At this point we had just put our things back in the wagon.

Hearing the words "catastrophe is imminent", both Huang Qi and He Zhi became a little nervous, and I also became cautious.

The young man folded his hands again, looked around carefully, and covered his mouth with one palm at a slant, as if blocking his mouth, and said in a softer voice: "The little lady is going to commit suicide, Gou Xuan insists." Go to rescue, the person was fished up, but he was caught dead.”

"Guan Baochang was so angry that he ordered someone to beat up Gou Xuan. Gou Xuan lay there for two days before waking up, and..."

"That little lady has been haunted. Obviously she was fished ashore by Gou Xuan, but someone saw her in the river again. Gou Xuan knelt and kowtowed by the river in the middle of the night. Do you think this is a catastrophe?"

I frowned, according to this person's words, Gou Xuan had plundered someone and caused trouble, but this person didn't quite understand the specific situation.

Huang Qi took out a dollar, patted the boy on the shoulder, and told him to explain the matter carefully, so who is the chief security officer?

When the boy saw Qian, his face burst into joy, and he explained the ins and outs in detail, and then I understood the reason.

Their territory is dozens of miles away from Honghe Town, and it is called Guancun.

There are about [-] households in Guancun. Because it is located on the main road of the Panjiang River and has a wharf, there are many merchant ships coming and going. In Shangtou County, a security chief was placed to take care of things.

The security guard, Guan Bao, is a grumpy, bullying master.

Some time ago, Guan Bao fell in love with a fisherman's daughter again. The little girl was only 14 years old, and he insisted on forcing her to marry her as a concubine.

The fisherman's family is suffering and can't tell, how can it be better than the security chief robbing his daughter?I can only send my daughter to marry with tears in my eyes.

The little servant sighed, and continued: "That little lady has a strong temper. When the procession to pick up the bride came to Shuiwanzi, she just jumped into the river. At that time, there were many fishermen around, but who would dare to rescue her?"

"Rescue her, and send the girl to the tiger's mouth. If she is not rescued, she will offend the chief security officer. There is no good fruit to eat, and Gou Xuan happened to be nearby, so she fell into the water in a daze... He is different. Can't be saved..."

When the boy said this, I can basically continue what he said in the first half.

I frowned, and Huang Qi scolded in a low voice: "He robbed the women and killed people, no one can control him?"

The little servant was taken aback, and hurriedly made a booing gesture, saying: "Brother Xiao Xiaosheng, who dares to take care of this matter? There is someone in charge of the chief security officer. He takes care of our Guancun. Whoever offends him has to go to the river and sink into the water instead of throwing it in the mountains to feed the wolves..."

He Zhi put his hand on the Guillotine Knife at his waist, his eyes were full of anger and anger.

"He's so big..." He Zhi's eyebrows almost stood up.

I hurriedly raised my hand, pressed the back of He Zhi's hand, and said in a low voice: "I met Gou Xuan first, before I talk about anything else, Gou Xuan is indeed in trouble."

After contemplating for a moment, I said in a deep voice: "The corpse of an unmarried woman is a woman wanted by the river god. It is taboo for those who fish for corpses, and never pick up the corpse of an unmarried woman. Although Gou Xuan is to save people first, she is already dead."

"He broke taboos, broke the rules of the patriarch, offended the river god, and caused disasters. Let's go and see his situation first."

Huang Qi immediately asked the boy to lead us to find Gou Xuan.

He Zhi looked more cautious, but she didn't say anything else.

As for the boy, he hastily led the way for us.

it's getting dark.

We walked downstream along the Panjiang River, farther away from the wharf, and there were more houses on the bank.

After walking for about a quarter of an hour, the servant led us to a stop outside a yard.

He also muttered a few words, basically saying that this yard was raised by the head of the village for Gou Xuan, because he felt that they finally had corpse-hunters here, but he didn't expect Gou Xuan to get angry.

The boy pointed to the closed door of the main room in the courtyard again, and whispered: "I dare not take you in, you knock on the door to see if you can call out Gou Xuan, I reckon it is Xuan, he will It hit me..."

"Let's go, Huang Qi will come to you if necessary." I said, motioning him to leave.

The boy immediately turned around as if he had been pardoned, and ran away in a hurry.

Huang Qi was leading the horse, with fear in his eyes.

I took out the fixed compass and placed it steadily in the palm of my hand.

This time I didn't bring the upper plate, it was loose all the time, the fixed compass disc can be used by itself, I have to get used to it before it is repaired.

The disc really needs concentration to be stable.

The pointer formed a rotating needle, but the range was not large, which meant that there was indeed Yin Qi in Gou Xuan's family, but it was not that vicious.

Even so, I did not let my guard down.

He Zhi walked to the gate of the courtyard and called Gou Xuan in a crisp voice.

But after waiting for a while, no one came to open the door.

After shouting twice, He Zhi simply pushed open the courtyard door.

I signaled Huang Qi to wait for us outside.

He Zhi and I walked into the courtyard and went straight to the door of the main room, and He Zhi pushed the door open again.

The faint cold air rushed out, which made me shiver, and He Zhi also shrank his shoulders.

There are doors on the left and right of the main room, and the second one on the right is lit.

My face was slightly condensed, and I called Gou Xuan again in a low voice.

As a result, what came out from behind the door was the laughter of a slightly immature woman.

A moment ago, I felt that I had misheard. What kind of woman is there in Gou Xuan's family?

But He Zhi took out something from his body.

That's the hag's bell!

He Zhi shook it vigorously, and the crisp sound of the bell rang throughout the house.

She walked quickly into the room, and I followed her closely.

At a glance, I saw a person sitting on the bed.

This person is obviously Gou Xuan!

But Gou Xuan at this moment was indescribably weird.

He was actually wearing a woman's red wedding dress, with a hairpin pinned on top of his head, rouge was applied on his face, and lip balm was even on his lips.

What he was wearing on his toes turned out to be a pair of women's embroidered cloth shoes!

Gou Xuan sat cross-legged on the head of the bed, pinching his orchid fingers with one hand, and holding a bronze mirror with the other, as if he was looking at himself in a mirror.

As soon as we entered the room, he turned his head and looked at He Zhi and me with soft and cold eyes!

Gou Xuan is a man with a rough personality, how could he have such feminine eyes, those eyes look like a woman's!

My face changed again, it was just dark, Gou Xuan was really bumped!And, not just for one day!

He Zhi's complexion also changed, she raised the bell in her hand, and shook it fiercely again!

The crisp bells rang in my ears.

A trace of pain flashed across Gou Xuan's eyes.

He screamed in a high-pitched voice full of hatred!

He Zhi snorted and scolded: "Get out!"

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