"If you have something to do, then of course we don't need to explain more."

After saying this, Jiang Pan said again in a deep voice: "Zhao Tong also has some problems. Take him to this yard to see the corpse of his wife, son, and mother-in-law. Watch him and see if he will have any problems." What to say."

"Don't let the two brothers meet."

After pausing for a moment, Jiang Pan said again: "Arrange some more people to find the place where Zhao Guang escaped. The child should be nearby."

Jiang Pan's arrangement was clear and decisive.

Tang Min immediately nodded heavily and said a good word.

But Zhao Guang opened his eyes wide, fixedly staring at Jiang Pan, and wanted to speak again.

Jiang Pan raised his hand and said calmly: "He didn't tell the truth, so there's no need to speak now, keep your mouth shut, or I'll apologize to him tomorrow, or he'll be punished."

As soon as Jiang Pan's words fell, militiamen stepped forward and blocked Zhao Guang's mouth.

Big drops of sweat rolled down Zhao Guang's forehead.

He struggled hard, but he couldn't win several strong militiamen, and soon he was carried out from the courtyard.

At the same time, Jiang Pan stepped out of the courtyard, and Tang Min led the rest of the militiamen and townspeople to follow.

Most of the townspeople still showed their confidence in Jiang Pan.

It's just that there are still some people who are bowing their heads and discussing things about the Zhao family. They always think it's too weird, and it doesn't make sense in many places.

Not long after, we returned to the courtyard of Jiang Pan's house.

According to the arrangement, Tang Min ordered people to carry away the coffin, leaving only one townsman who passed on the message.

Only me, Jiang Pan, He Zhi, and Gou Xuan were left in the courtyard.

I also have a lot of hard to understand.

Jiang Pan's eyes just fell on me, he seemed to see what I was thinking, and said: "Brother, if you want to ask, you can ask, Brother Yu knows everything."

I let out a bad breath, shook my head and said, "Evidence is hard to find. There is really no good way. This is the only way."

Jiang Pan paused, glanced at Uncle Li next to him, and said, "If the town is the only one to stop this matter, there will be no evidence. If Zhao Guang is released, there is no reason to arrest him."

"But we are not erroneous. Although there are rules that restrain us, we cannot be restrained in a stupid way. Mr.'s rules cannot be broken, but between the living and the dead, there is a saying that the tree moves to death, and the person moves to live. .”

"Although Widow Li died, her grievances persist. She doesn't harm anyone, she just wants children. Zhao Guang will definitely say it himself."

"This is part of the role that Mister can have. As long as it is sure that there is no problem and there is no evidence, you can let people tell the truth by themselves."

What Jiang Pan said was very profound, but there was also a sense of simplicity.

He was within Mr. Yin Yang's rules, but he flexibly used Mr. Yin's ability to break some conventional constraints.

I lowered my head and thought deeply, and I was also thinking about Jiang Pan's role in this matter.

He Zhi who was on the side said softly: "Then do you still need to look at Zhao Guang and Widow Li? What if Widow Li gets angry and kills him?"

Jiang Pan smiled and explained that he left a talisman on Widow Li yesterday, and if he really wanted to kill someone, he would be stopped.

Only then did He Zhi suddenly realize.

Gou Xuan said respectfully: "Little Mr. Jiang is clever." Jiang Pan pressed his hand, signaling Gou Xuan not to say too much.

He once again set his eyes on Uncle Li, and said: "If the truth comes out tomorrow, Uncle Li, you can go to a school in the city to study, and I will arrange for a businessman to adopt you." Uncle Li pursed his lips. , Although he didn't speak, he fell to his knees on the ground, "Bang bang bang!" He kowtowed several times to Jiang Pan.

There was a bit of determination on his immature face.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, this Uncle Li knew that he went to beg for money and food with Widow Li, and even swindled and abducted, all of which were forced by life, he himself is a smart boy.

At this time, another person came from the front of the yard, it was Huang Qi, and he was still holding two large rice trays in his hand.

Huang Qi hurried into the yard, and after glancing at the four of us, the flustered expression on his face immediately eased.

He wiped the sweat off his forehead, and then he said that he came to deliver food at noon, only to find that there was no one in the yard.

This Honghe Town is weird, there are people on the pier, he was worried about something, so he hurried over at night, now he sees that we are all right, he is finally relieved.

He Zhi went to take the rice tray and put the food on the table.

When our group was eating, Jiang Pan asked the townsman left behind by Tang Min to eat together.

But the townsman was much more restrained, he just took two buns and walked to the other side.

After finishing the meal, Huang Qi took his things and left.

Jiang Pan asked Gou Xuan to take Li Fangshu to rest.

At this moment, Uncle Li said in a low voice that he wanted to go to the ancestral hall and take a look outside to see why Zhao Guang was so stubborn, and whether his mother would ask Zhao Guang for life.

Jiang Pan pondered for a moment, then nodded, and asked Gou Xuan to take Li Fangshu to the ancestral hall.

Gou Xuan immediately took orders to leave with Li Fangshu.

Inside the thatched hut, only me, Jiang Pan, and He Zhi were left, and the townsman was waiting outside the thatched hut.

Jiang Pan then said that He Zhi was tired after following us all day, and asked her to rest.

Only now did I understand that Jiang Pan was sending away all the people around us?

Is he going to say something to me alone?

Jiang Pan's method is completely inadvertently letting people leave.

He Zhi has always had good eyesight. After saluting slightly, he turned and entered the room.

After waiting for half a cup of tea, Jiang Pan's eyes fell on me, and a little hesitation flashed in his eyes.

I caught this eye change, and my eyes met Jiang Pan's immediately.

But Jiang Pan closed his eyes, as if to rest his eyes, but he didn't say a word.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became stagnant.

There was a wind outside the house, and the wind blew the two wooden doors of the thatched house to shake.

A moment later, the wooden door was blown shut!

The orange candlelight became increasingly dim.

Jiang Pan slowly opened his eyes, and said: "Brother, there is a little delay in the matter of Widow Li, but brother Yu can't delay you. Tomorrow, this small matter will be dealt with, but brother Yu has to let you make a choice."

I was taken aback, choose?What does this mean?

"Brother Jiang, Yin Yang didn't understand what he said, please tell me clearly." I fisted my hands and bowed slightly as a salute.

At this time, Jiang Pan took out the jade box from his pocket, looked at the jade box deeply for a long time, and there was even more reluctance in his eyes.

"I've been holding my father's giant turtle bone for a day. This is his body. Brother Yu also thought about keeping it. It's almost a waste of my father's request to let you find me."

"It's just that Brother Yu's Tianyuan Physiognomy has not yet reached the point of proficiency. It can complement your bone physiognomy, but there is a risk of failure."

"The choice you have to make is whether you want me to repair your bones directly, or another more secure method. I will take you to see my teacher. The teacher will repair your bones for you. There will be no mistakes."

My pupils shrank into a small dot.

Aren't Jiang Pan's two choices just two variables? !

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