be plotting me, and I just fell into his plot.

I felt an indescribable sense of powerlessness, I was completely passive, being led by the nose by Guo Tianyu...

Besides, even if I don't leave, I'm afraid he will use other methods to deal with me?

At this moment, Huang Qi on the side of the road coughed violently.

"Wake up!" He Zhi shouted in surprise.

I tried my best to calm down and walked up to Huang Qi.

Huang Qi's face was full of bewilderment, he looked around, and said anxiously: "Mr. Li, Miss He... Didn't I fall asleep in the room? Why did I come here?!"

He Zhi turned to look at me with worry in her eyes.

"It's already out, let's go first, Guo Tianyu, he is an expert...and a ruthless person, I'm afraid Brother Jiang and I..."

I stopped talking, but I knew there was bound to be some rift between us.

Suspicion, in fact, is not what I am most afraid of, and it can definitely be explained clearly.

What I'm afraid of is the giant bone...

We just arrived at this dojo, and I fell into Guo Tianyu's tricks and had to walk out...

No matter whether Guo Tianyu plots against Jiang Pan or simply asks for it by force, can Jiang Pan protect him?

"Variable..." I murmured again in a low voice, then turned sideways and got into the compartment directly.

After He Zhi got into the car, Huang Qi came up to drive the car.

He didn't know what happened, but he still asked me where Mr. Jiang was?

Then he asked me again, why did he sleep outside?

He Zhi softly scolded Huang Qi, telling him not to ask more questions and not to disturb me.

I closed my eyes, but my heart was full of regret.

This time, it can be said that he lost his wife and lost his army...

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