Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 456 I Can't Count On Him

"Hush!..." He Zhi made a booing motion again, carefully aiming at the window, and kept silent.

Only then did I feel that the ground was extremely cold and hard.

Time seemed to slow down slowly...

After a long time, He Zhi's eyes moved away from the window, she moved sideways, and got out of bed.

I saw her move, so I hurriedly got up.

"They left, but our courtyard door was locked..."

He Zhi gritted his teeth and said, "I don't like that old man, he has no good intentions."

My brows were also furrowed, and when I walked to the door, I opened the door a little.

The yard was empty and the gate was closed.

For a while, I didn't answer He Zhi, and I was also thinking about Guo Tianyu's behavior.

At this moment, I also feel that I can't trust Guo Tianyu anymore.

I still trust Jiang Pan, he can't be malicious to me.

But this Guo Tianyu acted very strange when he saw me for the first time.

Jiang Pan will definitely come to see me, the only possibility is to be left behind by Guo Tianyu...

At this time, they will lock us here...

I thought for a while, then turned my head and glanced at the room again.

"Pheasant, let me use your mirror."

He Zhi hurriedly took out a small bronze mirror.

I looked down at the bronze mirror, where my face was reflected.

In fact, I have never looked at my face.

It's not that there are rules in geography geomancy, and you can't make a face for yourself.

It was Jiang Yihong who said something superficially when he was teaching me.

Although the bone phase can easily spy on the fate, there is a saying that the secrets of the sky cannot be revealed.

It's all right for Mr. to look at other people's fate, but try to look at your own as little as possible.

The feelings of the authorities and the bystanders are also different, and it is easy to be biased when you meet yourself.

Even when I went to the Dujiegui Mountains, I asked Jiang Pan to help me see my face.

Here, I am already forced to do so.

This matter must be rooted in me. Although Guo Tianyu didn't say it clearly, he thinks there is something wrong with me!

In the bronze mirror, my face seemed cloudy.

In the blink of an eye, I always feel that there is fog on my face, and I can't see clearly...

I took a closer look, and when I could barely see clearly, I found that my eyes were stinging.

With a muffled snort, I felt in a daze, why was Guo Tianyu's fat face in the bronze mirror? !

I was so startled that my hands trembled, and the bronze mirror came out of my hand.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, He Zhi grabbed the mirror and quickly stretched out his other hand to support me, his face was full of uneasiness and nervousness.

"Is there a problem, Yin Yang?" she asked hastily.

Cold sweat broke out on my forehead, I stared at He Zhi's hand, panting heavily.

Subconsciously, I blurted out: "It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. I'm definitely not the opponent of Guo Tianyu. If he wants to do something to me, we don't have the ability to fight back."

"Then what should we do? Can we go?" He Zhi looked even more uneasy, and hesitated: "Can we go out?"

He Zhi's words made me clenched my fists subconsciously.

I was silent for a while, took a deep breath, and said in a low voice, "If he hadn't blocked me, we could still get out. This place isn't too dangerous."

"The Fengshui Bureau of Tianxin Ten Dao, here is also a Fengshui dojo, it is a full-fledged mansion, and it is enough not to be discovered."

As I spoke, I subconsciously touched the back of my ear.

"Then Jiang Pan..." He Zhi paused as soon as he spoke.

"Brother Jiang will be fine. Guo Tianyu is his teacher. We stay here. If Guo Tianyu does something, Brother Jiang will be in trouble. Let's leave here and wait for him in Honghe Town." I made up my mind.

What made my heart skip half a beat was the jade box in Jiang Pan's hand.

The next moment, my heart was also hanging high, I stared at the front, my face turned pale.

Could Guo Tianyu count something...

His purpose, is my master Jiang Yihong's giant bone? !

My face suddenly turned livid!

"Yin Yang?" He Zhi called me again, and her eyes became more disturbed.

I came back to my senses and said in a low voice: "I'll take you out first, I can't just leave." He Zhi's eyes were extremely puzzled, and she asked me why.

In fact, I had never talked about bone phase before, and now I didn't hide it from He Zhi. I told He Zhi that it was very likely that Guo Tianyu was like this because of this giant carapace bone.

I have to go see Jiang Pan, I can't stay here, but I want to take the remains of the master.

He Zhi grabbed my wrist tightly, bit his lip, and whispered something, she is with me, let's find Jiang Pan first, and then go out? !

Just as I was about to speak, He Zhi whispered again: "Without me, you would have struggled to get over the wall, and now the door is locked, so it would be very difficult for you to get out..."

I can't refute this.

After gathering my mind, I calmed myself down and said, "This ashram is not small, and it is not easy to find Brother Jiang. Brother Jiang may have been placed under house arrest, otherwise, he will come to us."

I originally planned to use gossip to find Jiang Pan.

But at this time, there was a slight noise outside the courtyard, as if there was a dispute.

Both He Zhi and I were silent at the same time, listening carefully to the movement outside.

The arguing voices didn't last long.

He Zhi said in a low voice: "It looks like there are still people guarding us outside. I'll go and see if we can "quiet" them all. You should think of a way first, and see how we can find Jiang Pan."

After finishing speaking, He Zhi walked out lightly.

She pushed open the door and went straight into the courtyard.

Although I was worried in my heart, I also knew that there must be a division of labor and cooperation.

While I was thinking and analyzing in my mind, I saw from the corner of my eye that He Zhi nimbly jumped up from the courtyard wall to the top of the wall, and at the same time drew out the mourning stick in his hand.

The next moment, He Zhi disappeared from my sight!

Muffled sounds and muffled hums came from outside the courtyard one after another...

I settled down and quickly analyzed the hexagrams contained in Jiang Pan's name.

Its characters contain the initials of the cursive character, which belongs to wood, and this wood belongs to the Xun hexagram in the gossip.

If a person who is not good at learning skills looks at it, it may be related to the tree of the five elements.

The Xun hexagram corresponding to wood is completely opposite.

Sunda is the wind!

And in Fengshui, the wind is at the mouth of the breath, which means that the location of Jiang Pan is the center of the mouth of the ten Fengshui places of Tianxin...

My face changed again.

Jiang Pan, in the main hall? !

How about me and He Zhi going to the main hall? !

Not to mention, Jiang Pan must be guarded. If we want to see him, we must deal with the guards.

If we were in a slightly remote location, we would be able to see Jiang Pan after dealing with the manpower.

Sure he won't come with us, but I'll get out as soon as I can get my stuff.

But that hall is the core of this dojo!

I'm afraid that the moment we are discovered, we will be surrounded by everyone in the dojo...

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